Why Does the Combined Mass Reach Only R/4 Height in a Frictionless Bowl?

In summary, if the masses stick together when they collide, they will go up 3/4 of the way up the bowl.
  • #1
Tow identical masses are released from rest in a smooth hemisherical bowl of radius R. One mass is on the top of the bowl a height R from the bottom and the other mass is on the bottom when they are released. There is no friction. If the masses stick together when they collide, how high above the bottom of the bowl wil the masses go after colliding?

My work so far is:

stage one:

K1 + U1 = K2 + U2

0.5*mAVa2(squared) = mAgR
Va2 = sqrt(2*g*R) Va2 the speed of mass A on the bottom

stage two:
K1 + U1 = K2 + U2

Mgy2 = 0.5*M*2*g*R where M = 2*m

so y2 = R

The right answer is y2=R/4
I can't see what I am doing wrong or not doing.
Could someone please give me a hint to this problem?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Break the motion into 3 stages.
Before the collision (energy is conserved).
During the collision (momentum is conserverd.)
After the collision (energy is conserved.)

you forgot the collision itself. Consider this to be
immediately before the blocks collide until immediately
after they collide. What's the momentum of the system
in each case?
  • #3
O.K. I split the motion into 3 stages

1. K1 + U1 = K2 + U2

Va2 = sqrt(2gR)

2. mVa2 + 0 = 2mVt (where Vt is the speed of both block after they stick together). So Vt = (sqrt(2gR))/2

3. K1 + U1 = K2 + U2
2mgy = mVt(squared) - 2mgR

From this I get y = (6/8)R
when I should get R/4

What am I doing wrong. I consider the top of the bowl to be the origin of the y-axis so the bottom is -R

Could someone please give me a hint.
  • #4
1. Energy is conserved:
[tex]mgh = \frac{1}{2}mv^2[/tex]
2. Collision:
[tex]m_{b1}v_{b1} + m_{b2}v_{b2} = m_{a1}v_{a1} + m_{a2}v_{a2}[/tex], where b is for before collision and a after it, and the numbers are for particle 1 and particle 2.
The above equation solves quite nicely.
3. Energy is conserved:
[tex]mgh = \frac{1}{2}mv^2[/tex]

From your equations:

3. K1 + U1 = K2 + U2
2mgy = mVt(squared) - 2mgR, this is incorrect, if I understood your markings right.
  • #5
Swatch said:
O.K. I split the motion into 3 stages

1. K1 + U1 = K2 + U2

Va2 = sqrt(2gR)
2. mVa2 + 0 = 2mVt (where Vt is the speed of both block after they stick together). So Vt = (sqrt(2gR))/2

3. K1 + U1 = K2 + U2
2mgy = mVt(squared) - 2mgR

From this I get y = (6/8)R
when I should get R/4

What am I doing wrong. I consider the top of the bowl to be the origin of the y-axis so the bottom is -R
Careful. Remember you are measuring from the top of the bowl. When you solve for y, you should actually get y = - (6/8)R = -3/4R. Don't forget the minus sign! Now you have to restate your answer in the form that the question asked: If the mass rises to y = -3/4R, how high above the bottom does it get?

Of course, you would have had an easier time if you measured PE from the bottom of the bowl, but it should work either way. :smile:
  • #6
Got it. Thanks guys

FAQ: Why Does the Combined Mass Reach Only R/4 Height in a Frictionless Bowl?

1. What is the Mass Momentum problem?

The Mass Momentum problem is a concept in physics that refers to the conservation of momentum in a closed system. It states that the total momentum of a system before and after a collision or interaction remains constant, as long as there are no external forces acting on the system.

2. How is the Mass Momentum problem related to Newton's Laws of Motion?

The Mass Momentum problem is closely related to Newton's Laws of Motion, specifically the Law of Conservation of Momentum. This law states that the total momentum of a system is constant in the absence of external forces. The Mass Momentum problem is an application of this law in real-world scenarios.

3. Can the Mass Momentum problem be applied to all types of collisions?

Yes, the Mass Momentum problem can be applied to all types of collisions, including elastic and inelastic collisions. In an elastic collision, the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved, while in an inelastic collision, some of the kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy.

4. How can the Mass Momentum problem be solved?

The Mass Momentum problem can be solved by using the principle of conservation of momentum. This involves calculating the total initial momentum of the system and setting it equal to the total final momentum. This equation can then be solved for the unknown quantities, such as the final velocities of the objects involved.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Mass Momentum problem?

The Mass Momentum problem has various real-world applications, including analyzing collisions in sports, designing car safety features, and understanding the movement of objects in space. It is also used in industries such as aviation, where it is essential to calculate the momentum of aircraft during takeoff and landing.
