My Foster Child Scooter: Sponsor for $15/Month

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
  • Start date
In summary, there is a discussion about a Siamese Mix breed cat named Scooter who is living in a cat sanctuary called the Cathouse on the Kings. The speaker has agreed to sponsor Scooter for $15 a month and is considering adopting him in the future. The speaker and another person discuss the possibility of opening a bed and breakfast on the sanctuary grounds. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about ferrets and other animals, with the speaker mentioning their cabin and the potential of getting a small-to-medium sized dog. The conversation also includes a discussion about another cat named Isaac who is up for adoption at the Tsuandivan cathouse in Oregon. The speaker expresses interest in visiting Scooter and giving him a "snorgle."
  • #1
Math Is Hard
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
my "foster child"

His name is Scooter and he is 14 years old. He is a Siamese Mix breed living at the" .


I've agreed to sponsor him for $15/month.

Maybe one day I'll drive up there and bring him home with me. :smile: Jelly needs a little brother.
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Physics news on
  • #2


If you hadn't said he's adopted, I would have sworn you were the biological mom! :biggrin:

Oh, I'm going to sponsor a kitty!
  • #3

Maybe you will come and visit me one day and we can drive up to the cat ranch. It's about 4 hours north of me.

If you hadn't said he's adopted, I would have sworn you were the biological mom! :biggrin:

There is a slight resemblance. Mainly the crossed-eyes, I think.
  • #4

Math Is Hard said:
Maybe you will come and visit me one day and we can drive up to the cat ranch. It's about 4 hours north of me.
I want to live at the cat ranch!
  • #5

Ooh! a cat ranch! Do they need a skilled cat-wrangler to herd them? I promise - no branding!
  • #6

Evo said:
I want to live at the cat ranch!

They should open a bed and breakfast on the grounds. :approve:
  • #7

turbo-1 said:
Ooh! a cat ranch! Do they need a skilled cat-wrangler to herd them? I promise - no branding!

I think they have more trouble with extra cats getting in the ranch than cats getting out. The owner says she gets about 100 cats tossed over her fence every year.

you should work at a ferret ranch, anyway, turbo.

Speaking of things getting tossed over the fence, I better go see what threads the other forums have been tossing over the Philosophy fence. :)
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  • #8

Math Is Hard said:
They should open a bed and breakfast on the grounds. :approve:
That's a brilliant idea! We could run it!
  • #9

Evo said:
That's a brilliant idea! We could run it!

There's probably some rule about having lodging and serving food on an animal shelter grounds. People get really bent out of shape about cat hair.
  • #10

He is gorgeous! With a air of sophistication about him, and he hardly looks a day over 4. But perhaps he's had a bit of a nip/tuck. Thats a really great thing to do MIH. Oodles of hugs and smooches to ya.
  • #11

Math Is Hard said:
you should work at a ferret ranch, anyway, turbo.
True! I love those little fellows. We rescued quite a few over the years, including our first. He had never developed the coordination to run as well as the others because he had spent his life in a cage until we got him. We had a big wire cage with ramps and play-levels and toys (and hammocks that I made out of pants-legs) but it was just a place to sleep and play - we never closed the door.
  • #12

hypatia said:
He is gorgeous! With a air of sophistication about him, and he hardly looks a day over 4. But perhaps he's had a bit of a nip/tuck. Thats a really great thing to do MIH. Oodles of hugs and smooches to ya.

Thanks! He does look pretty good for his years. He's supposed to be a real love bug, too. :!)
  • #13

turbo-1 said:
True! I love those little fellows. We rescued quite a few over the years, including our first. He had never developed the coordination to run as well as the others because he had spent his life in a cage until we got him. We had a big wire cage with ramps and play-levels and toys (and hammocks that I made out of pants-legs) but it was just a place to sleep and play - we never closed the door.

Do y'all have any animals now?
  • #14

Math Is Hard said:
Do y'all have any animals now?
No. We swore off ferrets because they are REALLY cuddly, and it is so painful for us when they die. They rarely live longer than 8 years or so, and we went through hell when the gang started dying off with regularity.

We are considering a small-to-medium sized dog. Our cabin is pretty small, but it would be nice to have a pet again.
  • #15

turbo-1 said:
We are considering a small-to-medium sized dog. Our cabin is pretty small, but it would be nice to have a pet again.

We could send you tribdog. He's small to medium sized, and not much trouble. o:)
  • #16

Math Is Hard said:
We could send you tribdog. He's small to medium sized, and not much trouble. o:)
He's not house-broken, though. That's a problem.
  • #17

Scooter looks gorgeous, MIH, what a lovely thing to do.
  • #18

I'm trying to figure out a time to go visit him. I want a snorgle. :)
  • #19

MIH, I think that is very cool. Now let me tell you about another cat up for adoption: His name is Isaac. He is an approximately ten year old neutered male who has a wonderful home at the Tsuandivan cathouse, in Oregon. For only $20 per month, you can adopt him as well. For that price he gets food, shelter, and two human slaves.
  • #20

Ivan Seeking said:
MIH, I think that is very cool. Now let me tell you about another cat up for adoption: His name is Isaac. He is an approximately ten year old neutered male who has a wonderful home at the Tsuandivan cathouse, in Oregon. For only $20 per month, you can adopt him as well. For that price he gets food, shelter, and two human slaves.
  • #21

Math Is Hard said:
I'm trying to figure out a time to go visit him. I want a snorgle. :)
I would have to snorgle all 700 tums tums. Then I would swell up and stop breathing due to my allergies, but it would be worth it. :!)
  • #22

Ivan Seeking said:
MIH, I think that is very cool. Now let me tell you about another cat up for adoption: His name is Isaac. He is an approximately ten year old neutered male who has a wonderful home at the Tsuandivan cathouse, in Oregon. For only $20 per month, you can adopt him as well. For that price he gets food, shelter, and two human slaves.


