Laplace Transform with IVP and completing the square

In summary, the conversation discusses using Laplace Transform to solve a differential equation with initial conditions. The solution involves taking the Laplace transform on both sides, completing the square, and using partial fraction decomposition to find the inverse Laplace transform.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Use the Laplace Transform to solve: y"+2y'+2y=t y(0)=y'(0)=1

Homework Equations

L{y(t)} = Y(s)
L{y'(t)} = sY(s)-y(s)
L{y"(t)} = s2Y(s)-sy(0)-y'(0)
using the laplace transform table: tn = n!/(sn+1) where n=1

The Attempt at a Solution

Take laplace on both sides:
L{y"(t)} + 2L{y'(t)} + 2L{y(t)} = L{t}
s2Y(s) - sy(0) - y'(0) + 2[sY(s)-y(0)] + 2Y(s) = 1/s2

after plugging in the initial conditions I get:
s2Y(s) - s - 3 + 2sY(s) + 2Y(s) = 1/s2

isolate Y(s):
Y(s)[s2+2s+2] = 1/s2 + s + 3
Y(s) = (1/s2 + s + 3) / (s2+2s+2)
I completed the square in the denominator to get: (m+1)2+1

Y(s) = s / [(s2+1)(s+3)2-8]

Take the Laplace inverse
L-1{ s / [(s2+1)(s+3)2-8]}

I add and subtract 3 in the numerator to get:
L-1{ (s+3)-3 / [(s2+1)(s+3)2-8]}

Use linearity property of inverse transform to get from L-1{Y(s)} to y(t):
L-1{ (s+3) / [(s2+1)(s+3)2-8]} - 3L-1{ 1 / [(s2+1)(s+3)2-8}

How do I apply partial fraction decomposition to get y(t)?
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  • #2
Right after you completed the square in the denominator, I would have split it up there to:
Y(s)=1/(s^2(s^2+2s+2)) + (s+3)/(s^2+2s+2) = u+v
There we can see that
v=(s+1)/(s^2+2s+2) +2/(s^2+2s+2) so
Now partial fractions with just u= 1/(s^2(s^2+2s+2)) is easier than what you tried to do.
Set it up as:
u=A/s+B/s^2+(Cs+D)/1/(s^2+2s+2). Now find A,B,C,and D and you'll be home free.
  • #3
Right after you completed the square in the denominator, I would have split it up there to:
Y(s)=1/(s^2(s^2+2s+2)) + (s+3)/(s^2+2s+2) = u+v
There we can see that
v=(s+1)/(s^2+2s+2) +2/(s^2+2s+2) so
Now partial fractions with just u= 1/(s^2(s^2+2s+2)) is easier than what you tried to do.
Set it up as:
u=A/s+B/s^2+(Cs+D)/(s^2+2s+2). Now find A,B,C,and D and you'll be home free.
  • #4
Thank you so much! Made my life easier.

FAQ: Laplace Transform with IVP and completing the square

1. What is the Laplace Transform and when is it used?

The Laplace Transform is a mathematical tool used to solve differential equations. It transforms a function from the time domain to the frequency domain, making it easier to solve differential equations involving derivatives. It is commonly used in engineering and physics applications.

2. What is an initial value problem (IVP) and how is it related to the Laplace Transform?

An initial value problem is a differential equation with specified initial conditions. The Laplace Transform can be used to solve IVPs by transforming the equation into an algebraic equation, which can then be solved for the unknown function.

3. How does completing the square help in solving differential equations using the Laplace Transform?

Completing the square is a technique used to express a quadratic equation in a standard form. In the context of the Laplace Transform, completing the square allows us to express the transformed equation in terms of a simpler function, making it easier to solve the differential equation.

4. Are there any limitations to using the Laplace Transform to solve differential equations?

Yes, there are some limitations to using the Laplace Transform. It is most effective for solving linear differential equations with constant coefficients. It may not be suitable for solving nonlinear or time-varying differential equations.

5. Can the Laplace Transform be used to solve initial value problems with discontinuous functions?

Yes, the Laplace Transform can be used to solve initial value problems with discontinuous functions. However, additional techniques such as the Heaviside step function may be needed to handle the discontinuities in the transformed equation.
