Dimension Definition and 909 Threads

  1. S-Ragnork1729

    Dimension Analysis -Turkey Cooking

    I think cooking time ##t## is proportional to mass ##m## of the turkey .
  2. C

    B 1lb cube of 99% pure copper?

    I've been wrestling with something for a bit. I have one pound of copper (99%) in cube-form. Roughly 1.5 inches on a side. It's essentially a paperweight. Are those dimensions in the ballpark for relatively pure copper?
  3. mad mathematician

    A How many known Constructive QFTs are there?

    I think 1+1,1+2 are known to exist. 1+3 is basically the Millenium prize, are there more options? Is string theory basically QFT in disguise? just with more than 3+1 dimensions. I guess the next Millenium (3000) prize would be to fill the gaps of Witten's M theory conjecture in his seminal...
  4. H

    4+1D Flight

    Suppose you have space with time and four perpendicular Euclidian dimensions. Assume that atoms exist and the laws of physics are the same. This doesn't seem likely, it's just intellectual exercise. Then assume things on Earth have the same number of atoms they have in 4D. The main result...
  5. H

    Flight in 4+1D?

    Moved to World Building.
  6. arivero

    I The uniqueness of D=4

    I have found an interesting rabbit hole, because I thought the question of why we live in 3+1 was mainly a matter of footnotes and off-press debates. But it seems if was touched early by Weyl, Ehrenfest and Whitrow https://einsteinpapers.press.princeton.edu/vol13-doc/764 And then elaborated...
  7. billtodd

    A Scalars, Vectors, Matrices,Tensors, Holors....

    Is there something beyond Holors? :cool:
  8. G

    B 4th spatial dimension thought experiment

    I know I'm completely wrong about this, but it's been a really fun thought experiment for me. I clearly have no physics training, so apologies for basic mistakes, incorrect terminology, etc.. I would love a deeper explanation of what I'm getting wrong! So in a 1D universe, you see in 0D (a...
  9. J

    I How can the Universe know when you change directions?

    If you and your frame are following a square path in space, and the Universe is the other frame, each leg of the square path instantly changes every photon in the Universe to suit your dimensional perspective of speed, length, frequency, and time. Is this new light situation actually different...
  10. S

    I How to calculate the "weight" of this piece of metal?

    Hello, I would like to calculate the "weight" of a piece of metal. It seems a little confusing that weight is measured in Newtons or force. So I'm looking for a little help in understanding. if I consider a piece of average aluminum. Dimensions: Length: 60.96 mm Height: 60.96 mm Thickness...
  11. Euge

    POTW Find the Dimension of a Subspace of Matrices

    Given a complex matrix ##A\in M_n(\mathbb{C})##, let ##X_A## be the subspace of ##M_n(\mathbb{C})## consisting of all the complex matrices ##M## commuting with ##A## (i.e., ##MA = AM##). Suppose ##A## has ##n## distinct eigenvalues. Find the dimension of ##X_A##.
  12. S

    I Color charge is not scalar -- do their components have dimensions?

    Color charge is not scalar. Still, do their components have dimensions (in metrological terms)?
  13. chwala

    I Determining the dimension of a given PDE

    Now in my understanding from text ...just to clarify with you guys; the pde is of dimension 2 as ##t## and ##x## are the indepedent variables or it may also be considered to be of dimension 1, that is if there is a clear distinction between time and space variables. Your insight on this is...
  14. T

    I Dimension of a vector space and its subspaces

    Can a vector subspace have the same dimension as the space it is part of? If so, can such a subspace have a Cartesian equation? if so, can you give an example. Thanks in advance;
  15. Z

    A How to add higher dimensional operator at higher energy in SM?

