PDFs expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators

In summary, the distribution of quark 'a' in a parent 'X' can be defined as a matrix element of bi-local operators on the lightcone in the physical Bjorken ##x##-space formulation. This is represented by the integral of ##y^-## and the use of the Wilson line ##U##. In the physical gauge ##A^+=0##, the Wilson line becomes the identity operator and the distribution is manifestly the matrix element of the number operator for finding quark 'a' in 'A' with plus momentum fraction ##p_a^+ = \zeta p_A^+, p_a^T = 0##. The derivation of this definition can be found in chapter 19 of the
  • #1
Gold Member
Extracted from 'At the frontiers of Physics, a handbook of QCD, volume 2',

'...in the physical Bjorken ##x##-space formulation, an equivalent definition of PDFs can be given in terms of matrix elements of bi-local operators on the lightcone. The distribution of quark 'a' in a parent 'X' (either hadron or another parton) is defined as $$f^a_A (\zeta, \mu) = \frac{1}{2} \int \frac{\text{d}y^-}{2\pi} e^{-i \zeta p^+ y^-} \langle A | \bar \psi_a(0, y^-, \mathbf 0) \gamma^+ U \psi_a(0) | A \rangle ,'$$ where $$U = \mathcal P \exp \left( -ig \int_0^{y^-} \text{d}z^- A_a^+(0,z^-, \mathbf 0) t_a \right)$$ is the Wilson line.

My questions are:

1) Where does this definition come from? I'd like to particularly understand in detail the content of the rhs (i.e the arguments of the spinors, why an integral over ##y^-## etc)

2) The review also mentions that in the physical gauge ##A^+=0, U## becomes the identity operator in which case ##f^a_A## is manifestly the matrix element of the number operator for finding quark 'a' in A with plus momentum fraction ##p_a^+ = \zeta p_A^+, p_a^T=0##. Why is ##A^+=0## the physical gauge?

Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
Which page in the book?
  • #3
MathematicalPhysicist said:
Which page in the book?
@MathematicalPhysicist I don't remember the exact page number (I left the book at my desk in the university) but I think it was in the chapter 19 on generalised parton distributions (P. 1037 approx).

Actually I see a derivation in Schwartz's book P.696-697 which seems quite helpful. In it he defines his lightcone expansion for any momenta as $$k^{\mu} = \frac{1}{2} (\bar n \cdot k) n^{\mu} + \frac{1}{2} (n \cdot k) \bar n^{\mu} + k_T^{\mu}$$ To make contact with the notation used in the 'Frontiers of particle physics' book, would ##n^+ = \bar n, n^- = n##? (i.e the momenta in the plus n direction is the longitudinal momenta along the direction of motion). I also don't understand what the integration over ##y^-## represents and what the meaning of ##\gamma^+## means (from Schwartz, it might be that ##\gamma^+ = \gamma^0## but not sure on that)

Few follow up questions: I don't understand when Schwartz says 'a clean way to think about which momentum components are small at large Q is using lightcone coordinates' <- why is this true?
Also for small transverse momenta carried by the parton it follows that ##\gamma^{\mu} \bar n_{\mu} \psi \approx 0## <- why is that?
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FAQ: PDFs expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators

What are PDFs expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators?

PDFs, or Parton Distribution Functions, are mathematical functions that describe the probability of finding a quark or gluon with a given momentum fraction inside a proton. They are expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators, which are mathematical objects that represent the interactions between particles. These matrix elements are used to calculate the distribution of partons in a proton at the quantum level.

How are PDFs expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators used in particle physics?

PDFs expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators are used in particle physics to understand the structure of protons and other hadrons. They provide insight into the fundamental interactions between quarks and gluons, which make up protons and other subatomic particles. These PDFs are essential for calculating cross-sections and predicting outcomes of high energy collisions in particle accelerators.

What is the significance of using matrix elements in expressing PDFs?

Using matrix elements to express PDFs allows for a more accurate and precise calculation of the distribution of partons in a proton. This is because matrix elements take into account the interactions between the partons, which can affect their momentum fractions. Additionally, using matrix elements allows for the incorporation of quantum field theory, making the calculations more rigorous and reliable.

Are PDFs expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators experimentally verified?

Yes, PDFs expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators have been experimentally verified through various measurements and observations in particle physics experiments. These include deep inelastic scattering experiments, which measure the structure of protons, and high energy collisions in particle accelerators, which allow for the testing of predictions based on PDFs.

How are PDFs expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators related to other concepts in particle physics?

PDFs expressed as matrix elements of bi-local operators are closely related to other concepts in particle physics, such as parton showering and fragmentation. Parton showering is the process by which partons radiate gluons and quarks, and fragmentation is the process by which partons combine to form hadrons. These processes are all described by PDFs, and understanding their interplay is crucial in understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

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