I think I am tapped out now. I have an Octomom and illegal aliens to support as well as two elderly kitties.
  • #23

Evo said:
I would have to snorgle all 700 tums tums. Then I would swell up and stop breathing due to my allergies, but it would be worth it. :!)

Wow.. suicide by snorgle. What a way to go!

I remember I used to have a little bit of an allergy problem when I was volunteering at a shelter and cleaning up after about 40 kitties. I don't know if it was more related to specific kitties that I was allergic to there - or if it was just being exposed to so many kitties at once. Cat allergies are funny. I know people who swear they have been allergic to cats their entire lives, and then one day a cat walks into their life and there's no problem. You hear them say, "oh, I'm still allergic to cats... just not this one."
  • #24

We could get the Guinness World Records people involved, I'm sure no one has ever snorgled 700, of course you do have to live, to achieve the record. Maybe we could hook you up to some Epinephrine auto inject pens, one shot every 10 cats should do the trick.
  • #25

Math Is Hard said:
Wow.. suicide by snorgle. What a way to go!

I remember I used to have a little bit of an allergy problem when I was volunteering at a shelter and cleaning up after about 40 kitties. I don't know if it was more related to specific kitties that I was allergic to there - or if it was just being exposed to so many kitties at once. Cat allergies are funny. I know people who swear they have been allergic to cats their entire lives, and then one day a cat walks into their life and there's no problem. You hear them say, "oh, I'm still allergic to cats... just not this one."
My doctor swears that he is so allergic to cat hair, that even being around someone with cat hair on them sends him into anaphylactic shock, he's been hospitalzed numerous times.

I tried not to bust out laughing. That day Dr Foofer had been sleeping on my clothes, my sweater, coat and pants were so covered with cat hair that little tufts were falling to the floor in the Dr's office.

I've found that a LOT of people that think they are deathly allergic to something are only partly allergic, sometimes not at all, the majority of their symptoms are psychological.

I underwent a week of intensive allergy testing. They bring in trays of syringes full of the allergen and inject it into rows on your back. You have no idea what they are injecting and they tell from the reaction on your back what you REALLY are allergic to as opposed to what you THINK you're allergic to. They do 30 at a time, then you're treated with a desensitizer, then more injections, you get hundreds of injections, very painful if you are allergic. I ended up in the hospital with kidney problems after the week of tests due to the toxins.

Unless you've undergone one of these tests, you may mentally think you are having a reaction to something but physicaly, you're not. So if you are afraid that you have a sensitivity to something, especially when it sends you into a panic attack. Go get tested.
  • #26

Math Is Hard said:
Speaking of things getting tossed over the fence, I better go see what threads the other forums have been tossing over the Philosophy fence. :)

Hmmm, there is a blog or two that probably belongs in there as well {Slipping MIH some Belgian chocolates to "look the other way" for a moment}.
  • #27

Math Is Hard said:
His name is Scooter and he is 14 years old. He is a Siamese Mix breed living at the" .


I've agreed to sponsor him for $15/month.

Maybe one day I'll drive up there and bring him home with me. :smile: Jelly needs a little brother.
That's a neat looking cat! :cool: Don't wait too long to bring him home.
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  • #28

I'm surpised they say he's a Siamese mix since all cats with even the smallest amount of Siamese have eyes that shine red.
  • #29

I just came up with this name for a black cat I saw in the grass in my back yard. Feel free to use it: Kitty McMeow-Meow

FAQ: My Foster Child Scooter: Sponsor for $15/Month

1. What is the purpose of sponsoring a foster child through Scooter for $15/month?

Sponsoring a foster child through Scooter for $15/month helps provide financial support for the child's basic needs such as food, clothing, and education. It also helps to provide a stable and loving environment for the child to thrive in.

2. How does the sponsorship process work?

The sponsorship process involves signing up for a monthly donation of $15 through Scooter's website. This donation will go towards supporting a specific foster child, and you will receive updates and photos of the child's progress.

3. Can I choose which foster child to sponsor?

Yes, you can choose to sponsor a specific foster child through Scooter's website. However, if the child you choose has already been sponsored, you will be matched with another child in need.

4. How long does the sponsorship last?

The sponsorship lasts for as long as you choose to continue your monthly donations of $15. You can cancel your sponsorship at any time.

5. Can I communicate with my sponsored foster child?

Yes, you can communicate with your sponsored foster child through letters and cards. However, for the safety and privacy of the child, personal contact information will not be shared.
