Net ionic equation and chlorine gas

In summary: In this case, Ba2+ and SO42- are spectator ions. In summary, chlorine gas reacts with sodium iodide to possibly form HClO and oxidize iodide to iodine. Barium hydroxide neutralizes sulfuric acid to form the insoluble salt BaSO4 and water. The iron added to sulfuric acid will produce either Fe2+ or Fe3+ ions depending on the presence of oxygen. The precipitation of BaSO4 also occurs in this reaction.
  • #1
1.Chlorine gas is bubbled through an aqueous solution of sodium iodide.
2.Barium hydroxide is used to neutralize sulfuric acid.
Ba(OH)2(aq) + H2SO4(aq) -> BaSO4(s) + H2O(aq)
­ Ba(aq) + 2OH(aq) + SO4(aq) -> BaSO4(s) + O(aq)

1.The reason I am having trouble with this equation is because of the chlorine gas. On the Qualitative Solubility Rules, it dosen't state anything about gases so I don't know if it will form precipitate or just soluble.

2. for number two can someone just confirm me if i did the equation right?(I didnt add the charges because I couldn't)

edit: oh one more thing. there's another question that states a iron nail was added to sulfuric do i know if iron is 2+ or 3+?
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Physics news on
  • #2
#1. Not sure, but one guess is maybe chlorine gas is soluble enough to form HClO, an acid, and an oxidizer; possibly then oxidizing the iodide to iodine. Actually, something different might happen, so as stated, only a guess.

#2. You are looking for Ba(+2) + SO4(-2) ==> BaSO4
Your showing of the hydroxide and the oxygen don't seem to be meaningul. Is the reaction occurring in alkaline solution?

Your iron nail in sulfuric acid may allow one of those ions (ferric or ferrous) to form. There is a test for this, but I don't remember it. You learn that test in your qualitative inorganic analysis in your General Chemistry course; so if you don't know the test now, you soon will know it... something about ferrous ion, sulfuric acid, and nitric acid.
  • #3
sorry i don't get what your trying to tell me for number 2.
the question states that Barium hydroxide is used to neutralize sulfuric acid. so how are OH and O meaningless? is there a explanation behind it?

so for the question regarding the iron and sulfuric acid, there's no way of telling if it is stating "ferric" or "ferrous" without doing the test?
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  • #4
HelloMotto said:
sorry i don't get what your trying to tell me for number 2.
the question states that Barium hydroxide is used to neutralize sulfuric acid. so how are OH and O meaningless? is there a explanation behind it?

so for the question regarding the iron and sulfuric acid, there's no way of telling if it is stating "ferric" or "ferrous" without doing the test?

You are essentially showing the reaction of Barium ion with Sulfate. Really, you may leave off the showing of the hydroxide and formation of the water. The oxygen on the rightside of your reaction is not useful. I misunderstood part of what you showed by not reading your reaction carefully. So, your reaction of the base (Ba(OH)2) with the acid (H2SO4) will give the insoluble salt and water.
The ionic reaction of interest is Ba(+2) + SO4(-2) ----> BaSO4

You want some clarity of understanding for the ferrous test, but maybe someone else understands the details of that test. If you are in General Chemistry, you either did learn it, or you soon will learn it.
  • #5
chlorine is very soluble in water. ClO- will oxidise I- to I2.

the net ionic equation of all neutralisation reactions bbetween acids and alkalis is:

H+ + OH- ------> H2O

H+ comes from the acid and OH- comes from the alkali.

the iron added is simply iron, but not an ion. when it reacts with sulphuric acid, ions are produced. the ion produced is mainly Fe2+

but if you leave the Fe2+ solution in the air for a while, it gets oxidised to Fe3+.

Fe2+ is very pale green and Fe3+ is very pale yellow. It is hard to distinguish between them though. try putting a white paper sheet behind the test tube, it might help to see the colour.
but here precipitation also occurs because BaSO4 is insoluble in water.

Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq) -----> BaSO4(s)

in ionic equations, you show only the ions taking part in the reaction, the ions not taking part are called spectator ions.

FAQ: Net ionic equation and chlorine gas

1. What is a net ionic equation?

A net ionic equation is a chemical equation that shows only the species that are involved in a chemical reaction. This means that spectator ions, which do not participate in the reaction, are not included in the equation. Net ionic equations are commonly used to represent reactions in aqueous solutions.

2. How is a net ionic equation different from a regular chemical equation?

A regular chemical equation includes all of the reactants and products involved in a reaction, as well as their respective coefficients. A net ionic equation only includes the species that are directly involved in the reaction and omits any spectator ions.

3. Why is chlorine gas often represented as Cl2 in net ionic equations?

Chlorine gas exists as a diatomic molecule, meaning that two chlorine atoms are chemically bonded together. When chlorine gas participates in a chemical reaction, it is usually in the form of Cl2, which is why it is commonly represented as such in net ionic equations.

4. How is chlorine gas typically produced?

Chlorine gas can be produced through the electrolysis of a saltwater solution, known as the chlor-alkali process. It can also be produced through the reaction of hydrochloric acid and manganese dioxide. Additionally, chlorine gas is a byproduct of the production of certain chemicals, such as PVC.

5. Is chlorine gas dangerous?

Yes, chlorine gas is highly toxic and can be very dangerous if inhaled. It can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, and even death at high concentrations. Proper safety precautions should always be taken when handling chlorine gas.
