Power signal calculation using Parseval's Theorem

In summary, the conversation discusses a transmitted power signal and a multipath channel, and the need to calculate the received power. The solution involves using the Fourier-transform to simplify the calculation and the Parseval's theorem to convert the time-domain convolution into a multiplication in the frequency-domain. However, there are some issues with taking the absolute value squared and the upper limit of integration needs to be adjusted. The final solution should be proportional to the squared magnitude of the channel's frequency response.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hi guys,
I have the following transmitted power signal:

$$x(t)=\alpha_m \ cos[2\pi(f_c+f_m)t+\phi_m],$$
where: ##\alpha_m=constant, \ \ f_c,f_m: frequencies, \ \ \theta_m: initial \ phase.##

The multipath channel is:
$$h(t)=\sum_{l=1}^L \sqrt{g_l} \ \delta(t-\tau_l).$$

The received signal is the convolution between ##x(t)## and ##h(t)##, i.e.:
where ##*## represent the convolution symbol.

I need to calculate the received power, which is:
$$R=(f_c+f_m) \int_0^{\frac{1}{f_c+f_m}} |y(t)|^2 dt.$$

Homework Equations

In order to simplify the calculation of ##y(t)##, I decided to calculate the Fourier-transform of ##x(t)## and ##h(t)##, so that the time-domain convolution will become a multiplication in frequency-domain; then I got:

$$Y(f)= \frac{\pi}{2} \alpha_m \sum_{l=1}^{L} \sqrt{g_l}\left [ e^{-j(\omega \tau_l - \theta_m)} \delta(\omega - \omega_0) + e^{-j(\omega \tau_l + \theta_m)} \delta(\omega + \omega_0) \right ],$$
with: ##\omega_0= 2\pi (f_c + f_m).##

The Attempt at a Solution

According the Parseval's theorem, the integral ##\int_0^{\frac{1}{f_c+f_m}} |y(t)|^2 dt## will be equivalent to ##\int_0^{f_c+f_m} |Y(f)|^2 df##, so that:

$$R=(f_c+f_m) \int_0^{f_c+f_m} |Y(f)|^2 df=$$
$$=(f_c+f_m) \Big(\frac{\pi}{2} \alpha_m\Big)^2 \int_0^{f_c+f_m} \Big| \sum_{l=1}^{L} \sqrt{g_l}\left [ e^{-j(\omega \tau_l - \theta_m)} \delta(\omega - \omega_0) + e^{-j(\omega \tau_l + \theta_m)} \delta(\omega + \omega_0) \right ] \Big|^2 df =$$
$$=(f_c+f_m) \Big(\frac{\pi}{2} \alpha_m\Big)^2 \sum_{l=1}^{L} {g_l} \int_0^{f_c+f_m} \left [ \Big( e^{-j(\omega \tau_l - \theta_m)} \delta(\omega - \omega_0) \Big)^2 + \Big( e^{-j(\omega \tau_l + \theta_m)} \delta(\omega + \omega_0) \Big)^2 +\underbrace{2 \Big| e^{-j(\omega \tau_l - \theta_m)} e^{-j(\omega \tau_l + \theta_m)}\delta(\omega - \omega_0)\delta(\omega + \omega_0)}_{=0} \Big| \right ] df $$

The last term is equal to zero because I have the multiplication of 2 delta; then:

$$R=(f_c+f_m) \int_0^{f_c+f_m} |Y(f)|^2df =$$
$$= (f_c+f_m) \Big(\frac{\pi}{2} \alpha_m\Big)^2 \sum_{l=1}^{L} {g_l} \Big[ \int_0^{f_c+f_m} \Big( e^{-j(\omega \tau_l - \theta_m)} \delta(\omega - \omega_0)\Big)^2 df + \int_0^{f_c+f_m} \Big(e^{-j(\omega \tau_l + \theta_m)} \delta(\omega + \omega_0) \Big) ^2 df \Big] $$

We can rewrite ##R## in this form:
$$R=(f_c+f_m) \Big(\frac{\pi}{2} \alpha_m\Big)^2 \sum_{l=1}^{L} {g_l} \Big[ \Big|e^{-j(\omega_0 \tau_l - \theta_m)} \Big|^2 + \Big| e^{j(\omega_0 \tau_l - \theta_m)} \Big|^2 \Big]$$

My supervisor suggested told me the solution is about correct and it should be proportional to ##|H(f_c+f_m)|^2##.

Actually I am stucked here and I cannot find the errors; so, your help will be really appreciated.

