RIP arildno: Gone, but never forgotten

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, arildno was a great contributor to the Physics Forums and will be deeply missed. He was known for his vast knowledge of literature and history, as well as his sensitivity and kindness.
  • #36
It's so difficult getting to know the person behind the name but you can get feelings about them. The strongest feeling I got about arildno was that he was a very nice person. The news is so very sad but I hope his family and friends find some comfort in their time of grief.
Physics news on
  • #37
Well that's truly sad, losing a clever fellow human and a good member..
my condolences to his family , relatives, and whoever else there is... if he was happy during his final moments, it means he wanted his environment to be happy too, so continue your lives with that message "be happy"
  • #38

Even through my very limited interaction with him I was deeply impressed with his knowledge of chess and his general helpfulness. He was a big hearted person who was totally impartial in his views; in fact he was the first to congratulate Vishwanathan Anand and praise him even though Anand will challenge Magnus Carlsen this year (who is a Norwegian). He posted a very nice interview of Vishy which inspired me when I was feeling very low. I thank him again wherever he might be. Condolences to his family.
  • #39
This is my first time reading about him...But the things I've read here, just makes me regret the fact that I wasn't here enough to know him.
Attracting so much love and respect in a website, can only be the result of a great soul and personality.
For him, I ask for god's mercy. For people who knew him, specially his family, I ask god to give them what it takes to tolerate his absence.
  • #40
Rest in peace, brother. You will be missed.

Condolences to all his family and friends.
  • #41
Arild, I have been following your posts since 2005 and learned a great deal of knowledge, information and insights about the world around me, from you. Reading your last post was difficult for me. I knew what you trying to tell us but I read it too late. I have lost many people that I loved this way, so I understand the pain and torment that it generates. Hopefully, one day we will better understand this issue. It hits my heart in a way I can't describe.

I'll never know what pain he felt but I am glad to know he is no longer carrying that burden. May peace and comfort please find the family in these troubling times.

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  • #42
This is really really sad. He was eager for knowledge and enthusiastic for theoretical thoughts. He will be remembered through his contribution and the help he gave to other members of this community. My deepest sympathies, thoughts and condolencess to his family and friends.


  • #43
will be in my prayers
  • #44
  • #45
  • #46
adjacent said:
He died. :frown:

What ?! :cry:

He was an exemplary staff! :(

I decolourize my avatar!
  • #47
Reading with comprehension: he decided to kill himself.
  • #48
Borek said:
Reading with comprehension: he decided to kill himself.

His family said that it was due to some long-term reason. By looking at his posts, I never knew he was actually going through a tough time in real life.
  • #49
I did not know what his personal life was, and what his problems were and why he opted to do such thing. I wish I had known, but knowing that would be much more of a grief. He was an excellent HW helper and Science Advisor.
Once again I offer my condolences and his name shall never fade from this community. :(
  • #50
RIP arildno
  • #51
Still breathing heavily...
  • #52
So sad! =*[

My condolences to his family and friends, both online and offline. His posts were always insightful and kind; he will be missed greatly.
  • #53
I'm speechless right now!:frown:
  • #54
What a terrible loss :cry:
I was taking one last look at Arildno's profile to soak in this brilliant man's achievements, and well, I was terribly caught off-guard to find that he was just 42. It made it hurt just that much more...

RIP Arildno.
  • #55
Such a shock. I read Arildnos goodbye post and thought nothing of it other than he would be missed. For me an important piece of PF has gone. Deepest condolencies to Arildnos family.
  • #56
RIP Arildno, someone I never had any contact with on the forums but I always enjoyed reading his posts which I'm sure will be missed on these forums. Condolences to Arildnos relatives and friends.
  • #57
Very sad news.
I remember how he beat me at chess in this forum.
I'll never forget him.
  • #58
My deepest condolences to Arild's family also.
  • #59
The staff were caught off-guard by Arild's departure, and we did make an effort to contact him.

Of course, we respect the privacy of members, so without a member contacting us directly, or a close confidante, there is little we can do.

Arild was a friend to many here at PF, and his loss is especially heart-breaking.

I remember one of our first enounters in the Homework Forums, in which I ahd mis-interpreted a double factorial. Arild corrected me. I grew to appreciate his mathematical ability as well as his expertise at fluid mechanics.

We also discovered a mutual interest in ancient history, and I (together with Evo, marcus and others) enjoyed our exchanges in the History and Humanities forum. It was a delight to delve into ancient history together and share insights. I grieve that loss, and the loss of Arild from PF, from his family and friends, and from our lives.

May peace be upon him, his family and us.
  • #60
I remember reading his last thread when it was posted about 10 days ago.

Rest in Peace
  • #61
This is sad. He was a cool guy, we didn't cross paths often but I had the pleasure of reading a number of his posts over the years, he will be missed.
  • #62
He was friendly, caring and very knowledgeable.
He had a great sense of humor too! Do you remember his flirtation alerts at GD?
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  • #63
I always assumed Arild was much older than I, as his views of world events, were, well, much wiser that mine.

still in shock
  • #65
I have a map of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area / Quetico Provincial Park hanging on my wall. A screen-sized map doesn't do the area justice. Here's a nice map of the area:

Lake after lake after lake. A canoeist's paradise.

Every time I see that map it reminds me of Arild because every time I've been there I've seen moose. Most often at a distance, but sometimes bit too close up after paddling around a curve in a lake. (Moose are *big* animals.) I loved Arild's moose stories.
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  • #66
This thread so makes me wish I had a chance to "forum know" him. Now, I will never have the chance :cry:
  • #67
Uh oh, I'm sorry for the stuff I posted earlier, I thought the man just left the forums as he said in his goodbye topic. Yeah well, didn't know the guy at all and now this news about him :S Does anyone know how old he was?
  • #68
The fact that most people here are sad(including me) because he passed away means he was a great man. I'm really bad at explaining myself, so I'm just ending it here. RIP arildno.
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  • #69
I feel sorry for him. I am not a frequent visitor of PF but whenever I asked something here then I get what I need. I don't know arildno. I have never seen his post on my threads. I don't know where he was from. But I know that helping one person is to help the humanity. RIP arildno.
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  • #70
Does anyone have a picture of Arild?

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