How Should You Properly Ask for Homework Help in Online Forums?

HW problems should be posted in the appropriate forum. The thread is then moved to the Intro Physics HW forum. In summary, Steam King is enforcing the forum rules and reminding the user to follow them when posting in the forum.
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Please read the forum rules.

First, bumping a thread is against the rules unless you wait 24 hours

Second, you have to show some effort on your own before you'll get any help here. This forum is about helping people figure out how to solve problems, not about giving them answers. If you don't show your own work, no one can know where you are having a problem.
  • #3
phinds said:
Please read the forum rules.

First, bumping a thread is against the rules unless you wait 24 hours

Second, you have to show some effort on your own before you'll get any help here. This forum is about helping people figure out how to solve problems, not about giving them answers. If you don't show your own work, no one can know where you are having a problem.

And third, post HW problems in one of the HW forums. The Mechanical Engineering forum is not the place for HW problems.

I'm moving this thread to the Intro Physics HW forum.

Steam King

FAQ: How Should You Properly Ask for Homework Help in Online Forums?

1. What is Dynamics?

Dynamics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of motion and the forces that cause it.

2. Why is Dynamics important?

Dynamics is important because it helps us understand the behavior of objects in motion, which is crucial in fields such as engineering, mechanics, and astronomy.

3. How can I improve my understanding of Dynamics?

You can improve your understanding of Dynamics by practicing problems and working through examples, seeking help from a tutor or classmate, and reviewing key concepts and equations.

4. What topics are typically covered in Dynamics homework?

Topics typically covered in Dynamics homework include force, motion, acceleration, energy, momentum, and the laws of motion.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid in Dynamics homework?

Some common mistakes to avoid in Dynamics homework include not understanding the problem, using incorrect or incomplete equations, and not paying attention to units and significant figures.
