How much men And women know each other

  • Thread starter Lisa!
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In summary, men often have trouble understanding women, and women have trouble understanding men. Men and women both have difficulty understanding the other's thoughts and feelings. Men and women often have misunderstandings. Men often get what they want by talking and listening to women. Women often get more than they bargain for.
  • #36
motai said:
Lisa!: One way to "know guys" is to know first what you are looking for.
I know what I'm looking for. But I'm not sure if I find him! o:)

General descriptions don't work too well, because males have many different things that they consider attractive in a girl. It sounds like you're trying to find a guy who will understand you, so that you don't have to question his intentions. In short, you don't ever want to question what he wants, because you already would know in the first place (or if you're unsure you can ask). This is, to me, a good way to approach things.

How does this work then? Find a guy who has the same worldview as you. Someone who can see the things not necessarily in the same way as you do, but in a similar way that is easy to understand. I'm not trying to say that you should date a male version of yourself in every respect, but some commonality will go a long ways (ie you have to get along with the other person if anything is going to ever work out, obviously).

In this manner, you don't have to figure out what he wants. He wants what you want. Therefore no doubting situations will occur. It is mutual.

You know somehow I'm not asking this question only for myself. I wanted others to think about it alittle. And I think it could be useful for everyone. For example I learned a lot from what Astronuc said and even what you said. :smile:
It seems that most of serious issue doesn't work very well in GD. :wink: Some people just wants to start battle sexim everywhere. They don't know a lot and unfortunately they have no wish to learn and know.
You know most of time couples have problem because they misunderstand each other. Some of them come to me and talk to me about their problems. Then I try help them to understand their spouse better. I can't explain more about how I do it but anyway it usually works.Somehow I think men and women have some basic characteristic and if we have some information about that, we may be able to understand each other better.
For example some men are totally disappointed about dating a woman because thay think women just think about appearance, money... but you know it's not true.Hope you understand what I mean.
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  • #37
wolram said:
Things are on the up and up, easy to clothe and feed, don't like people,
likes the country side," with flowers and trees," likes animals. bit of a
book worm. :rolleyes:

So, how about, a walk over the fields, i will bring a lump of bread and cheese
and you can bring a book. :devil: :biggrin:
Oh man I'm not worm book because I have a lot to do and I have to spend some time with my friend.
Anyway I'm not crazy to spend whole my time studying when I'm in abeautiful place. You know somehow nature is like a book and I prefer studying nature when I'm in fields or everywhere like that. o:) But wait a minute! Who said I'm going to come with you? :confused:
  • #38
fourier jr said:
bah how hard do you think it would be to ****** with the guy of your choice if you showed up at his doorstep naked, or took his hand & moved it to **** **** **** *****? nuff said
No - too much said. I would prefer not to have to read that.

Please edit it or delete the post.
  • #39
How much men And women know each other!

Another prespective or alternative question - what do you know about your friend(s)? or your best friend?

Why do we use the terms boyfriend or girlfriend?

Why do we have friends?

Why do we care about our friends?

Why are our friends important?

Basically humans are social creatures, and those who are mentally healthy enjoy socializing.

As it happens for males and females, at some point, one male and one female will pair off and form a couple in a somewhat unique and exclusive relationship. They will then share unique and special moments together. During this process, both inidividuals are still developing as persons, and learning about the other person (neither aspect ever stops - it is a lifelong process).

Possibly, if the pair is compatible and things work out, the pair stands a good chance of marrying (they become husband and wife) or at least developing a monogamous relationship in which the couple reproduces (marriage is best for this).

Ideally the husband and wife are the other's best friend - always there for the other - always supporting each other in a mutually caring and loving relationship. This stuff is actually quite simple and straightforward. o:) :smile:
  • #40
Lisa! said:
:bugeye: :bugeye: :bugeye: Are you ok? What are you talking about? I don't know what's happened to you or what kind of woman you get used to, but you can't say all women are like that.

I am Ok. Maybe all women are not like princesses on towers, but all what I have known are like that. The statistics go 90% in my side.

