Quantum Physics: Probability density

In summary, the probability density for the ground state of the hydrogen atom is psi^2(0) and the radial probability density for the positions is zero.
  • #1
For the ground state of the hydrogen atom, evaluate the probabilty density psi^2(r) and the radial probability density of P(r) for the positions.

a) r = 0
b) r = rb

I confused how this probability function is used. What's the technique here?

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  • #2
In this problem, you are only being asked to evaluate functions of a single variable variable at two different points. It's no different than if you were asked to evaluate f(x) and g(x) at x1 and x2 in Algebra II, for instance.

The wavefunction Ψ(r) should be in your book. You already stated the definition of the probability density (|Ψ|2), and the definition of the radial probability density is bound to be in your book, too. Compute those functions, and then insert r=0 and r=rb (the Bohr radius). No integration is required.
  • #3
Okay, what do I use for A, n, L and x?

If I evaluate x=0 I get 0. But the answer is non-zero.
  • #4
Originally posted by frankR
Okay, what do I use for A, n, L and x?

Whoa: What are A, n, and L? Also, don't you mean r instead of x?

If I evaluate x=0 I get 0. But the answer is non-zero.

If you evaluate what at r=0? The probability density is nonzero there, but the radial probability density is zero.
  • #5
Halliday gives:

|Ψ|2(x) = A2Sin2(n[pi]/L * x), n = 1, 2, 3,...

No radial coordinate.
  • #6
Originally posted by frankR
Halliday gives:

(|Ψ|2) = A2Sin2(n:pi:/L * x), n = 1, 2, 3,...

No radial coordinate.

That's the wavefunction for a particle in a box. It isn't applicable to the hydrogen atom. You need to look up that wavefunction, which will certainly have a radial coordinate.
  • #7
So I want this:

Ψ(r) = 1/(sqrt[[pi]a3/2) e-r/a

Square that and evaulate, or can I just evaluate and squre?
  • #8
Yes, that's the one. It makes no difference what order you do the evaluating and squaring in. Don't forget that you also have to do it for the radial probability density.
  • #9
For some reason the answer I'm getting is no where close to the given answer: 2150(nm)-3

I get: 6.121e^9
  • #10
And you got your answer how...?
  • #11
I just plugged it into my calculator.

Since a=5.29x10^-11m the answer should be very large.

This must not be the correct formula or something.
  • #12
Originally posted by frankR
Since a=5.29x10^-11m the answer should be very large.

You should ask yourself:
It should be very large in what units?

You are working in meters, and the answer was given in inverse cubic nanometers.
  • #13

That's what happens when you do physics for 10 hours straight.

Edit: BTW, I've never seen that type of unit used before so my brain must have dismissed it.:smile:
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  • #14
Oh BTW: Thanks for your help Tom.

FAQ: Quantum Physics: Probability density

1. What is probability density in quantum physics?

Probability density in quantum physics is a mathematical concept that describes the likelihood of finding a particle in a specific location. It is represented by a function that assigns a probability value to each point in space.

2. How is probability density calculated in quantum physics?

The probability density of a particle is calculated by squaring the wave function, which is a mathematical expression that describes the probability amplitude of the particle at different points in space. The resulting value represents the probability of finding the particle at that particular point.

3. What is the relationship between probability density and uncertainty in quantum physics?

In quantum physics, uncertainty refers to the inherent unpredictability of a particle's location and momentum. The probability density function takes this uncertainty into account, as it describes the likelihood of finding a particle at a specific point in space. The higher the uncertainty, the more spread out the probability density function will be.

4. Can probability density be negative in quantum physics?

No, probability density in quantum physics must always be positive. This is because the square of the wave function, which is used to calculate probability density, can never be negative.

5. How does probability density relate to the wave-particle duality in quantum physics?

In quantum physics, particles exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. The probability density function reflects this duality, as it describes the potential locations of a particle in wave-like terms. This means that a particle can have a probability of being in multiple places at once, until it is observed and its wave function collapses into a single point in space.
