Math Major Overcomes Adversity: Hired for Higher Salary

In summary: Dave has just been informed that he will be getting a much higher salary than he is currently making and that he will be able to sustain his family on this new income.
  • #1
Well, the "companies like math majors for their logical thinking" thing turns out not to be just a myth perpetrated by math professors. I was just informed I will be hired here permanently with a much higher salary once my contract ends. (The one I am currently unable to sustain my family on).

The hiring manager praised my logical abilities and creative thinking - things which have definitely were sharpened to a fine point when I went back to school. She said I was a great find - that she could see me doing just about anything in the company. I kind of feel like that... If I can get a Master's in math (through hard work - not brains) then I can probably figure out how to do anything there!

Man, it has been crazy. Wife lost job due to complicated pregnancy while I was still finishing up grad school. We have been so broke. Like "can we keep our house and feed a baby" broke.

I still need to pass the qual - May 13th will be my first attempt. I get up at 4:00a every day and study for two hours before going to work, coming home, spending time with family, going to bed, and repeating. Slowly but surely making progress.

-Dave K
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  • #3
Congrats Dave! Well deserved!
  • #4
totally awesome, buddy, best wishes :)
  • #5
I get up at 4:00a every day and study for two hours
Y-y-y-ou what?

Lots of congratulations to you, I am sure you deserve that and more! May your trials go well and may you and your family live well!
  • #6
Very glad to hear it, Dave. Hang in there and good luck!
  • #7
Awesome. Now you don't have to sell your books.
I am selling some textbooks I'm no longer using, and I'm kind of clueless about this sort of thing. I've been going to a UPS store that does USPS. They are extremely helpful and friendly, but today I was charged $7.00 shipping for media mail for a textbook. (It's Rotman's group theory - kind of heavy, but is it THAT heavy?).
  • #8
Outstanding, Dave. Congratulations.
  • #9
This ... "work" ... you speak of...
  • #10
dkotschessaa said:
I get up at 4:00a every day and study for two hours before going to work...
Damn ! ... :thumbup:
  • #11
  • #12
Congratulations Dave! :partytime::thumbup:That is great news! Wish you and your family all the best!
  • #13
@dkotschessaa Congratulations! So happy for you. You've definitely earned it! :smile:
  • #14
Congrats, Dave! All that hard work actually paid off!
  • #15
Thanks all! Now...back to work
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Likes Dembadon and nuuskur
  • #16
Well done. You can be proud of yourself. :wink:
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  • #17
Nice going! Congratulations. :partytime:
  • #18
dkotschessaa said:
I get up at 4:00a every day and study for two hours before going to work
What the heck!? Sounds like ex-SEALs or something.

  • #19
HAYAO said:
What the heck!? Sounds like ex-SEALs or something.


Having a baby sort of changed everything...
  • #20
Congratulations! What kind of job did you get?

FAQ: Math Major Overcomes Adversity: Hired for Higher Salary

How did the math major overcome adversity?

The math major overcame adversity by consistently working hard and seeking out opportunities to improve their skills and knowledge. They also persevered through challenges and setbacks, and remained determined to achieve their goals.

What type of adversity did the math major face?

The adversity faced by the math major could range from personal struggles and obstacles to academic challenges, such as difficult courses or a competitive job market. It could also include financial difficulties or discrimination based on their major.

What skills did the math major possess that contributed to their success?

The math major possessed strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as a solid understanding of mathematical concepts. They also had excellent critical thinking abilities and the ability to work well under pressure.

What was the significance of the math major being hired for a higher salary?

The fact that the math major was hired for a higher salary highlights the value and demand for their skills and knowledge in the job market. It also speaks to their perseverance and determination in overcoming adversity and achieving success.

How can others in similar situations follow in the math major's footsteps?

Others in similar situations can follow in the math major's footsteps by staying focused on their goals, continuously seeking out opportunities for growth and improvement, and not being discouraged by challenges or setbacks. It is also important to network and showcase their skills and accomplishments to potential employers.

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