    Hi, I Learned that we can add higher dimensional operator but they are non-renormalizable - but effect of higher dimensional operator is vanishes at low energy - my question is than how can we add higher dimensional operator at higher energy - like dimension 5 operator ( weinberg operator)...
  16. Z

    A Dimension of terms in Lagrangian

    hi, when we say in SM , we can add terms having dimension 4 or less than that- in this to what dimension we are refering ? kindly help how do you measure the dimension of terms in Lagrangian. thanks
  17. P

    C/C++ Overload functions by dimension of vector

    vector<OP> negate (vector<OP> a) { a.insert(a.begin(), neg); return a; } vector<vector<OP>> negate (vector<vector<OP>> a) { for (int i=0; i<a.size(); i++) a[i] = negate(a[i]); // reference to 'negate' is ambiguous? return a; } OP is an enum here. Why can't C++...
  18. V

    A Metric of a Moving 3D Hypersurface along the 4th Dimension

    Consider a hypothetical five dimensional flat spacetime ##\mathbb{R}^5## with coordinates ##x, y, z, w, t##. Now imagine that the hypersurface ##\Sigma =\mathbb{R}^3## of ##x, y, z## moves with constant rate ##r## along the coordinate ##w##, i.e. ##dw/dt=r##. Assuming that ##t \in (-\infty, +...
  19. Safinaz

    A The scale of an extra dimension

    Any help to understand how the authors of this paper Fine Tuning Problem of the Cosmological Constant in a Generalized Randall-Sundrum Model calculted this size of the extra dimension Equ. (3.8) from the scale factor defined by Equ. (3.3) ? Specifically, this paragraph after Equ. (3.8) -...
  20. S

    I Operators in finite dimension Hilbert space

    I have a question about operators in finite dimension Hilbert space. I will describe the context before asking the question. Assume we have two quantum states | \Psi_{1} \rangle and | \Psi_{2} \rangle . Both of the quantum states are elements of the Hilbert space, thus | \Psi_{1} \rangle , |...
  21. H

    Vector space of functions defined by a condition

    ##f : [0,2] \to R##. ##f## is continuous and is defined as follows: $$ f = ax^2 + bx ~~~~\text{ if x belongs to [0,1]}$$ $$ f(x)= Ax^3 + Bx^2 + Cx +D ~~~~\text{if x belongs to [1,2]}$$ ##V = \text{space of all such f}## What would the basis for V? Well, for ##x \in [0,1]## the basis for ##V##...
  22. O

    A Methods for estimating embedding dimension

    Say that I want to reconstruct the Lorenz system only using one of the original three variables using Takens theorem. What methods can I use to estimate the embedding dimension else from the False nearest Neighbor method (FNN)? The reason I wonder is because I want to compare the accuracy of FNN...
  23. J

    What is the physical dimension of transduction coefficient in photonics?

    I am studying Tunable couplers with Programmable Integrated photonics by Jose Capmany. In this textbook, what is the physical meaning of signal s1 and s2? Is it an electric field intensity or the phase of electromagnetic wave? And what is the physical dimension of transduction coefficient here?
  24. ergospherical

    I Determine Scaling Dimension of Field Theory

    It is given that a theory is invariant under the length scaling:\begin{align*} x &\rightarrow \lambda x \\ \phi(x) &\rightarrow \lambda^{-D} \phi(\lambda^{-1} x) \end{align*}for some ##D## to be determined. The action of a real scalar field is here:\begin{align*} S = \int d^4 x...
  25. pellis

    A How to visualise complex vector spaces of dimension 2 and above

    According to e.g. Keith Conrad (https://kconrad.math.uconn.edu/blurbs/ choose Complexification) If W is a vector in the vector space R2, then the complexification of R2, labelled R2(c), is a vector space W⊕W, elements of which are pairs (W,W) that satisfy the multiplication rule for complex...
  26. patric44

    Confirming the dimension of induced charge density of a dielectric

    hi guys our professor asked us to confirm the units of volume charge density ρ and also the surface charge density σ of a dielectric material given by $$ \rho = \frac{-1}{4\pi k} \vec{E}\cdot\;grad(k) $$ $$ \sigma= \frac{-(k-1)}{4\pi} \vec{E_{1}}\cdot\;\vec{n} $$ I am somehow confused about the...
  27. P

    A $\phi^4$ in $4 - \epsilon$ dimension renormalization beta function

    Hi all, I am currently studying renormalization group and beta functions. Since I'm not in school there is no one to fix my mis-understandings if any, so I'd really appreciate some feedback. PART I: I wrote this short summary of what I understand of the beta function: Is this reasoning...
  28. B

    Interacting with the fourth dimension?

