Maxwell Boltzmann Distribution

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution to calculate the fraction of particles between two speeds, and how to integrate this equation without approximation or help from Maple. The simplified equation and integral are mentioned, as well as the question of how to solve the problem for a certain amount of moles with hydrogen between two different velocities.
  • #1
I don't know how to integrate the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution without approximation or help from Maple.

Given the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution:

f(v) = 4*pi*[m/(2*pi*k*T)]^(3/2)*v^2*exp[(-m*v^2)/(2*k*T)]

Observe the appearance of the Boltzmann factor exp[(-m*v^2)/(2*k*T)] with E = 1/2(mv^2)

Assuming a fixed temperature and mass, one can simplify this equation:

f(v) = a*v^2*exp[-bv^2]
a = 4*pi*[m/(2*pi*k*T)]^(3/2)
b = m/(2*k*T)

In order to calculate the fraction of particles between two speeds v1 and v2, one should evaluate the definite integral:


Here is an link to integral-tables,
How would I solve this problem for let's say a certain amount of moles with hydrogen between two different velocities? Tor
Physics news on
  • #2
What have you tried in terms of integrating the M-B distribution?
  • #3
SteamKing said:
What have you tried in terms of integrating the M-B distribution?

I've just put in some values to calculate how many atoms gets affected from let's say 400-401 m/s for hydrogen. I'm not sure what solution to pick for this kind of integration, that's what I'm asking. To calculate between higher speeds like 400-500 m/s, an integration is needed.
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