Is Velocity Constant if AxVx + AyVy Equals Zero?

In summary, for a particle moving in the xy plane with velocity \vec{v}(t)=v_x(t)\vec{i}+v_y(t)\vec{j} and acceleration \vec{a}(t)=a_x(t)\vec{i}+a_y(t)\vec{j}, the magnitude of the velocity can only be constant if a_xv_x+a_yv_y = 0. This can be shown by taking the appropriate derivative and setting it equal to 0, which results in a_x(t)=a_y(t)=0. However, it's also possible for a_x=-a_y, in which case the acceleration would still be 0 and the magnitude of the velocity would be constant.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle is moving in the xy plane with velocity [itex]\vec{v}(t)=v_x(t)\vec{i}+v_y(t)\vec{j}[/itex] and acceleration [itex]\vec{a}(t)=a_x(t)\vec{i}+a_y(t)\vec{j}[/itex]. By taking the appropiate derivative show that the magnitude of v can be constant only if [itex]a_xv_x+a_yv_y = 0[/itex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I know that in order for velocity to have a constant magnitude then acceleration must = 0.

Since acceleration is the derivative of velocity and dv/dt=0 iff v=some constant.
expanding the LHS:


[tex]\frac{dv_x(t)}{dt}\vec{i}+\frac{dv_y(t)}{dt}\vec{j} = 0[/tex]

[tex]a_x(t)\vec{i}+a_y(t)\vec{j} = 0[/tex]

since i,j are unit vectors and do not equal 0 the components of acceleration must = 0.


But it's also possible for [itex]a_x=-a_y[/itex] in which case the acceleration would still = 0 so is this a proof really correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
The velocity need not be constant. The magnitude of the velocity is constant. Get the magnitude of the velocity, and use the fact that it is constant... go from there..
  • #3

Your attempt at a solution is on the right track, but it is not a complete proof. Let's break it down step by step.

First, you correctly state that in order for velocity to have a constant magnitude, acceleration must be zero. This is because acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if acceleration is zero, velocity is not changing and therefore has a constant magnitude.

Next, you expand the left side of the equation \frac{d\vec{v}(t)}{dt}=0 to get \frac{dv_x(t)}{dt}\vec{i}+\frac{dv_y(t)}{dt}\vec{j} = 0. This is also correct, but it is important to note that this is not the same as v_x(t)\vec{i}+v_y(t)\vec{j} = 0 which is what you have written in the homework statement. The former is the derivative of velocity, while the latter is the velocity itself.

Then, you state that a_x(t)=a_y(t)=0, which is not necessarily true. It is possible for a_x=-a_y, as you mentioned, which would still result in an acceleration of zero. So this is not a complete proof.

To complete the proof, we need to use the fact that acceleration is the derivative of velocity. This means that we can write a_x(t) = \frac{dv_x(t)}{dt} and a_y(t) = \frac{dv_y(t)}{dt}. Substituting these into the equation a_xv_x+a_yv_y = 0, we get \frac{dv_x(t)}{dt}v_x(t)+\frac{dv_y(t)}{dt}v_y(t) = 0.

Now, if we integrate both sides with respect to time, we get \int \frac{dv_x(t)}{dt}v_x(t)dt+\int \frac{dv_y(t)}{dt}v_y(t)dt = 0. Using the chain rule, we can simplify this to \int v_x(t)dv_x(t)+\int v_y(t)dv_y(t) = 0.

We can then use the power rule to integrate each term, giving us \frac{1}{2}v_x(t)^2+\frac{1}{2}v_y(t)^2 = C, where C is a constant of integration.

This shows that the

FAQ: Is Velocity Constant if AxVx + AyVy Equals Zero?

1. How do you define velocity?

Velocity is a measure of the rate of change of an object's position in a specific direction over time. It is commonly expressed as distance traveled per unit of time, such as meters per second or miles per hour.

2. What does it mean for velocity to be constant?

If an object's velocity is constant, it means that it is moving at a steady speed in a specific direction. This means that the object is not accelerating or decelerating, and its speed and direction remain the same throughout its motion.

3. How can velocity be proven to be constant?

Velocity can be proven to be constant through various methods, such as measuring the object's displacement and time in equal intervals and calculating the average velocity, or using a motion sensor to track the object's position and speed over time. If the object's speed and direction do not change, the velocity is considered constant.

4. What factors can affect the constancy of velocity?

The constancy of velocity can be affected by external forces such as friction, air resistance, or gravity. These forces can cause the object's speed or direction to change, resulting in a non-constant velocity. Additionally, changes in the object's mass or shape can also affect its velocity.

5. Can velocity be constant for a non-linear motion?

Yes, velocity can be constant for a non-linear motion as long as the object's speed and direction remain the same over time. This means that the object's displacement may not be proportional to the time elapsed, but its velocity will still be constant as long as there is no acceleration or deceleration.