Lisa! said:
And especially you can't say anything about me because you don't know me at all! :devil:
I'm not waiting for any man who'd rescue my life, right! If I meet my kind of man and I'd be sure we could be happy with each other, I'd let him know! And if he'd think the same about me, for sure we decide to meet each other more and then maybe sth could be arranged.
Then I'm ready to do everything because of him.

I celeb you are not into that group. It's nice to know it.

Lisa! said:
The only important thing is that I should make sure that he deserves my love and vice versa! I'm looking for someone whom I can spend aloy of years with him (perhaps the rest of my life) not only for 1 year, 2 years...

How old are you?. Only women of 30-40 years think of staying with the same guy all the rest of life. They think so because they feel themselves desperated and they think they are getting to old to like guys (take that cool... :smile:).

Lisa! said:
I've just reject them because they weren't as intelligent as I wanted.
Be careful when you mention the word "intelligent", and do not forget that having three majors and two Ph.D.'s does not imply the guy is intelligent.

Lisa! said:
Some of you men standing on your high tower and put a mirror in front of you and just see yourself. You expect women to come to your way! They may come but I want to know How you want to see them when you don't see what's going on around you! :confused:

Our tower? Our tower is microscopic compared with yours one!. We have to creep on the floor to achieve a date with a girl, while you are waiting sat next to the telephone for being rung!. But it won't be so in the future. I have decided to have a tower as high as anyone of my female friends. Long live to my tower! :-p :cool: .

Lisa! said:
And I'm sure you didn't take it serious as well because you must be so egotistical to think I was referring to you!

Don't worry. I do think you have more important things to be afraid than me :wink: . Only you generalized about us, so I replied on the same sharp way as you have done after me. :biggrin:
  • #41
Lisa! said:
Oh man I'm not worm book because I have a lot to do and I have to spend some time with my friend.
Anyway I'm not crazy to spend whole my time studying when I'm in abeautiful place. You know somehow nature is like a book and I prefer studying nature when I'm in fields or everywhere like that. o:) But wait a minute! Who said I'm going to come with you? :confused:

How can you resist mother nature and a lump of bread and cheese :biggrin:
  • #42
with a stick?
  • #43
Clausius2 said:
I am Ok.
Happy to hear that. :smile:

Maybe all women are not like princesses on towers, but all what I have known are like that. The statistics go 90% in my side.
I really don't want to argue with you or bother you. But you know perhaps you're alittle guilty about that. If you want, I'll try to explain more for you.

I celeb you are not into that group. It's nice to know it.
Thanks! o:)

How old are you?. Only women of 30-40 years think of staying with the same guy all the rest of life. They think so because they feel themselves desperated and they think they are getting to old to like guys (take that cool... :smile:).
I'll be 23 on sep. 15th! And I hope the rest of my life wouldn't last more than 7 years. Because I can't stand getting old! :smile: :smile: Honestly I said that because I know I can never find one. :cry: Because I get tired of people very soon!
But seriously I know I can date lots f people even when I'm over 40. But I think it's great if we could spend the rest with only one nice guy.

Be careful when you mention the word "intelligent", and do not forget that having three majors and two Ph.D.'s does not imply the guy is intelligent.
We talked about before.But I think having 2 Ph.D's is great. I think he would be busy most of time. So I can have lots of other hobbies.So we'd get tired of each other not very soon.

Our tower? Our tower is microscopic compared with yours one!. We have to creep on the floor to achieve a date with a girl, while you are waiting sat next to the telephone for being rung!. But it won't be so in the future. I have decided to have a tower as high as anyone of my female friends. Long live to my tower! :-p :cool: .
I recommond you to look for someone who doen't have any tower and forget all about girls with towers and castles.

