Related Rates of Planes: Calculating Distance Change at Noon

In summary, two planes traveling in opposite directions are initially 500 km apart and moving at 100 km/hr and 200 km/hr. By noon, the distance between them is changing at a rate of 1000 km/hr. However, at other times, such as 11am, the rate of change is 0 km/hr, and at 2pm it is 186.1 km/hr. These planes are relatively slow compared to typical speeds for planes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

At ten am, a plane traveling east at 100km/hr is 500 km west of a jet traveling south at 200km/hr. At what rate is the distance between them changing at noon?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

2aa' + 2bb' = 2cc'
2(300)(-100) + 2(400)(200) = (1000)c'
-60000 + 160000 = 1000c'
c' = 1000 km/h

i need 186.1 km/h though.
Physics news on
  • #2
At noon, I find that the planes are moving apart at a rate of 100 km/hr at noon. I checked a couple of other times to see the rate at which the planes are moving apart. At 11am, the rate of change of distance was 0 km/hr. at 1pm, the rate of change of distance was about 158.1 km/hr. At 2pm, the rate of change is about 186.1 km/hr.

Are you sure you've given us the right times?

BTW, these are a couple of very slow planes. Many planes stall at speeds of 100km/hr, and a speed of 200km/hr for a jet is likewise very slow.
  • #3
yes, these are the times listed on my sheet. there may be a typo though.

FAQ: Related Rates of Planes: Calculating Distance Change at Noon

1. What is the concept of related rates in mathematics?

Related rates is a mathematical concept that deals with the changes in the variables of two or more related quantities over time. It involves finding the rate at which one quantity changes with respect to the change in another related quantity.

2. How do you solve related rates problems?

To solve related rates problems, first identify the variables involved and their relationships. Then, use the given information to create an equation that relates the variables. Differentiate the equation with respect to time and plug in the given values to solve for the unknown rate.

3. How are related rates used in real-life applications?

Related rates are used in real-life applications to model and analyze changing quantities. For example, they can be used to calculate the speed of an object, the rate of growth of a population, or the change in volume of a liquid in a tank.

4. What is the difference between related rates and derivatives?

Related rates involve finding the rate of change of one quantity with respect to another, while derivatives involve finding the instantaneous rate of change of a single quantity. In related rates, the variables are usually changing over time, while derivatives can be calculated at a specific point in time.

5. Can related rates be applied to three-dimensional objects?

Yes, related rates can be applied to three-dimensional objects as long as the variables are related and their rates of change can be calculated. For example, related rates can be used to find the rate of change of the volume of a cone as the height and radius change simultaneously.
