Process Control (transfer function) problem

In summary, a "Process Control (transfer function) problem" involves the analysis and design of control systems using transfer functions, which represent the relationship between the input and output of a system in the frequency domain. This problem typically includes identifying system dynamics, stability, and performance characteristics, often requiring the application of mathematical techniques such as Laplace transforms and feedback control principles to optimize system behavior and response.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary: transfer function


I have a doubt on this exercise from my post graduation course:
The transfer funtion of a series RL circuit is given by:


Determine the answer y(t) for an entry signal given by x(t) = u(t) V:



From the Laplace table, I find the closest association would be e-at, for F(s) = 1/s+a. Then the answer would be "d", but I'm not sure if this association is correct, because F(s) is not exactly 1/s+a, it's more likely a/s+a, where a = R/L.

Could someone give me a clear answer?

Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
1) Use parentheses. If you mean 1/(s+a), then write 1/(s+a), not 1/s + a. Correct all those errors.
2) Define u(t).
3) Compare the y(t) values at ##t=0## and ##t=\infty## of the optional answers with what you would expect from a first order lag transformation, H(s). That should rule out practically all the wrong answers.