At what rate is the water leaking out of the second container?

In summary, the conversation is about a problem involving three containers that are initially empty and water is being poured into them at a constant rate while also leaking out of the second container at a constant rate. The question is at what rate is the water leaking out of the second container. The conversation includes hints and equations to solve the problem.
  • #1
HELP me please!

Hi, I am having trouble figuring out how to tackle this problem, it would be great if anyone can help! :eek:

Here is the problem...
The three containers shown below (sorry, i can only describe them and not draw them here, i'll describe em at the bottom) are all initially empty. Water is simultaneously poured into the containers at the constant rate of 20 cm^3/ sec. Water leaks out of a hole in the bottom of the second container at a constant rate. at some point in time, the water levels in the three containers are all rising at the same time. At what rate is the water leaking out of the second container?

Container 1: A cylinder with radius of 10cm.
Container 2: Cone shape with 60 degrees point
Container 3: Another cone with a 90 degrees point.

It would be awesome if i could get any help! THANKS!
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  • #2
Hint : Write V = f(h), (where V : volume, h : height) for all three containers. Find the time at which the levels rise at the same rate by comparing 1 and 3. From this determine tha leak rate of 2.
  • #3
can you give me another hint?
  • #4
Ok, do i set this up by using the volume equation, f(V)= 1/3 *pi *r^2* h...

this is also given in the problem..

[tex] \frac {dV_3} {dt} = 20, V_3 = 20t, and since \frac {dV_2}{dt} = r(in) - r(out) = 20 - r (out), V_2 = (20-r (out))t [/tex]

sorry i didnt include this before...but yeah, another push in the right direction would be great, thanks.
  • #5
can anyone help me on this problem?
  • #6
[tex]V_1 = \pi R^2 h_1 => \frac{dV_1}{dt} = \pi R^2 \frac{dh_1}{dt} = 20 [/tex]

[tex]=> \frac{dh_1}{dt} = \frac {20}{100 \pi} = \frac{1}{5 \pi} [/tex]

[tex]V_3 = \frac{1}{3} \pi r_3^2 h_3 [/tex]

[tex]But~\frac{r_3}{h_3} = tan 45 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} => V_3 = \frac{1}{6} \pi h_3^3 [/tex]

[tex]So~ \frac{dV_3}{dt} = \frac {\pi}{2} h_3^2 \frac {dh_3}{dt} = 20 [/tex]

[tex]=> \frac{dh_3}{dt} = \frac {40}{\pi h_3^2} [/tex]

[tex]But~at~some~t,~ \frac{dh_3}{dt} = \frac{dh_1}{dt} = \frac{1}{5 \pi} [/tex]

From this, you can get h3, and from that, V3. Dividing V3 by 20 gives you the time in seconds. Can you take it from there ?

FAQ: At what rate is the water leaking out of the second container?

1. What is the formula for calculating the rate of water leakage?

The formula for calculating the rate of water leakage is: rate = volume ÷ time. This means that the rate is equal to the amount of water that has leaked out divided by the time it took to leak out.

2. How do you measure the time it takes for the water to leak out?

The time it takes for the water to leak out can be measured using a stopwatch or a timer. You can start the timer when the water begins to leak and stop it once the container is empty.

3. Is the rate of water leakage affected by the size of the hole in the container?

Yes, the rate of water leakage is affected by the size of the hole in the container. A larger hole will allow more water to leak out in a shorter amount of time, resulting in a higher rate of leakage.

4. Does the type of container or material affect the rate of water leakage?

Yes, the type of container or material can affect the rate of water leakage. For example, a plastic container may have a slower rate of leakage compared to a paper container because plastic is less porous.

5. Can the rate of water leakage be controlled or adjusted?

Yes, the rate of water leakage can be controlled or adjusted by changing the size of the hole or the material of the container. For example, a smaller hole or a less porous material will result in a slower rate of leakage.

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