Why is my electromagnet's amperage fluctuating?

In summary, there is a discussion about a basic electromagnet created using copper wire coiled around a nail. When connected to a DMM and a 12v 3Amp DC power supply, the amperage fluctuates, possibly due to the rectified output of the power supply and limitations of the DMM. It is noted that the magnetic pull is stronger when connected to two C batteries rather than the power supply. There are suggestions to use a soft iron core instead of a steel nail and ensure proper insulation on the copper wire.
  • #1
Hello all!

I have created a basic electromagnet using copper wire coiled around a nail. When I hook a DMM in series with the electromagnet and my 12v 3Amp DC power supply, the DMM shows that the amperage fluctuates. It will not come to a certain number or switch between two numbers that are very close together. It is almost like the current from the DC power supply is acting like AC current. Is it normal for the amperage to fluctuate so much? Does this happen because of the coil or is my power supply messed up?

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  • #2
The more basic DMMs tend to fluctuate and the more basic power supplies give a rectified D.C output but not very well smoothed out.
  • #3
When I hook up my magnet to two C batteries the magnetic pull is much stronger than when I hook it up to my 12v 3 amp dc power supply. What?! The batteries are less amperage so it should be the other way around. Any ideas as to what's going on?

  • #4
What?!.Thats my reaction also.I can only guess.
1.Perhaps your DMM is faulty or you had a poor connection or you wired it incorrectly.
2.An electromagnet can draw a large current and most power supplies have a cut out if the current goes too high and you have to wait for them to cool down before they can be reset.Was it possible that you tested your electromagnet when the power was off?The core being a nail and made of steel would have been turned into a permanent magnet by your previous experiments.
May I make a few suggestions
1.Try not to use batteries.Your electromagnet draws a lot of power,your batteries will last a short time and this can work out expensive.
2.Use a soft iron core instead of a steel nail.Soft iron is a temporary magnetic material and loses its magnetism when the power is switched off.I am assuming that your local school would loan you this if you cannot get it otherwise.
I have just thought of something else.What is the insulation on your copper wire like?If it is coated with varnish or something similar perhaps some of this got scraped off.

FAQ: Why is my electromagnet's amperage fluctuating?

What is an electromagnet?

An electromagnet is a type of magnet that is created by passing an electric current through a wire. This current generates a magnetic field, which can be turned on and off by controlling the flow of electricity.

How quickly can an electromagnet be turned on or off?

The speed at which an electromagnet can be turned on or off depends on the strength of the electric current and the size of the wire. Generally, electromagnets can be turned on and off very quickly, within milliseconds.

What is the difference between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet?

The main difference between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet is that an electromagnet can be turned on and off, while a permanent magnet always has a magnetic field. Additionally, the strength of an electromagnet can be adjusted by changing the electric current, whereas the strength of a permanent magnet is fixed.

Can an electromagnet be used to lift heavy objects?

Yes, an electromagnet can be used to lift heavy objects. By increasing the strength of the electric current, the magnetic field of the electromagnet becomes stronger, allowing it to lift heavier objects. This is commonly used in cranes and other lifting equipment.

Are there any safety precautions to consider when working with electromagnets?

Yes, there are some safety precautions to consider when working with electromagnets. It is important to use the correct amount of electricity and not exceed the maximum capacity of the wire, as this can cause the wire to overheat and potentially start a fire. It is also important to handle electromagnets carefully, as the magnetic field can be strong enough to attract metal objects and cause them to fly towards the magnet. Additionally, always turn off the power when not in use and avoid placing electronic devices near the electromagnet as it can interfere with their functionality.
