Celebrating My College Graduation This Friday

  • Thread starter dduardo
  • Start date
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In summary,Congratulations dduardo on graduating college! He also mentions that he's very impressed with his degree and is looking forward to the future. Lisa and Evo are also excited about their upcoming graduation and road trip, respectively. Finally, heartless shares that she's actually a year younger than most of her peers and that she's looking forward to taking a vacation and then working after she graduates.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
I'm Excited!

I'm graduating college this Friday!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Woo hoo! Congrats!

Okay, it's graduation season...we should have quite a few new graduates around here. When do we throw the giant PF graduation bash?!
  • #3
Congratulations dduardo,all the hard work :rolleyes: , has it been worth it? :biggrin:

  • #4
Congrats! :smile:
In my case there wasn't anything exciting about graduating , in your case that must be surprising...:-p
  • #5
Congratulations! What's next?
  • #6
Moonbear, how about May 31 at Disney World?

Hootenanny, it's definitely been worthy it.

Lisa!, I'm also excited about the fact that I'm getting top departmental honors. The award ceremony is this Thursday.

Evo, Camera + Car = Road Trip!
  • #7
dduardo said:
Lisa!, I'm also excited about the fact that I'm getting top departmental honors. The award ceremony is this Thursday.

I'm very impressed.

dduardo said:
Evo, Camera + Car = Road Trip!

Sounds interesting...:wink:

  • #8
dduardo said:
Moonbear, how about May 31 at Disney World?

Hootenanny, it's definitely been worthy it.

Lisa!, I'm also excited about the fact that I'm getting top departmental honors. The award ceremony is this Thursday.

Evo, Camera + Car = Road Trip!
Oh so extra congrats!:cool:
  • #9
Congrats! :approve:

CS degree dduardo?
  • #10
dduardo said:
I'm graduating college this Friday!

You must be old. Will you ever wish to start the school again and never grow up?. Good that you didn't give up. What are you going to do now?
  • #11
Congratulations dduardo!

Great job.
  • #12
Congratulations, dduardo!
  • #13
mattmns, EE+CE

heartless, I'm 21. I got plenty of time to do whatever I want. After graduation I'm going to take a vacation and then after that I'm going to work.
  • #14
Congrats dd !
  • #15
So what are your plans now?
  • #16
Knavish said:
So what are your plans now?
He'll probably hook up with either a penguina or a pengwino.
  • #17
dduardo said:
heartless, I'm 21. I got plenty of time to do whatever I want. After graduation I'm going to take a vacation and then after that I'm going to work.

I'm wondering, how do you people start college so early?
I'm 16 and got 3 more years to go before college. Did you somehow go to elementart school instead o kindergarten? Heh,
  • #18
heartless said:
You must be old. Will you ever wish to start the school again and never grow up?. Good that you didn't give up. What are you going to do now?
21 is very old of cource that's the age were it's legel to drink and drive.

Congrats, ddurdo what is your degree in?
(let me guess computer secience)
  • #19
arildno said:
He'll probably hook up with either a penguina or a pengwino.
He'll move to antartica and estalbish his own country where he'll rule over eveone and his nation well become a world superpower and frist space impire form earth.
  • #20
dduardo said:
I'm graduating college this Friday!
Far out! Congratulations. Road trip sounds like a great idea! :biggrin:
  • #21
heartless, I'm actually a year younger than most my peers because the cutoff date for school enrollment is different in FL than in NJ. In NJ I just made the cutoff, but If I had been born in FL I would have waited another year.

arildno, after seeing "March of the Penguins," I wouldn't want to "hook up" with a penguina. She'll leave me in the cold with the kid for months without food.

scott1, It's on the previous page: EE+CE
  • #22
heartless said:
I'm wondering, how do you people start college so early?
I'm 16 and got 3 more years to go before college. Did you somehow go to elementart school instead o kindergarten? Heh,
Graduating when 21 is pretty normal. Some people are 22, but it depends on when in the year your birthday is. Are you in school in the US?
  • #23
dduardo said:
heartless, I'm actually a year younger than most my peers because the cutoff date for school enrollment is different in FL than in NJ. In NJ I just made the cutoff, but If I had been born in FL I would have waited another year.
You're also originally from NJ? I didn't realize that. What part? Maybe we should have our PF reunion in NJ! :bugeye:
  • #24
Moonbear, Morris County


I was actually born in Bergen County, but latter moved to morris county
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  • #25
dduardo said:
Moonbear, Morris County


I was actually born in Bergen County, but latter moved to morris county
Ooh...purdy! I grew up in Middlesex County, near RU.
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  • #26
I used to live in Essex County. How exciting is that?
  • #27
EE+CE, you will be in high demand and make a butt load of money. I should have done CE as well, but at this point it's too late. Good job! :-p
  • #28
YAY, dd! I am so happy for you!:smile::cool:
  • #29
loseyourname said:
I used to live in Essex County. How exciting is that?
So, in addition to the Oregon cluster, we can have the "Used to live in NJ" cluster of mentors? :biggrin:
  • #30
YEAY! I could have graduated along time ago at our local community college. I have like 70 or 80 credits but i took so many random classes. (60 or so is required for a 2 year) But I am finally ganna go for web design! so congrats! What did you graduate in?
  • #31
New Jeuozee. dduardo is from New Jeuozee.

FAQ: Celebrating My College Graduation This Friday

1. What should I wear to my college graduation?

It is typically recommended to wear business or business casual attire for a college graduation. This could include a dress or skirt and blouse for women, and slacks and a button-down shirt for men. Be sure to also check with your specific college for any dress code requirements.

2. How long does a college graduation ceremony usually last?

The length of a college graduation ceremony can vary, but on average they last about 2-3 hours. However, this can also depend on the size of your graduating class and the number of speakers or special performances.

3. Can I invite family and friends to my college graduation?

Yes, most colleges allow graduates to invite a certain number of guests to their graduation ceremony. Be sure to check with your college for their specific guest policy and any ticketing requirements.

4. Will there be a photographer at the graduation ceremony?

Many colleges provide a professional photographer at their graduation ceremonies to take individual photos of graduates as they receive their diploma. However, if you want additional photos with family and friends, it may be a good idea to bring your own camera or hire a personal photographer.

5. Do I need to RSVP for my college graduation?

Yes, it is important to RSVP for your college graduation so that your college knows how many graduates to expect and can plan accordingly. This also helps ensure that you receive all necessary information and tickets for the ceremony.

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