Thanks so much.
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  • #2
I question whether it is mathematically sound to have ## h(t) ## as a delta function so that you wind up taking the square of delta function(s) for power received. It might be necessary to make it rectangles of finite width. Additional item is it may be necessary to have the signal ## x(t) ## last for a finite time so that you don't have a delta function ## \delta(\omega-\omega_o) ## that winds up getting squared, which again, I'm not sure that such a thing is workable. Just a couple of inputs=perhaps others have additional inputs that might help to get the solution.
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  • #3
I see two additional problems:
1. Your upper limit of integration is too small. Under the usual condition that fc >> fm, your time integral runs over just a single cycle of the carrier, which excludes contributions from the delayed paths. The limit should be at least as big as the biggest [itex]\tau[/itex] term.
2. You have incorrectly taken the absolute value squared in section 3. The squared term must include the summation and [itex]\sqrt{g_l}[/itex] inside of it so that you get a lot of cross terms.
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Likes Charles Link
  • #4
Firstly, thanks Charles Link and Marcusl for your reply.
Unfortunately it was the text of the exercise, then I guess my supervisor made some assumptions.

The condition that the biggest ##\tau## is bigger than ##f_c+f_m## is always verified.

I then wrote again the expression of ##R##, and considering that ##|Y(f)|^2=Y(f) \ Y^*(f)##, I got this:

$$R=(f_c+f_m) \Big(\frac{\pi}{2} \alpha_m\Big)^2 \int_0^{f_c+f_m} \Big| \sum_{l=1}^{L} \sqrt{g_l}\left [ e^{-j(\omega \tau_l - \theta_m)} \delta(\omega - \omega_0) + e^{-j(\omega \tau_l + \theta_m)} \delta(\omega + \omega_0) \right ] \Big|^2 df =$$
$$(f_c+f_m) (\frac{\pi}{2}\alpha_m)^2 \int_0^{f_c+f_m} \Big[\sum_{l=1}^L \sqrt{g_l} \ e^{-j(w\tau_l-\theta_m)}\delta(\omega-\omega_0)+ \sum_{l=1}^L \sqrt{g_l} \ e^{-j(w\tau_l+\theta_m)} \delta(\omega+\omega_0) \Big] \Big[\sum_{l=1}^L \sqrt{g_l} \ e^{j(w\tau_l-\theta_m)}\delta(\omega-\omega_0)+ \sum_{l=1}^L \sqrt{g_l} \ e^{j(w\tau_l+\theta_m)} \delta(\omega+\omega_0) \Big] df.$$

Now the terms which present the multiplication between ##\delta(\omega-\omega_0)## and ##\delta(\omega+\omega_0)##, according the distribution theory, are equal to ##0##; so we got:

$$R=(f_c+f_m) (\frac{\pi}{2}\alpha_m)^2 \int_0^{f_c+f_m} 2 \sum_{l=1}^L g_l \ df= \frac{\pi^2}{2}{\alpha_m}^2 (f_c+f_m)^2 \sum_{l=1}^L g_l $$

Can you see any mistakes in this?
  • #5
Mik256 said:
The condition that the biggest τ\tau is bigger than fc+fmf_c+f_m is always verified.
1. This makes no sense since time and frequency have different units. You need to integrate over a time longer than [itex]\tau_{max}[/itex] . In fact, you have mis-applied Parseval's (Plancheral's) theorem altogether, since it is true only for infinite limits.

2. Your square is still wrong. You must write it out like this $$\int_{-\infty}^\infty \Big| \sum_{l=1}^{L} c_l(\omega) \Big|^2 d\omega = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \sum_{l=1}^{L} c_l(\omega) \sum_{m=1}^{L} c^*_m(\omega) d\omega$$
where c is all the stuff in the summand.
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Likes Charles Link

Related to Power signal calculation using Parseval's Theorem

1. What is Parseval's Theorem?

Parseval's Theorem is a mathematical theorem that relates the energy of a signal in the time domain to the energy of its Fourier transform in the frequency domain. It states that the total energy of a signal can be calculated by taking the sum of the squared absolute values of its Fourier coefficients.

2. How is Parseval's Theorem used to calculate power signals?

In order to calculate the power of a signal using Parseval's Theorem, we first need to calculate the energy of the signal using the theorem. Then, we divide the energy by the duration of the signal to get the average power. This can be done for both periodic and non-periodic signals.

3. What is the difference between energy and power in a signal?

Energy is a measure of the total amount of signal that is present, while power is a measure of how fast the signal is changing. In other words, energy is a measure of the signal's amplitude, while power is a measure of its rate of change.

4. Can Parseval's Theorem be used for all types of signals?

Yes, Parseval's Theorem can be used for both continuous and discrete signals. However, it is important to note that the theorem assumes that the signal is finite in duration and has a finite energy.

5. Are there any limitations to using Parseval's Theorem for power signal calculation?

One limitation of using Parseval's Theorem for power signal calculation is that it assumes the signal is periodic. This means that if the signal is not periodic, we would need to use a modified version of the theorem, such as the generalized Parseval's Theorem. Additionally, the theorem is more accurate for signals with a higher number of harmonics.

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