Linear Drag Force Homework: Acceleration & Constant Speed Calculations

In summary, the conversation discusses sinking a ball with a density of 1450 kg/m^3 in a liquid with a density of 1400 kg/m^3. The formula for calculating acceleration in this scenario is given, and the value is found to be 0.338 m/s^2. The question is then raised about the constant sinking speed of the ball, taking into account the drag force and the radius of the ball and viscosity of the liquid. The person responding is not familiar with the equation for calculating the viscous drag force, and suggests using Google to find the information.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We sink ball with density 1450 kg/m^3 in some liquid with density 1400 kg/m^3

a) What's acceleration in moment we drop the ball?
b) With what constant speed will the ball sink in balace? Assuming that the drag force is linear. Radius of ball is 3mm and viscosity of liquid is 200 Pa s.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

a... acceleration
ρb=1450 kg/m^3
ρl=1400 kg/m^3
g=9,81 m/s^2

a) That's easy, using the formula and you get a=0,338 m/s^2
b) Need help here, no idea how to solve
Physics news on
  • #2
antoman said:

Homework Statement

We sink ball with density 1450 kg/m^3 in some liquid with density 1400 kg/m^3

a) What's acceleration in moment we drop the ball?
b) With what constant speed will the ball sink in balace? Assuming that the drag force is linear. Radius of ball is 3mm and viscosity of liquid is 200 Pa s.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

a... acceleration
ρb=1450 kg/m^3
ρl=1400 kg/m^3
g=9,81 m/s^2

a) That's easy, using the formula and you get a=0,338 m/s^2
b) Need help here, no idea how to solve

Have you learned the equation for calculating the viscous drag force (in creeping flow) on a sphere of diameter, when the sphere is moving with a velocity v relative to the viscous fluid?
  • #3
Chestermiller said:
Have you learned the equation for calculating the viscous drag force (in creeping flow) on a sphere of diameter, when the sphere is moving with a velocity v relative to the viscous fluid?

If you mean in colledge probably yes, but me personaly don't know that equation.
  • #4
antoman said:
If you mean in colledge probably yes, but me personaly don't know that equation.

Google Stokes Law.
  • #5

Great job on calculating the acceleration in part a)! To solve part b), we can use the equation for linear drag force, F = 6πηrv, where η is the viscosity of the liquid, r is the radius of the ball, and v is the velocity of the ball. Since we are looking for the constant speed at which the ball will sink, we can set the drag force equal to the weight of the ball (mg). So we have:
mg = 6πηrv
Solving for v, we get:
v = mg / (6πηr)
Substituting in the values given, we get:
v = (0.003kg)(9.81m/s^2) / (6π(200Pa s)(0.003m)) = 0.082 m/s
Therefore, the ball will sink at a constant speed of 0.082 m/s in the given liquid. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Linear Drag Force Homework: Acceleration & Constant Speed Calculations

What is linear drag force?

Linear drag force is a type of force that acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion through a fluid, such as air or water. It is caused by the resistance of the fluid against the object's surface.

How is linear drag force calculated?

The formula for linear drag force is Fd = -bv, where Fd is the drag force, b is the drag coefficient, and v is the velocity of the object. The drag coefficient depends on the shape and size of the object, as well as the properties of the fluid it is moving through.

What is the relationship between acceleration and linear drag force?

The acceleration of an object moving through a fluid is affected by the linear drag force. As the drag force increases, the acceleration decreases, resulting in a decrease in the object's speed.

How is constant speed affected by linear drag force?

If the drag force acting on an object is equal to the force propelling it forward, the object will maintain a constant speed. However, if the drag force is greater than the propelling force, the object will slow down and eventually come to a stop.

How can linear drag force be reduced?

The amount of linear drag force acting on an object can be reduced by decreasing the object's velocity or by changing its shape to reduce its drag coefficient. Additionally, using a more streamlined design can also help reduce linear drag force.
