Preferred curly brace placement and why.

  • Thread starter Dembadon
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In summary: bool operator> (const type &x, const type &y) { return x > y; }bool operator<=(const type &x, const type &y) { return !(x < y); }bool operator>=(const type &x, const type &y) { return !(x > y); }bool operator!=(const type &x, const type &y) { return !(x == y); }would require a bunch of lines likeinline bool operator> (const type &x, const type &y) { return x > y; }inline bool operator<=(const type &x, const type &y) { return !(x < y

If given discretion, which would you use and why?

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  • #1
Gold Member
Assume you're not forced to use a particular method.

Method 1:

void foo( giveMeThis ) {
   if( something ) {
   } else {

Method 2:

void foo( giveMeThis )
   if( something )

If you selected 'other', please provide an example.
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  • #2
IMO, just learn to love whatever your favorite IDE (or the IDE your employer insists that you use) does for free, when it reformats your code.
  • #3
Method 2, because it's easy to see if the braces are balanced or not.
  • #4
Method 1. It irks me to have an entire line of screen real estate taken up by a single curly brace for some reason. It's one less line and I have never had any problems with the readability of it.

BTW, Method 1 is known as "The One True Brace Style" and Method 2 is known as K&R style.
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  • #5
DrGreg said:
Method 2, because it's easy to see if the braces are balanced or not.

Ditto. It also makes it easier to cut/copy and paste a whole block of code.
  • #6
AlephZero said:
IMO, just learn to love whatever your favorite IDE (or the IDE your employer insists that you use) does for free, when it reformats your code.

A friend of mine loves to use Xcode, and it's autocomplete feature is set to use method 1 by default. However, I'm not really a big fan of method 1 because it can scrunch the code together when you have control structures with statements long enough such that they're pushed onto the next line. I've used Xcode before, and I got around this by simply turning off the autocomplete functionality for brace placement. I normally just use Text Wrangler for writing code and g++ to compile it. If I do use an IDE, it's usually Bloodshed's Dev-C++. It's free and works well enough for the things I've been needing to do in my courses.

One thing I've noticed with different IDEs is the way they choose to format indentation when opening a file. Most of them have an option to reformat the code using whatever tab setting you want, but if they don't, it can really make of mess of things.

DrGreg said:
Method 2, because it's easy to see if the braces are balanced or not.

I agree. I also like the visual separation it creates between structures and code blocks.

DavidSnider said:

BTW, Method 1 is known as "The One True Brace Style" and Method 2 is known as K&R style.

I thought it was the other way around.
  • #7
The designers of Fortran 77 got this right IMO.
if (something) then
elseif (somethingElse) then
No variations allowed, since the line breaks are part of the syntax.
  • #8
Not only do you get rid of the curly braces, you get rid of those pesky semicolons, too! :!)
  • #9
I prefer method 2, for the reasons that DrGreg and jtbell give.

However, method 1 is the preferred method in Javascript programming, which I am doing more of, lately. In Javascript, method 2 can lead to unexpected results, due to the quirky nature of this language. I can't think of an example off the top of my head, but I'll dig one up and post it later.
  • #10
This is a theological arguement. Hard core C programmers who learned at the knee of K&R's white book will prefer #1 for no better reason than that that's the way the masters do it.

To try to resolve this among several dozen programmers who worked for me some years back, I took the issue to NON-programmers and without exception they said that method #1 is moronic (or words to that effect).

It made no difference. The K&R deciples remained unconvinced.
  • #11
Why would you take the issue to non-programmers? Isn't that kind of like asking non-pilots which instrument deck looks the best?
  • #12
Dembadon said:
I agree. I also like the visual separation it creates between structures and code blocks.
I sometimes use method 2 for this reason. However, I also use method 1 for this reason.

That is, I often don't want the separation. e.g. short loops, conditionals, and functions are often best read as one unit. Adding the spacing breaks apart the flow of the code. It also means that the breaks between units require dramatic formatting.

