Help with multiple choice question (kinetic energy)

In summary, the author is trying to figure out what might happen if an object is worked on in space without any gravitational effects. There are four possible outcomes according to the author.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Work is done on an object far out in space where it has negligible gravitational-PE. If in the process there is no net change in KE, we can conclude a) friction may have been operative b) this situation is impossible c) the energy of the object has decreased d) the object's speed decreased e) none of these.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm guessing it's a), since for an ordinary object on Earth it's possible to do work on it and not change its kinetic energy: if there is kinetic friction working against it, for example. but it says it may have been operative, so does that imply some other force could be acting against the object in space and yet not do any work on it?

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  • #2
Think of it in terms of energy conservation, there is an equation relating a bodies potential and kinetic energy with any work done on or by that body;

[tex]K_{1} + U_{1} + W_{other}=K_{2}+U_{2}[/tex]

Consider the potential energy as the bodies internal energy. If the K's are the same what does that tell you about the bodies internal energy?

As for the friction: think about what would provide this friction force in the abscence of gravity. It may help to draw a diagram.
  • #3
The work caused a change (either positive or negative) in the bodies internal energy?

Also if some other object exerted a force on the body and slid against it, that would cause friction in space right?
  • #4
That would cause friction in space. But the question satets the mass is far away from any large gravitational effects, so any bodies in it's region must be of comparable size. Now the only way to get a friction force is to press against another body. What happens when you push something in free space, when it's mass isn't much much greater than your own?

Yes the bodies internal energy either incresed or decreased depending on the direction of the force (internal energy being mass energy in this case). Note that the objects total energy has not changed, assuming it's rest mass stays the same.
  • #5
No friction would occur since the two objects would just move through space as if they were one object...
Also what about random space particles. would they cause a small amount of friction if they slide past the object?
If I'm understanding what you're saying correctly, you're saying that work changed the amount of internal energy in the object. But I was under the impression that forces that take away or increase internal energy don't really count as work since they don't contribute to any translational motion. (Btw, this question was from a chapter that only dealt with work that causes translational motion)

  • #6
In space the objects would likely move apart as soon as one exerted a contact force on the other (by Newtons third law). Also that work is being done is clearly stated in the question. It is also stated that the kinetic energy hasn't changed. To do work you must change the velocity, at least in this situation. K=1/2*mv^2. So in order for K to be the same the object must have lost/gained some mass, by some mechanism. The work hasn't changed the bodies internal energy, the mass loss/gain has.
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  • #7
ok so basically:

the work changed the velocity and also changed the object's mass so that KE will remain the same but the internal energy changed so the energy of the object changed. the velocity has to increase since there is nothing in space that can counter the object's motion. if the velocity increased then that means the mass has to decrease for the object to have the same KE. So the internal energy decreases. so..the answer is c.

am i right?
  • #8
Almost. The work didn't change the bodies mass, we don't know what changed the mass. We also don't know if the work speeded up or slowed the body down either, so we can't be certain that there was mass increase or decrease and thus we don't know if the objects (mass) energy increased or decreased. So the answer will be e)none of these.

Hope this helps
  • #9
oh right. the object could be moving at constant speed and a force could act against it and slow down its speed.


FAQ: Help with multiple choice question (kinetic energy)

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its motion. It is dependent on the mass and velocity of an object.

How is kinetic energy calculated?

Kinetic energy is calculated by the equation KE = 1/2*m*v^2, where m is the mass of the object and v is the velocity.

What are some examples of objects with high kinetic energy?

Objects with high kinetic energy include a speeding car, a moving train, a flying airplane, and a falling object.

What are the units of kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is measured in joules (J) in the SI system of units.

How does kinetic energy relate to potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position or configuration. It can be converted into kinetic energy when the object starts to move. For example, a roller coaster at the top of a hill has high potential energy, but as it goes down the hill, it converts that potential energy into kinetic energy.
