Solve Mech. Energy Problem: Homework Statement & Equations

  • Thread starter lgmavs41
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In summary, the problem involves a child sliding down a poorly designed playground slide with a straight section and a circular arc. The child loses contact with the ramp at some point on the circular arc, where the normal force goes to zero. The height from point P to the ground is 9 m and the radius of the arc is 7.2 m. Using the equation w=kf-ki+uf-ui, where ki=0 and ui=mg(9), the speed of the child when it hits the circular arc can be calculated. To determine the height at which the child becomes airborne, the equation F=mv^2/r can be used to find the necessary force to keep the child on the circular path. The child touches
  • #1
Just need some direction on the problem.

Homework Statement

A poorly designed playground slide begins with a straight section and ends with a circular arc. A child starts at point P and slides down both sections of the slide. At some point on the circular arc, the normal force goes to zero and the child loses contact with the ramp. Assuming the forces of friction are negligible, at what height from the ground will the child become airborne.

the height from point p to the ground is 9 m. The radius of the arc is 7.2 m.

Homework Equations

w=kf-ki+uf-ui; ki=0, ui=mg(9)

The Attempt at a Solution

well, i figure out the speed in which the particle will be when it hits the circular arc, where uf=mg(7.2). Now how do i figure out how high it will be from the ground when the child will become airborne? I think I need to use F=mv^2/r somewhere in the equation to figure out the force needed for the particle to stay in the circular path and not go flying off. But after that, I'm kind of lost.

Thanks for the help.
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  • #2
BTW, the child touches the circular arc at the top of the circle which covers about a quarter of the circumference...well, picture the child sliding straight down then suddenly touches the top of the circle, which slides down in an arc. Sorry, i don't have the pic.
  • #3

Hi there,

Thank you for providing the homework statement and equations for this problem. It seems like you have made some progress in solving it already. Let's break down the steps you have taken so far and see if we can provide some direction for you to continue.

First, you correctly identified that the child's initial kinetic energy (ki) is equal to 0, since they start at rest at point P. The potential energy at point P (ui) is equal to mg(9), where m is the mass of the child, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and 9 is the height from point P to the ground.

Next, you found the final velocity (uf) of the child when they reach the circular arc, using the equation uf=mg(7.2). This is the point where the normal force goes to zero and the child becomes airborne.

To find the height from the ground where the child becomes airborne, we can use the conservation of mechanical energy equation, w=kf-ki+uf-ui, where w is the work done, kf is the final kinetic energy, and ui is the initial potential energy. Since we know that ki=0 and uf=mg(7.2), we can rewrite the equation as w=mg(7.2)-ui. The work done, w, is equal to the change in potential energy, so we can rewrite the equation again as mg(7.2)-ui=mg(9)-ui. Solving for ui, we get ui=mg(7.2)-mg(9)=mg(2.8). This means that the child has lost mg(2.8) of potential energy when they reach the circular arc.

To find the height from the ground where the child becomes airborne, we can use the equation ui=mg(2.8). Solving for h, we get h=2.8 meters.

So, the child will become airborne when they are at a height of 2.8 meters from the ground. I hope this helps guide you in solving this problem. Remember to always use the conservation of mechanical energy equation and to consider all forms of energy (kinetic, potential, and work) when solving these types of problems. Good luck!

FAQ: Solve Mech. Energy Problem: Homework Statement & Equations

1. How do I approach solving a mechanical energy problem?

To solve a mechanical energy problem, you should start by identifying the known and unknown variables, and then determine which equations are relevant to the problem. Next, apply the conservation of mechanical energy principle, which states that the total mechanical energy of a system remains constant. Finally, solve for the unknown variable using algebraic manipulation.

2. What are the key equations used in solving mechanical energy problems?

The two main equations used in solving mechanical energy problems are the kinetic energy equation, which is KE = 1/2mv^2, and the potential energy equation, which depends on the type of potential energy present (e.g. gravitational potential energy = mgh). These equations are based on the conservation of mechanical energy principle.

3. How do I handle situations where non-conservative forces are present?

If non-conservative forces such as friction or air resistance are present, the conservation of mechanical energy principle no longer applies. In these cases, you will need to use the work-energy theorem, which states that the net work done on an object equals its change in kinetic energy. You may also need to consider any changes in potential energy due to the non-conservative forces.

4. Can I use units other than joules for energy in these problems?

Yes, you can use any units of energy as long as they are consistent throughout the problem. For example, if you use meters for displacement, you should use meters per second for velocity and kilograms for mass. The resulting units for energy will then be in joules.

5. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when solving mechanical energy problems?

One common mistake is forgetting to take into account the direction of the forces and energies involved. This can lead to incorrect signs and ultimately, incorrect solutions. Another mistake is using the wrong equation or incorrectly applying a certain equation. It is important to carefully read and understand the problem before choosing the appropriate equations to use.

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