- #1
Homework Statement
This is not a homework question, just a general wonderment , how can I integrate the following wrt time?
Homework Equations
[tex]\dot{\textbf{r}}.\ddot{\textbf{r}} +G(m_1 + m_2)\frac{\dot{\textbf{r}}}{r^2} = 0 [/tex]
The Attempt at a Solution
The solution is given as [tex] \frac{1}{2}v^2 - \frac{G(m_1 + m_2)}{r} = C [/tex]
This is to find the vis viva eqn, r represents position vectors
I know that for the second part of the eqn, I integrate dr/dt and get -1/r when considering the r^2, it's the first part I'm having trouble with (scalar product)
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