Even groups of functions should often be clustered. e.g. a block of code like

inline bool operator> (const type &x, const type &y) { return   y <  x ; }
inline bool operator<=(const type &x, const type &y) { return !(x >  y); }
inline bool operator>=(const type &x, const type &y) { return !(x <  y); }
inline bool operator!=(const type &x, const type &y) { return !(x == y); }

to define the other comparison operators on a class in terms of < and == already takes up more space than it really deserves. Aside from assuring you don't exceed 78 character lines, there is nothing to gain from "properly" formatting these.
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  • #13
Here is a very simple JavaScript example.
Style 1.
   status: true

Style 2.
return {

   status: true
(This example appears in "JavaScript: The Good Parts," Douglas Crockford, O'Reilly|Yahoo! Press.

Style 1 causes the JavaScript interpreter to think that you forgot to put a ; on the line with the return statement, so to help you out, it adds one there. This means that what is actually returned is undefined, not an object with its status property set to true.

To prevent this behavior, include the right brace - { - on the same line with the return keyword.
  • #14
DavidSnider said:
Why would you take the issue to non-programmers? Isn't that kind of like asking non-pilots which instrument deck looks the best?

I was looking for a logical input, not a technical one, and it's what I got, but as I said, it didn't make any difference.
  • #15
Mark44 said:
(This example appears in "JavaScript: The Good Parts," Douglas Crockford, O'Reilly|Yahoo! Press.

I don't know the book, but I'm surprised it's as long as 172 pages :smile:

But apart from showing how not to design a programming language, as Hurkyl said why wounldn't any sensible programmer write
return { status: true };
or even leave out the { } unless Javascript insists on them.
  • #16
AlephZero said:
I don't know the book, but I'm surprised it's as long as 172 pages :smile:
Crockford also includes the bad parts, and the really bad parts. What he presents in this book is a subset of JavaScript that is actually pretty reasonable.
AlephZero said:
But apart from showing how not to design a programming language, as Hurkyl said why wounldn't any sensible programmer write
return { status: true };
or even leave out the { } unless Javascript insists on them.
The braces indicate that what is being returned is an object.
  • #17
Personally, I prefer method 1 as I don't really like all the extra lines of code method 2 results in. However, as long as you are consistent within a given project, there should be no problems for another coder to understand what you are doing.
  • #18
I prefer method one. Mostly because I consider two to be a waste of real estate on my screen. If my methods are so long that I can't see the alignments well, that tells me that I'm probably overcoding it.

I've been on projects where the code gets auto-formatted to method two when it's checked into the code repository. I would much rather see the people that implement that nonsense to focus on putting in proper error handling or commenting their code.

On a related note, if you want a good laugh on how not to code, check out the link below.
  • #19
Always Method 2. I find it much easier to read, though the extra line count is annoying.

FAQ: Preferred curly brace placement and why.

1. Why is curly brace placement important in coding?

Curly brace placement is important in coding as it helps to organize and structure the code, making it easier to read and understand. It also helps to avoid errors and improve the overall functionality of the code.

2. What is the preferred curly brace placement style?

The preferred curly brace placement style varies among programmers, but the most commonly used style is the "K&R" style, which places the opening curly brace on the same line as the statement or function and the closing curly brace on its own line.

3. What is the difference between "K&R" style and "Allman" style curly brace placement?

The main difference between "K&R" style and "Allman" style curly brace placement is the placement of the opening curly brace. In "K&R" style, the opening curly brace is placed on the same line as the statement or function, while in "Allman" style, the opening curly brace is placed on its own line.

4. Is there a standard for curly brace placement in coding?

No, there is no standard for curly brace placement in coding. Different programming languages and organizations may have their own preferred styles, but ultimately it comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of the project.

5. Are there any benefits to using a specific curly brace placement style?

Yes, using a specific curly brace placement style can make the code more readable and organized, which can save time and reduce errors. It can also help with collaboration among team members who are familiar with the same style.

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