Maximum energy transefer in COmpton effect - rutherford

In summary, the Rutherford scattering experiment involves bombarding a thin gold foil target with a beam of known kinetic energy alpha particles. The scattered particles are counted by a detector that can be moved around the target on a circle. To determine the impact parameter of a 4.57 MeV alpha particle detected at a 52.4 degree angle, the formula b=(rmin/2)cot(theta/2) is used, where rmin = Z1Z2e^2/4piEok. Plugging in the values, the calculated impact parameter is 3.46 * 10^-15.
  • #1
In the Rutherford scattering experiment a very thin gold foil target is bombarded with a beam of a particles of known kinetic energy. A detector which can be moved on a circle around the target counts the scattered particles. What was the impact parameter of a 4.57 MeV a particle if it was detected at 52.4 degree angle?

Im using b= (rmin/2)cot(theta/2) where rmin = Z1Z2e^2/4piEok

so i have ((2)(79)(1.6*10^-19 c)^2 / (4.57 *10^6 eV)(1.6*10^-9 J/eV) ) * 8.99*10^9 Jm/c ...and got 3.46 *10^-15 is this right so far? ...i got 8.99*10^9 by (1/4piEo) ...thanks
Physics news on
  • #2
DO NOT DOUBLE POST!:mad:This is a HW problem anyway.

  • #3
my bad figured more exposure i would get quicker response

FAQ: Maximum energy transefer in COmpton effect - rutherford

1. What is the Compton effect?

The Compton effect, also known as Compton scattering, is a phenomenon in which a photon (a particle of light) collides with an electron and transfers some of its energy to the electron. This results in a change in the wavelength and direction of the photon.

2. What is the maximum energy transfer in the Compton effect?

The maximum energy transfer in the Compton effect occurs when the photon and electron collide at a 90-degree angle. In this scenario, the electron receives the maximum amount of energy from the photon, and the photon's wavelength is increased to its maximum value.

3. How does the Rutherford model relate to the Compton effect?

The Rutherford model, also known as the planetary model, describes the structure of an atom as a central nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons. In the Compton effect, the photon interacts with an electron in the atom, which is consistent with the Rutherford model's description of atomic structure.

4. What factors affect the maximum energy transfer in the Compton effect?

The maximum energy transfer in the Compton effect is affected by the angle of collision between the photon and electron, as well as the energy of the photon. A higher energy photon or a collision at a 90-degree angle will result in a greater energy transfer to the electron.

5. How is the Compton effect used in scientific research?

The Compton effect is used in a variety of scientific research fields, including nuclear physics, astrophysics, and medical imaging. It can provide valuable information about the structure and behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic level, as well as help scientists understand the properties of light and radiation.

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