How Is m1 Isolated in Newton's Law of Gravitation Equation?

  • #1
Einstein's Cat
Newton's equation is

F= G(m1•m2)/r squared

What is this equation to the subject of m1, please? Thank you very much for your help!
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  • #2
Einstein's Cat said:
Newton's equation is

F= G(m1•m2)/r squared

What is this equation to the subject of m1, please? Thank you very much for your help!
Your question is very unclear. What do you mean? What is it that you are trying to figure out?
  • #3
phinds said:
Your question is very unclear. What do you mean? What is it that you are trying to figure out?
What is the equation when m1 is the subject of it?
  • #4
Einstein's Cat said:
What is the equation when m1 is the subject of it?
The equation is the equation. All of the parameters are "subjects" of it. I still don't understand what you are trying to figure out.
  • #5
If you mean, "how to re-write this equation in the form m1 = [...]", we don't do people's homework for them (even if it's not actually a school assignment). You're welcome to post your attempt at it in the "Precalculus Mathematics Homework" section:

and then people will give hints or correct mistakes as necessary.

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