Internal Energy During Phase Changes

In summary, during phase changes like melting, the temperature remains constant and the change in internal energy is not zero. This is because the heat energy is used to break intermolecular bonds instead of increasing the temperature. This is different from ideal gases, where internal energy is only dependent on temperature.
  • #1
Physics Fern
I know that phase changes, such as the melting of ice, occur at constant temperature. Doesn't this imply that the change in internal energy during the phase change is zero, since the temperature remains the same? I thought that in all isothermal processes this was the case, so that the First Law of Thermodynamics becomes:

dU = dQ + dW
0 = dQ + dW
dQ = -dW

However, according to my textbook solutions, dU is not zero. Am I misunderstanding something? Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
A thought to add...
During melting does the internal energy increase, but the increase goes towards breaking chemical bonds, rather than increasing the temperature of the substance? So dU is nonzero after all, even though it is an isothermal process?

The way I'm thinking about it now is that dU = 0 is true for all isothermal processes, except for isothermal phase changes.

  • #3
No. For ideal gasses, internal energy is dependent only on temperature. For other phases of mater, where you have interactions between particles, the internal energy depends on temperature and other factors.

For the vaporization of water, here's the picture. In water, water molecules form a are interacting with each other, forming hydrogen bonds, breaking them and forming new hydrogen bonds with other water molecules. In the gas phase, however, the water molecules are isolated and do not interact with each other. Therefore, in order to go from the liquid phase to the gaseous phase, you must first break apart the intermolecular hydrogen bonds between water molecules. Therefore, when boiling water (or similarly when melting ice), the heat that flows into the material goes toward breaking these intermolecular bonds instead of increasing the kinetic energy (temperature) of the material.
  • #4
Ah, thank you Ygggdrasil. I don't know why I was treating water as an ideal gas :blushing:

FAQ: Internal Energy During Phase Changes

What is internal energy?

Internal energy is the energy that is stored within a substance, which includes both its kinetic energy (energy of motion) and potential energy (energy stored in its molecular bonds). It is a measure of the total energy of all the particles in a substance.

What happens to the internal energy during a phase change?

During a phase change, such as from liquid to gas or solid to liquid, there is no change in temperature even though energy is being added or removed from the substance. This change in energy is used to break or form intermolecular bonds, resulting in a change in the substance's internal energy.

Does the internal energy always increase during a phase change?

No, the internal energy does not always increase during a phase change. It depends on whether energy is being added or removed from the substance. For example, during melting or vaporization, energy is added and the internal energy increases. But during freezing or condensation, energy is removed and the internal energy decreases.

How is the internal energy affected by pressure and volume changes?

The internal energy of a substance is directly proportional to its temperature. However, changes in pressure and volume can also affect the internal energy. When pressure increases, the particles in the substance are compressed and have less space to move, resulting in a decrease in internal energy. On the other hand, when volume increases, the particles have more space to move and the internal energy increases.

Can the internal energy of a substance be measured?

Yes, the internal energy of a substance can be measured using a calorimeter, which is a device that measures the heat exchanged during a process. The change in internal energy can also be calculated using the equation Q = mCΔT, where Q is the heat exchanged, m is the mass of the substance, C is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature.
