How Does Cutting a Spring in Half Affect Its Oscillation Period?

In summary, the conversation discusses the time period of a simple harmonic oscillator consisting of a mass and an ideal spring. It is mentioned that the period can be calculated using the equation T = 2π√(m/k). The question is then raised about what would happen if the spring was cut in half and used with the same particle. It is suggested that the amplitude of the oscillator would decrease with a smaller spring. Hints are given about considering the force required to stretch the spring and the distance moved by the middle of the spring. The ultimate conclusion is that cutting the spring in half would result in a smaller spring constant, therefore the period would increase to 2T. The conversation also mentions a comparison to a simple pendulum
  • #1

Homework Statement

A simple harmonic oscillator consists of a mass m and an ideal spring with spring constant k. Particle oscillates as shown in (i) with period T. If the spring is cut in half and used with the same particle, as shown in (ii), the period will be :
(choose one of the following)

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I blush, but I admit it: guess and check (there were five choices, and we have 5 chances to submit each problem...):redface:

I figure since this is an ideal spring, it has no mass, so the only equation I can think of is rather useless...
Any pointers on the right way to figure this baby out?


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  • #2
What is the expression for the time-period of an ideal mass-spring system? (You must know this equation :-p it's a manipulation of the formula you quoted). In addition, I should point out that the m in your expression is not the mass of the spring itself, rather the mass hanging from the spring.
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  • #3
oh ghod... excuse me while I bury myself in a hole.
Cramming is evil. It fries brain cells at a time when every brain cell counts.
  • #4
mbrmbrg said:
oh ghod... excuse me while I bury myself in a hole.
Cramming is evil. It fries brain cells at a time when every brain cell counts.

I'm trying to figure out why the question asked by Hootenanny elicited this response from you. What does happen when you cut the spring in half?
  • #5
OlderDan said:
I'm trying to figure out why the question asked by Hootenanny elicited this response from you. What does happen when you cut the spring in half?
Because I thought I could sove it. But I couldn't.
I don't know what happens when you cut a spring in half. However, an educated guess I can make.
A smaller spring will have a smaller amplitude (and so by default a smaller k). Does the amplitude change by the same amount that the spring was cut (ie spring cut in half==>x_m cut in half)?
I would think not, because with that assumption I got:


so if omega=omaga/2, then

[tex]T_{new}= \frac{4\pi}{omega}=2T=WRONG[/tex]
  • #6
mbrmbrg said:
A smaller spring will have a smaller amplitude (and so by default a smaller k).
Are you sure about that? :wink: And the equation I was referring to above is ;

[tex]T = 2\pi\sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}[/tex]
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  • #7
mbrmbrg said:
Because I thought I could sove it. But I couldn't.
I don't know what happens when you cut a spring in half. However, an educated guess I can make.
A smaller spring will have a smaller amplitude (and so by default a smaller k). Does the amplitude change by the same amount that the spring was cut (ie spring cut in half==>x_m cut in half)?
I would think not, because with that assumption I got:


so if omega=omaga/2, then

[tex]T_{new}= \frac{4\pi}{omega}=2T=WRONG[/tex]

Here is a hint then: How far does the middle of the spring move when the end originally attached to the mass moves a distance x?
  • #8
OlderDan said:
Here is a hint then: How far does the middle of the spring move when the end originally attached to the mass moves a distance x?

It can't be x, because the spring isn't rigid. I mean, the end attatched to a ceiling or wall or whatever doesn't move at all! So the end attatched to the mass moves x, and as you move farther and farther from the mass, the spring moves less and less. But I don't know how to quantify it.
  • #9
Here's another hint: Say you stretch a spring by an amount X. This takes a certain amount of force. Now cut the spring in half. Will it take more or less force to stretch that half spring by the same distance X?
  • #10
OlderDan said:
Here is a hint then: How far does the middle of the spring move when the end originally attached to the mass moves a distance x?

What Dan was getting at:
since you can consider a spring made up of two smaller springs attached end to end, and since the first spring will pull on the second with the same tension (same as the overall pull), then compare the distance moved by the spring attached to the wall to the overall distance moved by the two springs in combination (it's half the distance isn't it?). Since the same force will extend each spring half the distance (x/2) of the total extension (x), what then is the spring constant (the F over x ratio) for one of the springs (if "k" is the constant for the two in combination)?


Sorry OlderDan, I stepped on yr toes
  • #11
I'm going to meet with my physics professor now, so hopefully he'll explain it. If not... I'l be ba-aack. :evilgrin:
  • #12
One you find the answer, realize that a simple pendulum has a different equation and a different result when you cut the length in half

FAQ: How Does Cutting a Spring in Half Affect Its Oscillation Period?

1. What is the "period" of a cut spring?

The period of a cut spring refers to the time it takes for the spring to complete one full cycle of compression and expansion.

2. How is the period of a cut spring calculated?

The period of a cut spring can be calculated by dividing the mass of the object attached to the spring by the spring constant, and then taking the square root of that value. This calculation is based on Hooke's Law.

3. What factors can affect the period of a cut spring?

The period of a cut spring can be affected by several factors, including the mass of the object attached to the spring, the spring constant, and the amplitude (or distance) of the spring's compression and expansion. Friction and external forces can also affect the period.

4. How does the length of a cut spring affect its period?

The length of a cut spring can have an impact on its period. Generally, a longer spring will have a longer period compared to a shorter spring with the same mass and spring constant. This is because a longer spring has a larger distance to travel during each cycle.

5. Can the period of a cut spring be changed?

Yes, the period of a cut spring can be changed by altering its physical properties, such as its mass, spring constant, or length. The period can also be affected by external factors, such as friction and external forces. By manipulating these factors, the period of a cut spring can be adjusted to fit specific needs or experiments.
