Service temperature increases material strength?

In summary: The Burgers vector is a vector that describes the difference between the distorted lattice around a dislocation and the perfect lattice. It is relatively straightforward in 2 dimensions (x,y), but it can be a bit more challenging in 3D. Thank you for your help!
  • #1
Hello All. I am getting my @$$ kicked by what seems to be a simple concept, and I hope someone can offer me a little help.

With some of the nickel based super-alloys such as what are used in turbine blades, why do the alloys get stronger as they get hotter? It seems counter-intuitive to me. Red hot metals are not typically "stronger" than those at room temperature. However, these blades withstand temperatures well beyond what it takes to melt most other metals and turbine blades remain strong. Is it because of the coatings? Is it because the additional heat creates a coalescence of the material and further heat treats it?

I hope I posted this in the correct forum. I only recently signed up with PF but I have frequented the site for some time now. I thank anyone and everyone for all the help provided.

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  • #2
Strengthening (or hardening) by annealing occurs with solution annealing, precipitation (hardening) annealing or spinoidal decomposition. Alloy systems typical have specific thermal hardening mechanisms. No 18- Thermal Strengthening Mechanisms.pdf

See also Effect of Heat Treating on Superalloy Properties

See also Age hardening

See more on strengthening mechanisms here -
  • #3
Thank you very much for your help! That is exactly what I needed to make it make sense to me.

I am taking a metallurgy class on heat treatment, metal forming, and powder processing. Unfortunately, I am not grasping the material very well and the information my professor is offering assumes I know far more than I actually know! He moves far beyond my scope of comprehension at this point. Again, thank you so much for your help.

On a similar topic, while I was trying to learn more on this, I came across the Burgers vector. Do you know of anywhere I can get more information on this? The math on that seems to turn my brain into the equivalent of marshmallows in the microwave.

Again, thank you for your help.
  • #4
Burger's vector is related to dislocations in crystalline materials, and both are part of the fundamental knowledge of metallurgy.

Dislocations are imperfections in the otherwise ordered array of the atomic lattice. Burger's vector "quantifies the difference between the distorted lattice around the dislocation and the perfect lattice." [this site has a pop-up that my browser blocks]

It's relatively straightforward in 2 dimensions (x,y), but it can be a bit more challenging in 3D.

Different authors may use different methods to describe it, and some methods are not so straightforward.
  • #5
hot metals are not typically "stronger" than those at room temperature because at higher temperatures, the atoms in the material have more energy and are able to move more freely. This results in weaker bonds between the atoms and a decrease in strength. However, in some materials, such as nickel based super-alloys, the increase in temperature can cause a phenomenon called "strain hardening" which actually increases the strength of the material. This is because at higher temperatures, the material experiences more plastic deformation, which leads to a rearrangement of the atoms and an increase in dislocations. These dislocations act as barriers to the movement of other dislocations, making the material stronger. Additionally, the high temperatures can also cause chemical reactions within the material, forming intermetallic compounds that can increase strength. Coatings can also play a role in increasing strength, as they can provide a barrier against oxidation and corrosion, which can weaken the material. Overall, the increased strength of nickel based super-alloys at high temperatures is due to a combination of strain hardening, chemical reactions, and protective coatings.

FAQ: Service temperature increases material strength?

1. How does an increase in service temperature affect the strength of materials?

As the temperature of a material increases, its strength decreases. This is because at higher temperatures, the atoms in the material have more energy and are able to move more freely, making the material more prone to deformation or failure.

2. What is the maximum temperature that a material can withstand before its strength begins to decrease?

The maximum temperature that a material can withstand before its strength begins to decrease varies depending on the type of material. Some materials, such as metals, can withstand high temperatures without significant loss of strength, while others, like plastics, have much lower maximum service temperatures.

3. How does the rate of temperature increase affect the strength of materials?

If a material is exposed to a sudden increase in temperature, its strength may decrease more rapidly compared to a gradual increase in temperature. This is because a sudden change in temperature can cause thermal shock, which can lead to cracks or fractures in the material.

4. Can a material regain its strength after being exposed to high service temperatures?

In some cases, a material may be able to regain some of its strength after being exposed to high service temperatures. This is known as creep recovery and occurs when the material is allowed to cool down and the atoms are able to rearrange themselves into a more stable structure.

5. Are there any materials that become stronger at higher service temperatures?

There are some materials, such as certain types of ceramics, that can actually become stronger at higher service temperatures. This is because their crystal structure can change at high temperatures, allowing them to withstand greater forces without deformation or failure.
