Higgs boson lifetime and decay length?

In summary, the conversation discusses the decay widths of the Higgs boson and its speed and distance traveled in a detector at the LHC. The value of Planck's constant is used to calculate the distance traveled, assuming the Higgs travels at close to the speed of light. Time dilation is also mentioned as a significant effect. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the uncertainty principle and its implications on the distance traveled by the Higgs. It is mentioned that small corrections to the calculations will not make a practical difference.
  • #1
I am trying to figure out how fast the Higgs decays and how far it travels in a detector at the LHC. Figure 2.5 in http://www.hep.lu.se/atlas/thesis/egede/thesis-node14.html gives decay widths of the Higgs as a function of its mass.

For a Higgs of 125 GeV, it is 0.002 GeV. Using the Heisenberg Uncertainty eq. lifetime*decay width = h-bar/2, I find lifetime = 1 zeptosecond. Is this correct? What kind of assumptions can I make about its speed so that I could calculate distance travelled?
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  • #2
An easy way is to use the value of Planck's constant in the form ħc ≈ 200 MeV-f. This says that a particle with a width of 200 MeV will travel about a fermi before it decays. More generally the distance traveled is ħc/Γ. So if the width of the Higgs boson is, as this guy claims, 2 MeV, the distance it travels will be about 100 fermis. A highly energetic Higgs will travel somewhat farther than this due to time dilation.
  • #3
Dear Bill_K,

thanks for the input. By using c in the equation, you are assuming that the Higgs travels at (close to) c, are you not? If this is the case, then time dilation will be a significant effect.

  • #4
If the resonance peak is centred on the Higgs rest mass, and Γ << mH, then it will be slow.

Its momentum will be of the order

pH ≈ Γ / c

so, by the uncertainty principle, this implies an uncertainty in its position of

Δx > ħ / pH = ħc / Γ

which gives an indication of how far it will travel.
  • #5
I think you will find that if it travels for zeptoseconds that any correction of a factor of a few does not make any practical difference.

FAQ: Higgs boson lifetime and decay length?

1. What is the Higgs boson lifetime?

The Higgs boson lifetime refers to the average amount of time that a Higgs boson particle exists before decaying into other particles. It is an important measurement in understanding the behavior of the Higgs boson and its role in the Standard Model of particle physics.

2. How long does the Higgs boson typically live before decaying?

The Higgs boson has a very short lifetime of approximately 1.56 x 10^-22 seconds. This means that it is an extremely unstable particle and quickly decays into other particles after it is created.

3. What factors affect the Higgs boson lifetime?

The Higgs boson lifetime is primarily affected by its mass and the strength of its interactions with other particles. A heavier Higgs boson will typically have a shorter lifetime, while a lighter Higgs boson will have a longer lifetime. Additionally, the strength of the Higgs boson's interactions with other particles can also influence its lifetime.

4. How is the Higgs boson's decay length measured?

The Higgs boson's decay length is measured by detecting the particles that it decays into. By analyzing the energy and momentum of these particles, scientists can calculate the distance that the Higgs boson traveled before decaying. This can provide valuable information about the strength of the Higgs boson's interactions.

5. What is the significance of the Higgs boson's decay length?

The Higgs boson's decay length is an important measurement in understanding the behavior of the Higgs boson and its interactions with other particles. It can also provide insights into the nature of the Higgs field and how it gives particles their mass. By studying the decay length, scientists can further refine their understanding of the Higgs boson and its role in the universe.

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