Sard theorem in dimension one.

In summary, the proof of the Sard theorem in 1 dimension requires proving that the set of critical points of continuously differentiable f:[a,b]->R has measure 0.
  • #1
Hi, I need some hints for the proof of the sard theorem in 1 dimension:

Prove that the set of critical values (f(x) where f'(x)=0) of continuously differentiable f:[a,b]->R has measure 0.My attempt:Fix [tex]\varepsilon[/tex], Let Crit(f) be the set of critical points of f. We want to show that f(Crit(f)) has measure 0.
Let [tex]C_k[/tex] be the set of all [tex]x[/tex] in Crit(f) such that [tex]|x-y|<\frac{1}{k} \implies |fx-fy|<\varepsilon|x-y|[/tex].

Clearly [tex]\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}} C_k \supset \mathrm{Crit}(f) [/tex], so it suffices to show that [tex]f\left(\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}} C_k \right) [/tex] has measure 0.

For any [tex]C_k[/tex], evenly split [tex][a,b][/tex] into intervals [tex]I_1,\dots,I_n[/tex] such that [tex]\frac{b-a}{n}<\frac{1}{k}[/tex].For each [tex]I_i[/tex], if there is a point of [tex]C_k[/tex] in it, say [tex]x[/tex], then

[tex]|fx-fy|<\varepsilon|x-y|[/tex] for all y in [tex]I_i[/tex].

Thus if [tex]I_i[/tex] contains a point of [tex]C_k[/tex], then [tex]f(I_i)[/tex] is contained in a open interval of at most [tex]2w \varepsilon[/tex] where w is the width of the interval.

Thus [tex]f(C_k)[/tex] is contained in an open set of length at most [tex]2w\varepsilon n =2(b-a) \varepsilon=K\varepsilon[/tex].

Since each [tex]f(C_k)[/tex] has measure bounded above by [tex]K \varepsilon[/tex], and [tex]C_{k}\subset C_{k+1}[/tex] for all k, then

[tex]\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}} f(C_k) = f\left(\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}} C_k \right) [/tex] is also bounded above by [tex]K\varepsilon[/tex]. Since [tex]\varepsilon[/tex] was arbitrary we are done.

I am not completely convinced because I did not use the hypothesis that the derivative is continuous. Did I make a mistake? Is there a simpler way do this?
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  • #2
I'm really having a hard time following that. It's not even clear to me that you even used that f is differentiable. Why don't you define C(epsilon) to be the set of all x such that f'(x)<epsilon. Then Crit(f) is contained in C(epsilon). Can you show the measure of f(C(epsilon)) is less than or equal to epsilon*measure(C(epsilon))?
  • #3
[tex](-\epsilon,\epsilon)[/tex] is open and f'(x) is continuous so [tex]C_\epsilon[/tex] is open too. An open set is a (at most) countable union of disjoint open intervals:

[tex]C_\epsilon=\bigcup_{i=1}^{\infty} I_i [/tex]

For every [tex]I_i[/tex], if x and y are 2 points in [tex]I_i[/tex],

[tex]|fx-fy|<\epsilon|x-y|< \epsilon\mu(I_i) [/tex], due to MVT. So [tex]\mu(f(I_i))<\epsilon\mu(I_i)[/tex]

Taking the union over i yields measure(f(Cε)) <ε*measure(Cε)<=ε(b-a) and we are done.

Thanks for your help :)
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  • #4
Now that I understand. And it even looks right.

FAQ: Sard theorem in dimension one.

What is the Sard theorem in dimension one?

The Sard theorem in dimension one, also known as the one-dimensional Sard theorem, is a fundamental result in differential geometry. It states that the set of critical values of a smooth map from a one-dimensional manifold to another manifold has Lebesgue measure zero.

What is the significance of the Sard theorem in dimension one?

The Sard theorem in dimension one is a powerful tool in differential geometry and topology. It allows us to understand the global structure of smooth maps between manifolds by studying their critical values. It has implications in fields such as differential equations, differential topology, and algebraic geometry.

What does it mean for a set to have Lebesgue measure zero?

A set having Lebesgue measure zero means that the set is "small" in a certain sense. In other words, the set contains only a finite number of points or has no interior points. In the context of the Sard theorem, it means that the set of critical values of a smooth map has no volume or area in the Euclidean space.

Can the Sard theorem be extended to higher dimensions?

Yes, the Sard theorem can be extended to higher dimensions. In fact, there are several versions of the Sard theorem for different dimensions and settings, including the Whitney Sard theorem for maps between Euclidean spaces and the Sard-Smale theorem for maps between manifolds of different dimensions.

What are some applications of the Sard theorem in dimension one?

The Sard theorem in dimension one has many applications in mathematics and physics. For example, it can be used to prove the Morse lemma, which is essential in the study of critical points of smooth functions. It also has applications in the study of dynamical systems and the theory of optimization.
