Relativistic Mass: Definition & Explanation

In summary, the concept of relativistic mass is not commonly used by physicists and is often considered a useless concept. It can be defined as the energy of a particle divided by the speed of light squared, or as the product of the particle's rest mass and a factor called the Lorentz factor. However, it is not a fundamental quantity and can be derived from other equations. The concept of relativistic mass is often confused with the concept of kinetic energy, but they are not the same. Additionally, the idea of mass being "created" at high speeds is not accurate and is a result of the energy-mass equivalence equation. The concept of relativistic mass is not necessary for understanding relativity, and other terms such as velocity-dependent
  • #1
Charlie G
I have just recently began to understand relativity, right now I get time dilation and length contraction but I do not get relativistic mass. The book I am reading does not defy it very well (or perhaps I should read the chapter again) but it gave it as the explanation of why objects with mass cannot reach the speed of light. The book says that as the object increases its speed its mass increases making it require more energy to speed up, ultimatly ending in it requiring an infinite amount of energy to raise its speed.

As of now I only have a ninth grade education and according to it mass cannot be created or destroyed, however the book implies that mass is being created. I thought it may be an illusion, but the book claims relativistic effects are real and arent illusions. Right now the best explanation I can think of is the kinetic energy of the moving object is being converted into mass at such high speeds(giving rise to high energies required for mass conversion).

I would really appreciate the true definition of relativistic mass, so please help me out.
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  • #2
Charlie G said:
I have just recently began to understand relativity, right now I get time dilation and length contraction but I do not get relativistic mass. The book I am reading does not defy it very well (or perhaps I should read the chapter again) but it gave it as the explanation of why objects with mass cannot reach the speed of light. The book says that as the object increases its speed its mass increases making it require more energy to speed up, ultimatly ending in it requiring an infinite amount of energy to raise its speed..

If one spaceship move to the right at half the speed of light and another space-ship move to the left at half the speed of light. Now what's the speed of spaceship relative to each other? The relative speed must be lower than the speed of light. Does this have anything to do with the mass of space-ship? If not, then the mass is Not the reason that speed can not exceed the speed of light.
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  • #3
Charlie G said:
I would really appreciate the true definition of relativistic mass, so please help me out.
First of all, the concept of relativistic mass isn't used much by physicists. It's a pretty useless concept actually. It can be defined as [itex]E/c^2[/itex] where E is the energy of the particle, so the relativistic mass is just the energy expressed in different units.

For a massive particle, you can also define it as [itex]\gamma m[/itex], where m is the (rest) mass. Then you can prove that [itex]E=\gamma mc^2[/itex].
  • #4
Oh, I think I get it now, so the relativistic mass is essentially the objects kinetic energy, expresses in units of mass using the energy-mass equivalence equation, added to its rest mass?
  • #5
Charlie G said:
Oh, I think I get it now, so the relativistic mass is essentially the objects kinetic energy, expresses in units of mass using the energy-mass equivalence equation, added to its rest mass?
Yes, kinetic energy is [tex](\gamma - 1)mc^2[/tex], so if you divide that by c^2 to convert it to units of mass, and then add the rest mass m, you get [tex](\gamma - 1)m + m = \gamma m[/tex] which is the "relativistic mass".
  • #6
Great, thanks for the help:)
  • #7
Charlie G said:
Oh, I think I get it now, so the relativistic mass is essentially the objects kinetic energy, expresses in units of mass using the energy-mass equivalence equation, added to its rest mass?

That's not exactly true. The pressure also contribute to inertial mass. So it is harder to accelerate a box filled with gas than a solid object
  • #8
feynmann said:
That's not exactly true. The pressure also contribute to inertial mass. So it is harder to accelerate a box filled with gas than a solid object
Pressure is not really a separate term though, it'd be included in the rest-mass energy of any bound system composed of multiple particles, like a box filled with gas (it should be some combination of internal kinetic and potential energies). The rest mass of a composite bound system is not just the sum of the rest masses of all the particles that make it up.
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  • #9
Charlie G said:
I have just recently began to understand relativity, right now I get time dilation and length contraction but I do not get relativistic mass. The book I am reading does not defy it very well (or perhaps I should read the chapter again) but it gave it as the explanation of why objects with mass cannot reach the speed of light. The book says that as the object increases its speed its mass increases making it require more energy to speed up, ultimatly ending in it requiring an infinite amount of energy to raise its speed.