    If a globe is representative of the third dimension, what does a spinning globe represent? As we move through space and time, are we not interacting within the fourth dimension?
  29. Labyrinth

    A Link between 24 dimension kissing number and Monster group

    I've heard that there is some link between these two values (they're so close!) but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Can someone point me in the right direction? (there's also the J-invariant 196884, well you get the idea)
  30. JD_PM

    Dimension statement about (finite-dimensional) subspaces

    My intuition tells me this is a true statements so let's try to prove it. The dimension is defined as the number of elements of a basis. Hence, we can work in terms of basis to prove the statement. Given that ##U_3## appears on both sides of the inequality, let's get a basis for it. How...
  31. DaniV

    The 1-loop anomalous dimension of massless quark field

    I tried as first step to find Z_q the renormalization parameter, to do so I did the same procedure to find the renormalization parameter of the gauge field of the gluon A^a_\mu when a is representation index a \in {1,2,...,N^2-1} such that A^{a{(R)}}_{\mu}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{Z_A}}A^{a}_{\mu}...
  32. Paige_Turner

    B What's the distance metric for a compactified dimension?

    I asked that question on another forum here. The 2 answers I got before the question was closed by an angry mod said: You wouldn't understand the answer. Don't ask that question. Ask about a Riemann sphere instead. You're too lazy to look up the answer in [a GR textbook that I don't own]...
  33. Paige_Turner

    B What is the nature of dimensionality in 11 dimension M-theory?

    They're dimensions, so they DO have a metric equation, right? Does energy flow cyclically between pairs of dimensions? To me, that's what rotation is.
  34. MahdiI84

    Fortran Dimension of arrays (RESHAPE) in Fortran 90

    program testmatek implicit none integer :: Nc=1000 ,k integer,parameter :: N=2 REAL :: kx ,a0=1.0 ,t0=0.25 DOUBLE PRECISION :: pi=4*ATAN(1.) COMPLEX , PARAMETER :: i=(0,1) complex :: ek1 ,ek2 complex :: MATRIX_ek(N,N) open(1,file='matek.txt') MATRIX_ek(N,N)=(0,0) DO k=-Nc,+Nc...
  35. V

    Dimension of orthogonal subspaces sum

    ##| V_1 \rangle \in \mathbb{V}^{n_1}_1## and there is an orthonormal basis in ##\mathbb{V}^{n_1}_1##: ##|u_1\rangle, |u_2\rangle ... |u_{n_1}\rangle## ##| V_2 \rangle \in \mathbb{V}^{n_2}_2## and there is an orthonormal basis in ##\mathbb{V}^{n_2}_2##: ##|w_1\rangle, |w_2\rangle ...
  36. patric44

    I Dimension of a Linear Transformation Matrix

    hi guys I was trying to find the matrix of the following linear transformation with respect to the standard basis, which is defined as ##\phi\;M_{2}(R) \;to\;M_{2}(R)\;; \phi(A)=\mu_{2*2}*A_{2*2}## , where ##\mu = (1 -1;-2 2)## and i found the matrix that corresponds to this linear...
  37. F

    MATLAB Can I calculate the covariance matrix of a large set of data?

    Hello everyone. I want to calculate the covariance matrix of a stochastic process using Matlab as cov(listOfUVValues) being the dimensions of listOfUVValues 211302*50. I get the following error: Requested 211302x211302 (332.7GB) array exceeds maximum array size preference. Creation of...
  38. DaniV

    RG flow of quadrupole coupling in 6+1 dimension electrostatic problem

    I tried to do a Euler Lagrange equation to our Lagrangian: $$\frac{S_\text{eff}}{T}=\int d^6x\left[(\nabla \phi)^2+(\nabla \sigma)^2+\lambda\sigma (\nabla \phi)^2\right]+\frac{S_{p.p}}{T}$$ and then I would like to solve the equation using perturbation theory when ##Q## or somehow...
  39. potassium_mn04

