Magnet Properties: Stick to Steel at 150°C?

  • Thread starter bprashant05
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In summary: A distribution is just a record of which values of the variable in question are how probable. Now, the (random - so to say) variable itself could depend on some other parameter - say time. Then the distribution itself becomes a function of time. So at each instant, the snapshot of the distribution could look different.
  • #1
Hi friends,

i have question will the magnet be able to stick to the steel ,when steel is at 150 degreee centigrade in same wave as it will stick to it at normail temperature.

Please advice or give me the resourses to find magnet properties.

Prashant Bidikar
Physics news on
  • #2
bprashant05 said:
will the magnet be able to stick to the steel ,when steel is at 150 degreee centigrade in same wave as it will stick to it at normail temperature.
This depends on the specific magnet material and the type of steel. For most common magnets (except NdFeB) and steels, there will be only a small (<20%, would be my guess) reduction in the force at 150C. Most steels have a Curie Temperature of about 500-600C, so I imagine they don't change by much until about 300C or higher. The problem is more with the magnet, and there are two points to consider here:
(i) are we well below the Curie point of the magnetic material, and
(ii) if the magnet is bonded, are we below the safe working temperature of the binder?

At 150C, you can not use an NdFeB magnet, but I think most other kinds will work.

PS: Here's a link that tells you about maximum working temperatures of different magnet types.

Here's a better link:
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  • #3
The flux density of a ferromagnet decreases with increasing temperature until a point at which the electron configuration changes, because the molecules have sufficient energy to change configuration at high temp, and the substance becomes paramagnetic. I think its called the Curie temperature, and it varies for different metals/alloys.

So it won't stick to it "in the same way" as in, the magnetic flux will be weaker. But it will still stick to it provided its below the curie temperature.

i think :P
  • #4
3trQN said:
The flux density of a ferromagnet decreases with increasing temperature until a point at which the electron configuration changes, because the molecules have sufficient energy to change configuration at high temp, and the substance becomes paramagnetic. I think its called the Curie temperature, and it varies for different metals/alloys.

So it won't stick to it "in the same way" as in, the magnetic flux will be weaker. But it will still stick to it provided its below the curie temperature.

i think :P
That's pretty close. But there's two points to consider. (i) The magnetization does not typically fall away much until you get close to the Tc, and then it decreases drastically. So, you can often heat a ferromagnet up to about 70% of Tc and see less than a 30% reduction in magnetization (from the 0K value). (ii) However, with most bonded magnets, there's a lower constraint on the working temperature due to the polymeric binder that's used to hold together the particles of the magnet.

A typical magnetization vs temperature curve looks something like this:
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  • #5
Yeah thanks, i figured it wouldn't be linear but wasnt sure.

Intresting curve profile, does it change considerably for various materials?

How are the electron spins distributed in the three materials (para, dia and ferro) , do any of them follow a gaussian distribution?
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  • #6
Distributed as a function of what?
  • #7
Gokul43201 said:
Distributed as a function of what?

A distribution ain't a function!

A distribution is just a record of which values of the variable in question are how probable. Now, the (random - so to say) variable itself could depend on some other parameter - say time. Then the distribution itself becomes a function of time. So at each instant, the snapshot of the distribution could look different.
  • #8
rainbowings said:
A distribution ain't a function!

Why would a distribution not be a function? It is most definitely a function - albeit it may be a non-continuous one.

Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, Planck distribution, radial distribution, etc...these are all functions of a variable (velocity, energy, radial seperation, respectively).

A normalized probability distribution is a function that maps some domain to the real interval [0,1]

FAQ: Magnet Properties: Stick to Steel at 150°C?

1. What is the maximum temperature that a magnet can stick to steel?

The maximum temperature that a magnet can stick to steel is 150°C.

2. Why does a magnet lose its ability to stick to steel at high temperatures?

This is because high temperatures cause the atoms in the magnet to vibrate vigorously, disrupting the alignment of the magnetic domains and reducing the overall magnetic field strength.

3. Can magnets stick to other materials at high temperatures?

Yes, magnets can stick to other materials at high temperatures, but the maximum temperature may vary depending on the type of material and its magnetic properties.

4. Is there a way to make a magnet stick to steel at temperatures higher than 150°C?

Yes, it is possible to make a magnet stick to steel at higher temperatures by using special materials such as rare-earth magnets, which have a higher Curie temperature (the temperature at which a material loses its magnetic properties).

5. Will a magnet regain its ability to stick to steel once it cools down?

Yes, a magnet will regain its ability to stick to steel once it cools down and the atoms return to their original alignment, restoring the magnetic field strength.
