Laplace Transforms and its applications

In summary, if you are looking for a shortcut to finding the partial fraction decomposition of a given function with respect to a given variable, you can use the principle that the coefficients are the residues from the zeros of the reciprocal polynomials. Alternatively, you can compile the results of previously derived partial fraction decompositions, and use them in the future.
  • #1
Hi, I am taking a circuits analysis course currently. We are studying Laplace Transforms.
I was wondering if anybody out there knows a way of bypassing all of the cumbersome complex algebra to find the partial fraction decomposition of a given function with respect to s.
If not maybe some pointers.:smile:

Engineering news on
  • #2
Quoting my TA "TI-89"
  • #3
Disar said:
Hi, I am taking a circuits analysis course currently. We are studying Laplace Transforms.
I was wondering if anybody out there knows a way of bypassing all of the cumbersome complex algebra to find the partial fraction decomposition of a given function with respect to s.
If not maybe some pointers.:smile:


I'm not sure if you would regard it as "bypassing all the cumbersome complex algebra" but a shortcut I use often is to recognize that the coefficients are simply the residues from the zeros of the reciprocal polynomials. E.g.

[tex]\frac {1}{(z-z_1)(z-z_2)} = \frac {1}{(z-z_1)(z_1-z_2)} + \frac {1}{(z_2-z_1)(z-z_2)}[/tex]

In the case of a quadratic factor in the denominator the same principle applies, e.g.

[tex]\frac {f(z)}{z^2 + bz + c}[/itex]

can be written as

[tex]\frac {f(z)}{(z-z_1)(z-z_2)}[/tex]

and, with the results of the previous sample,

[tex]\frac {f(z)}{z^2 + bz + c} \rightarrow \frac {(z-z_2)f(z_1) - (z-z_1)f(z_2)}{z_1-z_2} \times \frac {1}{z^2 + bz + c}[/tex]

for the [itex]\frac {1}{z^2 + bz + c}[/itex]term. Note that I am abbreviating all the other polynomial factors in the denominator with f(z) and you would have to find their respective residues to completely specify the full partial fraction decomposition of

[tex]\frac {f(z)}{z^2 + bz + c}[/itex]

It's really eaiser than it looks!
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  • #4
Disar said:
If not maybe some pointers.:smile:

Yeah, get a better table of transforms. The more you have in your table, the fewer you'll have to break down into terms with 1st and 2nd degree denominators.

Another thing you can do is compile the results that you've already derived, and use them in the future. No need to reinvent the wheel.
  • #5
partial fractions are a lot easier than contour integration...

FAQ: Laplace Transforms and its applications

1. What is a Laplace Transform?

A Laplace Transform is a mathematical tool used to solve differential equations. It converts a function of time into a function of complex frequency, making it easier to analyze and solve problems in engineering, physics, and other scientific fields.

2. What are the applications of Laplace Transforms?

Laplace Transforms are widely used in engineering and physics for solving problems involving electrical circuits, mechanical systems, control systems, and signal processing. They are also used in probability and statistics for analyzing random processes and in economics for modeling financial systems.

3. How do Laplace Transforms work?

Laplace Transforms work by converting a function of time, denoted as f(t), into a function of complex frequency, denoted as F(s). This transformation is achieved by integrating f(t) multiplied by a complex exponential function e^(-st) from 0 to infinity, where s is a complex variable. The resulting function F(s) can then be manipulated and analyzed using algebraic methods.

4. What are the advantages of using Laplace Transforms?

One of the main advantages of using Laplace Transforms is that they can simplify complicated differential equations, making them easier to solve. They also allow for the use of algebraic techniques, which can be more efficient and accurate than traditional methods. Additionally, Laplace Transforms can handle a wide range of functions, including discontinuous and piecewise functions.

5. Are there any limitations or drawbacks to using Laplace Transforms?

One limitation of Laplace Transforms is that they can only be applied to linear differential equations. They also require advanced knowledge of complex analysis and algebraic manipulation, making them more challenging to use for beginners. Additionally, the use of Laplace Transforms may not always be necessary or the most efficient method for solving a problem, so it is important to consider alternative techniques as well.

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