Interaction of EM waves with media at boundaries

In summary, the diagram attached shows how the lecturer is solving for the E-field in the perpendicular case. He obtains: E_i = (-\hat{x} cos\theta_i + \hat{z}sin \theta_i)E_{i0} e^{-i\omega(t - \frac{n_1}{c} (-xsin \theta_i - z cos \theta_i))} How has he obtained the (-xsin \theta_i - z cos \theta_i) part from that diagram? What are x and z in that expression? As far as I can see, the E field is perpendicular to
  • #1
Please see the diagram attached, I don't understand how my lecturer is resolving the E-field in the perpendicular case.

He obtains:

[tex]E_i = \bold{y} e^{-i\omega(t - \frac{n_1}{c} (-xsin \theta_i - z cos \theta_i))}[/tex]

How has he obtained the [tex](-xsin \theta_i - z cos \theta_i)[/tex] part from that diagram? What are x and z in that expression? As far as I can see, the E field is perpendicular to the plane of incidence so why does it have those components? Just to reiterate I'm talking about the E field being polarised perpendicular to the plane, so the right hand diagram.

Cheers guys.


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  • #2
The general wave equation of a plane wave is of the form:

[tex]e^{-i\omega t + i\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}}[/tex]

The direction of propagation is the unit vector of \mathbf{k} and the phase velocity and frequency is related to the magnitude of \mathbf{k}. We can easily see that the wave number in your case is

[tex]k = \frac{\omega n_1}{c} [/tex]

as we would expect. The rest of the equation is just \hat{k} dotted with the position vector which is described in reference to the incident angle.

Polarization has to do with the direction that the electric and magnetic field vectors point. In this case, we see that the TE case, the electric field must point along the \hat{y} direction, as it does in your given equation.
  • #3
Thank you born2bwire, that's explained it very well and I understand it perfectly, I think. I tried to do the same thing with the parallel case from the diagram he has provided.

Can you confirm the following equations I got:

[tex]E_i = (-\hat{x} cos\theta_i + \hat{z}sin \theta_i)E_{i0} e^{-i\omega(t - \frac{n_1}{c} (-xsin \theta_i - z cos \theta_i))}

H_i = \hat{y}\frac{E_{i0}}{Z1} e^{-i\omega(t - \frac{n_1}{c} (-xsin \theta_i - z cos \theta_i))}



E_r = (-\hat{x} cos\theta_r - \hat{z}sin \theta_r)E_{r0} e^{-i\omega(t - \frac{n_1}{c} (-xsin \theta_r + z cos \theta_r))}

H_r = \hat{y}\frac{E_{r0}}{Z1} e^{-i\omega(t - \frac{n_1}{c} (-xsin \theta_r + z cos \theta_r))} [/tex]


[tex]E_t = (-\hat{x} cos\theta_t + \hat{z}sin \theta_t)E_{t0} e^{-i\omega(t - \frac{n_2}{c} (-xsin \theta_t - z cos \theta_t))}

H_i = \hat{y}\frac{E_{t0}}{Z2} e^{-i\omega(t - \frac{n_2}{c} (-xsin \theta_t - z cos \theta_t))}

So using the fact that the tangential components of E and H are continuous across the boundary at z = 0 and t = 0, it should give

[tex]\frac{E_{i0}}{Z1} + \frac{E_{r0}}{Z1} = \frac{E_{t0}}{Z2}[/tex]

and [tex]E_{i0}cos\theta_i + E_{r0}cos\theta_r = E_{t0}cos\theta_t[/tex]

Have I done that correctly? I only ask because my lecturer has something different and I'm not sure if he's made the mistake or I have. Thank you.

FAQ: Interaction of EM waves with media at boundaries

1. How do EM waves interact with different materials?

EM waves interact with different materials at boundaries in various ways, depending on the properties of the material and the wavelength of the wave. Some materials, such as metals, reflect EM waves almost entirely, while others, like glass, allow most of the wave to pass through. Some materials absorb certain wavelengths of EM waves, causing the wave to lose energy and potentially heat up the material.

2. What is the role of the refractive index in the interaction of EM waves with media?

The refractive index of a material is a measure of how much the speed of light is reduced when passing through that material. It plays a crucial role in the interaction of EM waves with media at boundaries, as it determines the angle at which the wave will be refracted or bent as it passes from one material to another. The larger the difference in refractive index between two materials, the greater the change in direction of the wave at the boundary.

3. How does the polarization of EM waves affect their interaction with media at boundaries?

Polarization refers to the orientation of the electric and magnetic fields within an EM wave. The polarization of an EM wave can influence how it interacts with media at boundaries. For example, if an EM wave is polarized perpendicular to the boundary, it may experience more reflection compared to if it were polarized parallel to the boundary.

4. Can the angle of incidence of an EM wave affect its interaction with media at boundaries?

Yes, the angle of incidence, or the angle at which the wave approaches the boundary, can have a significant impact on how it interacts with the material. At certain angles, called Brewster's angle, the reflected wave will be completely polarized in a specific direction, which can be useful in applications like polarizers.

5. How do EM waves interact with media at boundaries in terms of energy transfer?

When an EM wave encounters a boundary between two media, some of its energy will be reflected, some will be transmitted, and some will be absorbed by the material. The amount of energy transferred depends on the properties of the materials and the wavelength of the wave. For example, longer wavelengths (such as radio waves) are better at penetrating materials, while shorter wavelengths (such as X-rays) are more easily absorbed.

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