Moment of Inertia/ Kinetic Energy of ice skater

In summary, when the ice skater pulls her arms in, her moment of inertia decreases by a factor of two and her kinetic energy remains constant due to the conservation of energy principle. The angular speed also increases by a factor of two, as seen by the conservation of angular momentum. However, the total energy remains the same, indicating that the additional energy comes from the skater's potential energy being converted into kinetic energy.
  • #1
An ice skater starts a spin with her arms stretched out to the sides. She balances on the tip of one skate to turn without friction. She then pulls her arms in so that her moment of inertia decreases by a factor of two. In the process of her doing so, what happens to her kinetic energy?
-It undergoes a change by an amount that obviously depends on how fast the skater pulls her arms in.
-It decreases by a factor of two.
-It is zero because her center of mass is stationary.
-It increases by a factor of four.
-It decreases by a factor of four.
-It remains constant.
-It increases by a factor of two.

I know that Ki = (1/2)Iω2 , so isn't her Kf = (1/2)(I/2)(2ω2) = (1/2)Iω2 = Ki ?
Doesn't the angular speed increase by a factor of two as well?
My guess would be "It remains constant" (And I can only choose one)

Can anyone give me advice on this problem? Thank you

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  • #2
The KE [itex]= (1/2) I \omega^2[/itex]. You know how I changes, but how does [itex]\omega[/itex] change?

Hint: What's conserved?
  • #3
Tell me if this makes sense...

Conservation of angular momentum Li = Lf

wi = omega_i
wf = omega_fLi = I*wi
Lf = I/2 * wf

2wi = wf

Now in terms of kinetic energy

Ki = (1/2)I*wi^2

Kf = (1/2)*(I/2)*wf^2 (I plug in my wf from above)
Kf = (I/4)(4wi^2)
Kf = I*wi^2

When I compare both Ki and Kf now, Kf is twice as large as Ki because it does not have a (1/2) in its equation like Ki does.

Is this correct?
  • #4
  • #5
You seem to have got it right...but before you continue on...remember the conservation of energy principle. If Kf is twice as large as Ki, where did that additional energy come from??
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FAQ: Moment of Inertia/ Kinetic Energy of ice skater

1. What is moment of inertia?

Moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion. It is calculated by multiplying the mass of the object by the square of its distance from the axis of rotation.

2. How does moment of inertia affect an ice skater's spin?

The moment of inertia of an ice skater directly affects the speed at which they can spin. A skater with a lower moment of inertia (e.g. arms and legs held close to the body) will spin faster than a skater with a higher moment of inertia (e.g. arms and legs extended).

3. What is the relationship between moment of inertia and kinetic energy in ice skating?

The kinetic energy of an ice skater is directly proportional to their moment of inertia. This means that a skater with a lower moment of inertia will have a higher kinetic energy, allowing them to perform more complex and faster spins.

4. How can a skater change their moment of inertia?

A skater can change their moment of inertia by changing the distribution of their mass. For example, extending their arms and legs will increase their moment of inertia, while bringing them closer to their body will decrease it.

5. How does friction affect a skater's moment of inertia?

Friction plays a minimal role in affecting a skater's moment of inertia. However, it can affect the distance from the axis of rotation, which in turn can impact the moment of inertia. For example, if a skater's skate blades have more friction on one side, it can cause them to spin faster in that direction due to a slightly lower moment of inertia on that side.

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