- #1
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Homework Statement
prove or refute:
if lim(a(2n)-a(n)=o , then a(n) is a cauchy sequence
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I need to prove that for every m,n big enough a(m)-a(n)<epsilon
so I know for all m and n I can say m=l*n, lim(a(m)-a(n))=lim(a(n*l)-a(n*l/2) +a(n*l/2) -a(n*l/4)...+a(2n)-a(n)), which is the sum of a lot of zeros, though if I take m to be 2^n or something like that, I get an inifinite amount of zeros, so I don't know what I can do with that.
so I tried to find a sequence which contredicts it, though couldn't find any
Homework Statement
prove or refute:
if |a(n+1)-a(n)|<9/10*|a(n)-a(n-1)|
then a(n) is a cauchy sequence
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
well fromt he equation I can get:
so what it gives me is that all that in the power of n is going to zero, which means is a cauchy sequence, thoguh I don't see how it helps me =\