    Dimension of Eigenspace of A and A^T

    I know that the rank of A and A^T are equal, and that the statement follows from there, but I have no idea how to prove it.
  40. G

    B Newton's Constant in Higher Dim. Spacetimes, Velocity of Light=1

    In the following, I set the velocity of light unity. I refer to theories of gravities in higher-dimensional spacetimes. Newton` s constant converts the curvature scalar with dimension ##lenght^{-2}## into the matter Lagrangian with dimension ##energy/length^3##. So its dimension is...
  41. L

    I Double delta potential -- Degeneracy of bound states in one dimension?

    I have a question from the youtube lecture That part starts after 42 minutes and 47 seconds. Balakrishnan said that if delta barriers are very distant (largely separated) then we have degeneracy. I do not understand how this is possible when in 1d problems there is no degeneracy for bond states.
  42. L

    A Dimension of \lambda constant in \delta potential

    Time independent Schroedinger equation in ##\delta## potential ##V(x)=-\lambda \delta(x)##, where ##\lambda >0## is given by -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2}{d x^2}\psi(x)-\lambda \delta(x)\psi(x)=E\psi(x). How to find dimension of ##\lambda##? Dimension of ##V(x)## is [V(x)]=ML^2T^{-2}. Because...
  43. B

    I Dimension of an Angle: Clarifying the SI Standard

    Quickly estimate the value of this expression: sin(1.57). If your answer was about 1, then you assumed that 1.57 was a radian value. If your answer was about 0, you assumed that 1.57 was degrees. If you said that you can’t determine an answer, then you were expecting to see an angle...
  44. hquang001

    Calculating Distance and Time for One-Dimensional Motion in Physics

    total time: t = 36 mins = 0.6h = t1 + t2 => t2 = t - t1 = 0.6h - 0.1h = 0.5h Vmax = a1 x t1 Vat C = Vmax + a2t2 substitute Vmax in Vat C we have : 0 = a1 x 0.1h + (-600 km/h²) x 0.5h => a1 = 3000km/h² Vmax = a1 x t1 = 3000 x 0.1 = 300km/h I check the result by: x1 = ½ a1 t1² = ½ . (3000)...
  45. S

    B Why is Gaussian charge not equivalent to SI charge?

    But what is the actual use of dimension? We can do dimension analysis but it can be simply changed into unit analysis and the result will be the same. So why introduce dimension for physical quantities? Why unit is not enough? Thanks
  46. chucho11028

    Motion in one dimension -- Experiments with a Hot Wheels car rolling down a ramp

    Hello This is not a homework, this is my own experiment to understand how the motion works. Please, follow my question here below: I have a hot wheels race with a slope with 10 degrees where I use a small car which departs from the top to the bottom. I have taken 5 times the time to get an...
  47. F

    Finding the dimension of a subspace

    I am stuck on finding the dimension of the subspace. Here's what I have so far. Proof: Let ##W = \lbrace x \in V : [x, y] = 0\rbrace##. We see ##[0, y] = 0##, so ##W## is non empty. Let ##u, v \in W## and ##\alpha, \beta## be scalars. Then ##[\alpha u + \beta v, y] = \alpha [u, y] + \beta [v...
  48. N

    B Area Increasing as a linear dimension increases -- Looking for intuition on this

    I am working on related rates problems involving figuring out how area of a square increases per second based on how much one side increases per second (or how the area of a circle increases based on increase of the radius, etc.). I was wondering about the practical significance of problems like...
  49. K

    I Prove that dim(V⊗W)=(dim V)(dim W)

    This proof was in my book. Tensor product definition according to my book: $$V⊗W=\{f: V^*\times W^*\rightarrow k | \textrm {f is bilinear}\}$$ wher ##V^*## and ##W^*## are the dual spaces for V and W respectively. I don't understand the step where they say ##(e_i⊗f_j)(φ,ψ) = φ(e_i)ψ(f_j)##...