As of now I only have a ninth grade education and according to it mass cannot be created or destroyed, however the book implies that mass is being created. I thought it may be an illusion, but the book claims relativistic effects are real and arent illusions. Right now the best explanation I can think of is the kinetic energy of the moving object is being converted into mass at such high speeds(giving rise to high energies required for mass conversion).

I would really appreciate the true definition of relativistic mass, so please help me out.

Different textbooks and papers give different names to the same physical quantity. I quote for you from Hans C. Ohanian Special relativity a typical approach.
The relativistic momentum is sometimes written as
where m(V) is a "velocity-dependent-mass" defined as
In contrast the ordynary mass m that appears in the right side is called rest mass.
Other textbooks call velocity dependent mass, relativistic mass, telling that a relativistic mass as well as a nonrelativistic mass characterize the inertia of a point mass, the only difference being that in the relativistic case the inertia of the point mass depends on velocity, while in the nonrelativistic case, this dependence can be neglected. A.N Matveev "Mechanics and Theory of Relativity".
Some physicits consider that the use of the concept of relativistic mass does more harm than good, avoiding it. Others defend it.
I think that when we speak about a physical quantyity the best thing is to define the way in which we measure it. One possible way to measure the relativistic mass is to consider the circular motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field
where r is the radius of the circle, q the eletric charge of the particle B the magnetic field
(Ohanian p.145) and to find names for m and for m/sqr(1-VV/cc). I think that there is a little chance that large communities of physicists will accept the names given,
  • #10
Aren't relativistic mass effect considered responsible for the varying mearsured values for G the gravitaional constant? Is the stuff at the website below just conjector or generally accepted? Does this imply that there is an absolute velocity (at least with respect to the center of the universe)?

<<crackpot link deleted>>
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  • #11
Ohanion oversimplifies to reach a large UG audience. He has become quite wealthy, but cannot be used as an authority for relativity. Use a graduate text for that. "Large communities" disagree on many things, but it is a confused minority that uses "relativistic mass".
  • #12
clem said:
Ohanion oversimplifies to reach a large UG audience. He has become quite wealthy, but cannot be used as an authority for relativity. Use a graduate text for that. "Large communities" disagree on many things, but it is a confused minority that uses "relativistic mass".

Please let me know a "graduate" text in which you trust.
  • #13
Please, let's not turn this thread into yet another argument about the merits of "relativistic mass."

To the person who started this thread: you've inadvertently stepped into a can of worms (or stirred up a hornets' nest, or something like that) by bringing up "relativistic mass." See this post for an attempt to explain what I mean by this.
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Related to Relativistic Mass: Definition & Explanation

1. What is relativistic mass?

Relativistic mass is a concept in physics that describes the mass of an object as it approaches the speed of light. It takes into account the increase in an object's mass due to its high velocity.

2. How is relativistic mass different from rest mass?

Rest mass is the mass of an object when it is at rest, while relativistic mass takes into account the increase in mass as the object moves at high speeds. The two are related by the equation E=mc^2, where E is energy, m is rest mass, and c is the speed of light.

3. What is the significance of relativistic mass in Einstein's theory of relativity?

Einstein's theory of relativity states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. Relativistic mass is a crucial concept in this theory as it explains the increase in mass at high speeds and how it affects other physical quantities, such as momentum and energy.

4. How is relativistic mass measured?

Relativistic mass cannot be measured directly, as it is a theoretical concept. However, its effects can be observed through experiments, such as particle accelerators, where particles are accelerated to high speeds and their increased mass is observed.

5. Is relativistic mass a constant value?

No, relativistic mass is not a constant value. It depends on the speed of the object and increases as the object approaches the speed of light. As an object's velocity approaches the speed of light, its relativistic mass also approaches infinity.

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