Realistic coasting cosmology from the Milne model

In summary, the conversation discusses the recent resurgence of interest in coasting cosmological models, which suggest a linear coasting of the universe rather than accelerated expansion. However, these models have been met with criticism as they do not fit with current data on the cosmic microwave background and nucleosynthesis. The conversation also mentions a paper that proposes a more realistic coasting cosmology that takes into account these discrepancies. While there is still debate on whether or not a coasting cosmology can fit early-universe data, it is generally accepted that it does not fit with current data.
  • #1
Moncy Vilavinal John
In the past few months, there appear some observational results supporting the linear coasting models for the universe.

This brings the coasting models again to the centre-stage of cosmology.

(By the way, the paper by Kolb, E. W. "A coasting cosmology" Astrophysical Journal 344 (1989) is not the first eternally coasting model. Moreover, it contains only some exotic K-matter in the present universe, whereas in the early phases in this model there were only radiation and matter and the situation was not different from the erstwhile `standard model'.)

The first eternally coasting model, with realistic matter/energy content is in

They were studied in detail also in

A recent paper discusses the above works, which are antecedents to the widely discussed
The Rh= ct universe and the A Concordant" Freely Coasting Cosmology"
Realistic coasting cosmology from the Milne model
Space news on
  • #3
Thank you for your welcome. And thank you for the links to other threads in PF.

Please find another thread also discussing the eternally coasting cosmological model:

That's a wild overstatement.

Reference hope we agree that all statements have their own subjectiveness.
In my opinion, at present, the Lambda-CDM model is not the only actor on stage in cosmology.
  • #4
As far as I can see all the coasting models ignore CMB and nucleosynthesis data. As such, these are interesting in a purely abstract, academic sense, since they simply don't fit all available observations.
  • #5
Bandersnatch said:
As far as I can see all the coasting models ignore CMB and nucleosynthesis data.
In 1996, the main difficulty with the publication of this coasting model was that it does not fit the decelerating present universe of `standard model'!

Sure, lot of details are to be worked out. But the global features like the absence of cosmological problems, such as the coincidence problem and even the recent `synchronicity problem' itself are to be considered.
  • #6
Moncy Vilavinal John said:
In 1996, the main difficulty with the publication of this coasting model was that it does not fit the decelerating present universe of `standard model'!
In 1996, we had very little data for either the CMB or for the expansion history of our universe. Now we have both, and a coasting cosmology just does not fit very early-universe data.

You *might* be able to make a coasting cosmology work if it acts as a standard cold dark matter big bang model for the early universe, then transitions to a coasting model later on, but that's going to be an even more complicated model than the current LCDM model, because you'll have to add some new interaction that makes it so that the matter density ceases to impact the expansion after a certain time.
  • #7
Chalnoth said:
In 1996, we had very little data for either the CMB or for the expansion history of our universe. Now we have both, and a coasting cosmology just does not fit very early-universe data.

I agree this argument has some substance. Now we have both data of present expansion history and the early-universe data. But the question is, do we have to compromise a model that fits (if it so happens) the present data of present expansion history, for the sake of very early-universe data, that requires a lot of extrapolations for its explanation? Or is it preferable in the opposite way?

Also please note that it is not yet proven that a coasting cosmology does not fit very early-universe data either.
  • #8
Permit me a question. While mentioned in section 5 of your paper,, it was unclear how "unnatural dimming' of SN 1 a at large reshifts" is resolved. This is a known issue in coasting cosmologies in that it implies a hyperbolic as opposed to flat spacetime. Since it is mentioned I assume it is also addressed. Perhaps I just missed it.
  • #9
Chronos said:
Permit me a question. While mentioned in section 5 of your paper,, it was unclear how "unnatural dimming' of SN 1 a at large reshifts" is resolved. This is a known issue in coasting cosmologies in that it implies a hyperbolic as opposed to flat spacetime. Since it is mentioned I assume it is also addressed. Perhaps I just missed it.
The unnatural dimming of SN 1 a at large redshifts led to the discovery of accelerated expansion of the universe. This is just mentioned.
  • #10
Moncy Vilavinal John said:
Also please note that it is not yet proven that a coasting cosmology does not fit very early-universe data either.
As somebody who has worked with CMB data for a number of years, yes, it is.

One way to see this is that the coasting cosmology is a universe where ##\Omega_m = \Omega_\Lambda = 0##. Below is a plot of the constraints on ##\Omega_m##, ##\Omega_\Lambda## from a few important data sets (attached, source).
Mass vs Dark Energy plot.jpeg

The origin at the bottom left represents the coasting cosmology. Note that it's reasonably far from the supernova contour, but not ridiculously so. The BAO contour is an estimate of how much mass there is, and since in a coasting cosmology the amount of mass doesn't matter, it can be ignored for the purpose of this discussion.

