Replace Broken links with archived sources

In summary: Let me know when it's ready.Easiest solution is if a broken link is found, simply include a link to and they can do the rest.
  • #1
I've seen some broken external links in physics forums Which have been changed to BROKEN as moderators. Is replacing the broken links with archived links(Ex. a bad idea?
Physics news on
  • #2
No it's not a bad idea, but it's a matter of scale. We have near 700k threads. We'd require an army to go through them, check links and then replace broken ones with archived links.
  • #3
Greg Bernhardt said:
No it's not a bad idea, but it's a matter of scale. We have near 700k threads. We'd require an army to go through them, check links and then replace broken ones with archived links.
Is there a bot changing broken links text to "broken", If so Can't you make the bot to check the availability of the link in through their api and route the link to Archived Link?
  • #4
Manasan3010 said:
Is there a bot changing broken links text to "broken", If so Can't you make the bot to check the availability of the broken link page and route the link to Archived Link?
That was automated, but a one time thing. It's my understanding that doesn't archive everything and is organized by snapshot date. How would a bot know what date it was archived on if it was? Sure, it's likely programmically possible, but a lot of work and we'd likely be blocked after sending hundreds of thousands of requests.

Also during that first run there were false positives found. Servers can respond with some less than standard responses and confuse our simple checker. It's not something I want to rely on doing all the time.
  • #5
Greg Bernhardt said:
That was automated, but a one time thing. It's my understanding that doesn't archive everything and is organized by snapshot date. How would a bot know what date it was archived on if it was? Sure, it's likely programmically possible, but a lot of work and we'd likely be blocked after sending hundreds of thousands of requests.
Maybe you don't need the date. You can make a bot that will take a link from PF and then use the search option in Wayback machine, and if the search returns some results (except null), the bot will copy the URL of the latest snapshot and place it in PF.
  • #6
Wrichik Basu said:
Maybe you don't need the date. You can make a bot that will take a link from PF and then use the search option in Wayback machine, and if the search returns some results (except null), the bot will copy the URL of the latest snapshot and place it in PF.

Let me know when it's ready :-p

Easiest solution is if a broken link is found, simply include a link to and they can do the rest :wink:
  • Haha
Likes Wrichik Basu
  • #7
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  • #8

FAQ: Replace Broken links with archived sources

1. What is the purpose of replacing broken links with archived sources?

The purpose of replacing broken links with archived sources is to ensure that the information on a website remains accessible to users. Broken links can occur when a webpage is moved or deleted, making it difficult for users to access the information. By using archived sources, the information can still be accessed even if the original webpage is no longer available.

2. How do you determine which archived source to use?

When replacing broken links with archived sources, it is important to use a reputable source. This can include archives of well-known organizations such as the Internet Archive or government websites. It is also important to use the most recent archived version of the webpage to ensure that the information is up-to-date.

3. Can replacing broken links with archived sources affect SEO?

Yes, replacing broken links with archived sources can affect SEO. Broken links can negatively impact a website's SEO by causing a high bounce rate and reducing the credibility of the website. By replacing broken links with archived sources, the website can maintain its credibility and potentially improve its SEO.

4. Is it necessary to replace all broken links with archived sources?

It is not necessary to replace all broken links with archived sources. It is important to prioritize and replace broken links that lead to important or frequently accessed information. It may also be beneficial to regularly check for broken links and replace them as needed to maintain the functionality of the website.

5. How often should broken links be checked and replaced with archived sources?

Broken links should be checked and replaced with archived sources regularly to ensure the functionality and accessibility of the website. This can be done on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on the size and frequency of updates on the website. It is also important to regularly monitor the website for any new broken links that may arise.
