Newton's Second Law (relativistic)

In summary: There are several ways to handle acceleration in relativity; you don't need to use a curved space-time structure to do it.
  • #1
Does this solution mean anything ?



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  • #2
A constant non-zero force is going to give a periodic solution...that will have [itex]v_{max}=c[/itex]...
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  • #3
neilparker62 said:
Does this solution mean anything ?

It means something, but it has at least two issues:

(1) Your input equation for the force is wrong in general; see here:

Your equation is valid for the special case where the force is always perpendicular to the velocity, i.e., for exactly circular motion. However, that brings up the second point:

(2) You are only solving for one component of the velocity; for circular motion the velocity has two components, not one. The other component is a cosine (with the same argument as the sine you wrote down). You need to tell your differential equation solver that ##v## is a vector in a plane, not a scalar (so ##v^2## is the sum of the squares of both components).
  • #4
It is semi-well known that a particle acted upon by a constant force ##F## undergoes "hyperbolic" motion: ##x(t)=\sqrt{(\frac{mc^2}{F})^2+(ct)^2}##. I have a feeling that is the problem that you are trying to solve.
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  • #5
Many thanks for your observations.

Well I thought the solution might be of the form c * e^(jwt) rather than sin(wt). But the frequency looks interesting - very plainly it is ridiculously low for (say) an object in a gravitational field. Even so with small angle approximation, we get the following: v(t) = c sin(Ft/cm) = c . Ft/cm = Ft/m as usual.

You can integrate to obtain x(t) and then you get mc^2/F as the amplitude which you can re-arrange to write:

F * x(t) = mc^2.cos(wt) or maybe F * x(t) = mc^2 * e^(jwt) which is some kind of oscillatory energy equation with a maximum of m * c^2 as might be expected. I am not sure exactly what is oscillating in this instance ?? Once again x(t) = F/(2m) * t^2 falls out if you use a small angle approximation for cos(Ft/cm)

For the frequency w=F/cm not to be ridiculously low you would need to find a situation with a large F/m ratio - I thought maybe Hydrogen electron with F=kq/r^2. Well the Maths and QM at this point is way out of my league but just a thought!
  • #7
neilparker62 said:
I thought the solution might be of the form c * e^(jwt) rather than sin(wt).

You do realize that these are the same thing, right? (I assume that by ##j## you mean the imaginary unit.) ##\sin (\omega t) = ( e^{i \omega t} - e^{- i \omega t} ) / 2 i##. Sines and cosines are just different ways of writing exponentials with imaginary arguments. If you treat the full velocity vector instead of just a single component, in polar coordinates it is indeed of the exact form ##e^{i \omega t}##.

If you write the correct equation for linear acceleration, rather than circular motion (i.e., acceleration parallel to velocity instead of perpendicular to velocity), you will find that it has solutions that involve real exponentials instead of imaginary ones.

neilparker62 said:
But the frequency looks interesting - very plainly it is ridiculously low for (say) an object in a gravitational field.

The equation you wrote down is not valid in the presence of gravity. Your equation is only valid in special relativity; gravity requires general relativity.
  • #8
I think that it is a very good expression in linking up the understanding of classical mechanics and relativity (the semi-classical kinematics) .
But Einstein always emphasized that the notation [itex]μ=\frac{m}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}[/itex] is physically meaningless.
In fact, if it would be more natural to describe a "m" using different reference frame parametrized by [itex]γ=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}[/itex] to conserve physical laws.(with m not sticked with γ )
Moreover, in relativity, to deal with acceleration, we need to use curved space-time structure to replace the "force" concept .
Likewise , we can physically "prevent" solving this ODE by :
1st : "knowing" that there is an acceleration (the space-time is curved)
2nd : making m to be described invariably (not changing by any v)
3rd : find out how the other reference frames are changing apart from "here" (related by curvature tensor R) and "lets" describe the "m" together with this relationship
4th : "RELATIVITI-ly" solved F=γm v'
I hope this would help.
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  • #9
pliu123123 said:
Einstein always emphasized that the notation [itex]μ=\frac{m}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}[/itex] is physically meaningless.

Reference, please?

pliu123123 said:
it would be more natural to describe a "m" using different reference frame parametrized by [itex]γ=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^{2}}{c^{2}}}}[/itex] to conserve physical laws.(with m not sticked with γ )

First of all, this would not be a different "reference frame"; it would be a different convention for what the symbol ##m## means.

Second, you can't "conserve physical laws" by adopting this definition for ##m##; some of the laws still have to change form from their Newtonian versions (I assume what you mean by "conserve physical laws" is "all the laws look exactly the same as their Newtonian versions").

pliu123123 said:
Moreover, in relativity, to deal with acceleration, we need to use curved space-time structure to replace the "force" concept .

We don't do this to deal with acceleration; we do it to deal with gravity--more precisely, with *tidal* gravity.

I'm not sure what the rest of your post means.
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  • #10
PeterDonis said:
First of all, this would not be a different "reference frame"; it would be a different convention for what the symbol ##m## means.

Second, you can't "conserve physical laws" by adopting this definition for ##m##; some of the laws still have to change form from their Newtonian versions (I assume what you mean by "conserve physical laws" is "all the laws look exactly the same as their Newtonian versions").

We don't do this to deal with acceleration; we do it to deal with gravity--more precisely, with *tidal* gravity.

Oh, thanks. Do you mean different reference "frames"?
Since physical laws are no "different" versions, I treat accelerations as to equivalence principle.
  • #11
@pliu123123 & Peter. All a bit over my head I'm afraid - I simply don't have the requisite understanding of relativistic acceleration. But appreciate your posts all the same.

FAQ: Newton's Second Law (relativistic)

1. How does Newton's Second Law apply in the context of relativity?

Newton's Second Law states that the force applied on an object is directly proportional to its mass and acceleration. In the context of relativity, this law still holds true, but the equations must be modified to account for the effects of time dilation and length contraction.

2. How does the relativistic mass affect the application of Newton's Second Law?

In Newtonian physics, mass is considered to be a constant value. However, in relativity, mass is relative and can change depending on the observer's frame of reference. This means that the mass in Newton's Second Law must be replaced with the relativistic mass, which takes into account the object's velocity.

3. Can Newton's Second Law be applied to objects traveling at the speed of light?

No, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, objects with mass cannot travel at the speed of light. As an object approaches the speed of light, its mass increases infinitely and would require an infinite amount of force to accelerate it further. Therefore, Newton's Second Law cannot be applied to objects traveling at the speed of light.

4. How does momentum play a role in Newton's Second Law in the context of relativity?

In relativity, momentum is considered to be a conserved quantity, meaning that it cannot be created or destroyed. Newton's Second Law can be rewritten in terms of momentum, where force is equal to the rate of change of momentum. This allows for a more accurate understanding of the effects of velocity and mass on an object's motion.

5. Can Newton's Second Law be used to explain gravitational forces in the context of relativity?

No, Newton's Second Law only applies to objects in inertial frames of reference. In the context of relativity, gravity is explained by Einstein's theory of general relativity, which states that massive objects cause a curvature in space-time, resulting in the force of gravity.