Don't worry. I do think you have more important things to be afraid than me :wink: .
I'm not worried at all. Why do you say this? :confused:

Only you generalized about us,
I didn't.

so I replied on the same sharp way as you have done after me. :biggrin:
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  • #44
wolram said:
How can you resist mother nature and a lump of bread and cheese :biggrin:
I can because I'm not sure I could enjoy any of them when I'm with you! :devil: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  • #45
Lisa! said:
I recommend you to look for someone who doen't have any tower and forget all about girls with towers and castles.

AMÉN to that!. Where are them??

To say the truth I have found one of them just a couple of weeks ago. As you know I am taking driving classes. She is the secretary of the driving school. She is 21, and she has studied only high school. I don't care about what the hell has she studied. I only know she is a VERY beautiful girl, she is very kind and she is a good girl, she is interested on my problems and I am interested on her problems. We listen each other. In few words, the relation is horizontal. She is not on any tower or castle, although I assure you if there is any girl who worths to be on a tower is precisely she, just because her physical qualities. It is for that reason she likes me, but there are a couple of little problems: i) she has a boyfriend, ii) she knows I will be in USA next years. So she is not going to leave her boyfriend because of me. You know, I am exchanging my private thinkings as you have made before to show you I do care about this kind of girls with no towers. :wink:
  • #46
Clausius2 said:
AMÉN to that!. Where are them??
Just leave your castle, you'll meet lots of them. :wink:

To say the truth I have found one of them just a couple of weeks ago. As you know I am taking driving classes. She is the secretary of the driving school. She is 21, and she has studied only high school. I don't care about what the hell has she studied. I only know she is a VERY beautiful girl, she is very kind and she is a good girl, she is interested on my problems and I am interested on her problems. We listen each other. In few words, the relation is horizontal. She is not on any tower or castle, although I assure you if there is any girl who worths to be on a tower is precisely she, just because her physical qualities. It is for that reason she likes me, but there are a couple of little problems: i) she has a boyfriend, ii) she knows I will be in USA next years. So she is not going to leave her boyfriend because of me. You know, I am exchanging my private thinkings as you have made before to show you I do care about this kind of girls with no towers. :wink:
Honestly most of girls who deserve to be on a tower, aren't there. And that's why you think they should be on a tower. :wink:
Sorry to hear that. But I'm sure you can meet other girls like her. :smile:
  • #47
Lisa! said:
I can because I'm not sure I could enjoy any of them when I'm with you! :devil: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Thats ok Lisa, i was only fishing, i would have to throw you back any way. :biggrin: :smile:
  • #48
hypatia said:
I have noticed that most men want...

:smile: :smile: I have to agree with you.

Astronuc said:
Possibly, if the pair is compatible and things work out, the pair stands a good chance of marrying (they become husband and wife) or at least developing a monogamous relationship in which the couple reproduces (marriage is best for this).

Ideally the husband and wife are the other's best friend - always there for the other - always supporting each other in a mutually caring and loving relationship. This stuff is actually quite simple and straightforward. o:) :smile:
It seems too difficult these days. You know I really think it would be great if we could find someone whom we would be able to spend the rest of life with. But you know most of people prefer open relationship these days. It seems that young people included myself are too selfish and intolerent to put up with each other for so long. And it makes their children's situation so difficult.
  • #49
Astronuc said:
Hey, I prefer warm, soft, tender and embracing myself. :biggrin:

I don't like being authoritative or pushy. :smile:
Which shows that the common stereotypes about men&women I gave are just that: Shallow and inaccurate characterizations bordering on the parodic.
  • #50
Lisa! said:
It seems too difficult these days. You know I really think it would be great if we could find someone whom we would be able to spend the rest of life with. But you know most of people prefer open relationship these days. It seems that young people included myself are too selfish and intolerent to put up with each other for so long. And it makes their children's situation so difficult.

Unfortunately it is exactly as how you describe nowadays. A lot of my acquaintances seem to have relationships that are either shallow or a little too casual. They ultimately don't work out, and they end up jumping from one person to another without even learning why their original relationships didn't work in the first place.