The orange contour is the one I'm talking about: the CMB. The CMB contour doesn't come anywhere near the origin. I'd have to dig into the numbers to be sure, but it's easily dozens of standard deviations away. There just isn't any way to reconcile this.
  • #11
Chalnoth said:
One way to see this is that the coasting cosmology is a universe where Ωm=ΩΛ=0\Omega_m = \Omega_\Lambda.

All coasting models are not with Ωm=ΩΛ=0. That is the entire point of the paper 1610.09885 discussed here .
  • #12
Moncy Vilavinal John said:
All coasting models are not with Ωm=ΩΛ=0. That is the entire point of the paper 1610.09885 discussed here .
In terms of their impact on the rate of expansion over time, that's precisely the definition of a coasting cosmology.

Sure, if you have some form of exotic dark energy which couples with matter in such a way to make it so that the pressure/energy density of our universe is always -1/3, then you could have a coasting cosmology without ##\Omega_m=\Omega_\Lambda=0##, but in terms of the data based off of expansion rates over time, the results are still identical.

The fact that the CMB data depends on the matter density in other ways besides just the expansion history may make it a little less horrible for the model, but not by much. There's still a strong dependence of the CMB data on the expansion history alone, and I don't think there's any possibility of a model like this fitting that data.
  • #13
Chalnoth said:
In terms of their impact on the rate of expansion over time, that's precisely the definition of a coasting cosmology.

Sure, if you have some form of exotic dark energy which couples with matter in such a way to make it so that the pressure/energy density of our universe is always -1/3, then you could have a coasting cosmology without Ωm=ΩΛ=0\Omega_m=\Omega_\Lambda=0, but in terms of the data based off of expansion rates over time, the results are still identical.

Sorry, no, the results are not identical. When we write the scale factor for a coasting model as a = mt, then the apparent magnitude-redshift (\mu -z) relation involves the parameter m. For details, please see the paper

FAQ: Realistic coasting cosmology from the Milne model

1. What is realistic coasting cosmology from the Milne model?

Realistic coasting cosmology from the Milne model is a theoretical framework for understanding the evolution of the universe based on the Milne model, which is a simplified mathematical model of the universe. This model assumes that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic, meaning that it looks the same in all directions and at all locations. It also assumes that the universe is expanding at a constant rate, known as the Hubble constant. Realistic coasting cosmology takes this model and incorporates more realistic factors, such as the effects of matter and energy, to better reflect the observed behavior of the universe.

2. How does the Milne model differ from other cosmological models?

The Milne model differs from other cosmological models in several ways. First, it is based on different assumptions, such as a constant expansion rate and homogeneity of the universe. Other models, such as the Big Bang model, incorporate factors like inflation and dark energy to explain the observed behavior of the universe. Additionally, the Milne model is a simpler mathematical model and does not account for the effects of matter and energy as extensively as other models do.

3. What evidence supports the validity of realistic coasting cosmology from the Milne model?

There are several pieces of evidence that support the validity of realistic coasting cosmology from the Milne model. One key piece of evidence is the observed expansion of the universe, which is consistent with the assumption of a constant expansion rate in the Milne model. Additionally, the model is able to accurately predict the observed relative distances of galaxies and the distribution of matter in the universe. However, it is important to note that the Milne model is a simplified model and does not account for all observed phenomena, so it is not the only model used in cosmology.

4. How does realistic coasting cosmology impact our understanding of the universe?

Realistic coasting cosmology provides a framework for understanding the evolution of the universe and the behavior of matter and energy within it. It helps to explain the observed expansion of the universe and the distribution of matter, and it also provides insights into the forces and interactions that shape the universe. Additionally, this model allows scientists to make predictions and test hypotheses about the universe, helping to advance our understanding of its origins and ultimate fate.

5. What are some potential limitations of realistic coasting cosmology from the Milne model?

While realistic coasting cosmology from the Milne model has been successful in explaining many observed phenomena, it is not without its limitations. One potential limitation is that the model does not account for the effects of dark energy, which is believed to be a major driving force behind the expansion of the universe. Additionally, the model is based on simplifying assumptions and does not incorporate all known factors, so it may not accurately reflect the true complexity of the universe. As with any scientific model, it is important to continually test and refine it as new evidence and understanding become available.

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