Satellite Orbit Radius for 5 Revs/Day: Get the Answer

In summary, the conversation is about determining the radius of a satellite's orbit around the Earth if it revolves 5 times a day. The questioner and their teacher have different calculations for the period, but the questioner's calculation of 1.44 x 10^7 m is correct according to an online calculator. The teacher's calculation of 7.78 x 10^7 m is incorrect.
  • #1
Suppose we want a satellite to revolve around the Earth 5 times a day. What should the radius of its orbit be? (Neglect the presence of the moon.)


Found the number of second in 24 hours and divided it by 5 to get the period. Then rearranged the gravitational equation with T^2=((4pi^2)/(GM))r^3 and solved for r. I came up with 1.44 × 10^7 m but its wrong. Any insight?
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  • #2
That seems pretty reasonable to me. Why do you think there is something wrong with it?
  • #3
My teacher calculated 7.78 x 10^7 m. The difference is our calculations of the period. He did 5 x 12 x 3600 for the period while I did (24 x 60 x 60)/5. I don't understand where he came up with 12. Could someone help me see where my teacher or I made a mistake.
  • #4
(24*60*60)/5 is 5 times a day. 5*12*3600 is once every 60 hours. If you are reading the same problem I don't see how he could interpret that as '5 times a day'.
  • #5
Yea I don't know why he did it either. Can any else find a reason for it?
  • #6
I think you are right
5 times a day means 0.2 day for a complete revolution...
  • #7
Here's an online calculator I made. It does the unit conversions for you. Choose units of days, Earth masses, and seconds. Plug in 0.2 for period (1/5 of a day), 1 for Mass, and it will compute seconds for you: 1.44E7. Your teacher is wrong. You are right.

FAQ: Satellite Orbit Radius for 5 Revs/Day: Get the Answer

What is satellite orbit radius for 5 revs/day?

Satellite orbit radius for 5 revs/day refers to the distance between a satellite and the center of the Earth when it completes 5 full revolutions (or orbits) in one day.

How is satellite orbit radius for 5 revs/day calculated?

The equation for calculating satellite orbit radius for 5 revs/day is: R = [(T^2 * G * M) / (4 * pi^2)]^(1/3), where R is the orbit radius, T is the orbital period in seconds, G is the gravitational constant, and M is the mass of the Earth.

What factors affect satellite orbit radius for 5 revs/day?

The main factors that affect satellite orbit radius for 5 revs/day are the gravitational force of the Earth and the orbital period of the satellite. Other factors include atmospheric drag, solar radiation pressure, and the gravitational pull of other celestial bodies.

Why is satellite orbit radius for 5 revs/day important?

Satellite orbit radius for 5 revs/day is important because it determines the altitude at which a satellite must orbit in order to complete 5 full revolutions in one day. This is a key factor in determining the satellite's coverage area and the amount of time it can spend in communication with ground stations.

How does satellite orbit radius for 5 revs/day impact satellite communication?

The orbit radius for 5 revs/day plays a crucial role in satellite communication as it determines the satellite's coverage area and the time it spends in communication with ground stations. A larger orbit radius means a larger coverage area, while a smaller orbit radius allows for more frequent communication with ground stations.