But, like anything else, persistence will most likely pay off. There is probably someone for you, it is just a matter of sifting through the guys who really don't care about you and finding the one who will make you happy and will respect you for who you are in the end. Just don't give up on it, hopefully things will work out well. Good luck.
  • #51
motai said:
Unfortunately it is exactly as how you describe nowadays. A lot of my acquaintances seem to have relationships that are either shallow or a little too casual. They ultimately don't work out, and they end up jumping from one person to another without even learning why their original relationships didn't work in the first place.

But, like anything else, persistence will most likely pay off. There is probably someone for you, it is just a matter of sifting through the guys who really don't care about you and finding the one who will make you happy and will respect you for who you are in the end. Just don't give up on it, hopefully things will work out well. Good luck.
Thank you. I hope you'll find your kind of woman too. :smile: All I should do is resist handsome and educated guys who just wants me because of my physical qualities. Sometimes it seems difficult. You know everyone trys toconvince me to accept one of them and most of them say that you can't find your soul-mate and stuff like that. But I'm sure I'll meet him one day. Othrerwise I'm not going to be like others.
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  • #52
Have you noticed, you are up to 100, hows it feel?
  • #53
Lisa! said:
Thank you. I hope you'll find your kind of woman too. :smile: All I should do is resist handsome and educated guys who just wants me because of my physical qualities. Sometimes it seems difficult. You know everyone trys toconvince me to accept one of them and most of them say that you can't find your soul-mate and stuff like that. But I'm sure I'll meet him one day. Othrerwise I'm not going to be like others.

I'm sure you will :smile: . Don't believe what everyone else tries to say, about not finding a soul-mate. Just look at how happy Astronuc is. A testament that there is still some sanity left in the tumulous world of relationships. If only it were more prevalent, but as you mentioned earlier, people seem to be too petty to resolve their differences in a decent manner. :frown:

I personally have witnessed other people's relationships fail miserably, and I'm not too keen on repeating the trend.
  • #54
wolram said:
Have you noticed, you are up to 100, hows it feel?
:bugeye: Does it matter? :devil:
I just feel older and I think I should get mad after being here for so long! :cry:
  • #55
Lisa! said:
:bugeye: Does it matter? :devil:
I just feel older and I think I should get mad after being here for so long! :cry:

No, no matter, and you are much older now, but you should be wiser to.
:devil: :rolleyes: :biggrin:
  • #56
wolram said:
No, no matter, and you are much older now, but you should be wiser to.
:devil: :rolleyes: :biggrin:
You mean I shouldn't talk to you? :wink:
  • #57
Lisa! said:
You mean I shouldn't talk to you? :wink:

Well i think you know i mean you should know but if you mean you know
what you mean and i know what you mean slim chance. :biggrin:
  • #58
wolram said:
Well i think you know i mean you should know but if you mean you know
what you mean and i know what you mean slim chance. :biggrin:
I was right when I decide to reject your invitation! :devil: :devil:
  • #59
Why these men-women discussions always end up being BIG?

  • #60
Lisa! said:
Sometimes I can't understand men at all and I think that's because of my lack of information about men's characteristic in general! But I notice that men even have more trouble understanding women!

Now I want to ask men how much they know women in general and vice versa!
For example what's more important for them in a friendship or relationship?
What do men/women look for in a partner?
How can you win their hearts?

(If you can't understand what I mean that's your problem! :smile: Any dirty humorou wouldn't welcome! :devil: )

PS:I started this thread mostly because of men! I noticed that most of men around here will be a loser if they ever want to impress a woman! o:)
I can't believe none of your sentences end with a period!
  • #61
AKG said:
I can't believe none of your sentences end with a period!
What do you mean?
  • #62
AKG said:
I can't believe none of your sentences end with a period!
You shouldn't critizise Lisa for the lack of periods, AKG. Once a month is surely more than enough for her.
  • #63
arildno said:
You shouldn't critizise Lisa for the lack of periods, AKG. Once a month is surely more than enough for her.

And meeting guys like you only once in whole my life ! :wink:

Ok You're going to start chitchating again! :devil: :devil:

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