Short Change Resonance of a Damped, driven oscillator

In summary, if both the spring constant k and mass m are doubled while the damping constant b and driving force magnitude F0 remain unchanged, the curve showing average power P(ω) will become narrower at the same frequency (option a). This is because the frequency (ω) is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass and directly proportional to the square root of the spring constant. Doubling both m and k will result in a smaller ω, making the curve narrower. This can also be seen by examining the equation of motion, where the coefficient of the ω term is inversely proportional to the mass and directly proportional to the square root of the spring constant. Therefore, doubling both m and k will result in a smaller
  • #1

Homework Statement

If both k of the spring and m are doubled while the damping constant b and driving force magnitude F0 are kept unchanged, what happens to the curve, which shows average power P(ω)?

Does the curve:
a) The curve becomes narrower (smaller ω) at the same frequency;
b) The curve becomes narrower at a higher frequency;
c) The curve becomes broader (larger ω) at the same frequency
d) The curve becomes broader at a different frequency;
e) The curve does not change;

The Attempt at a Solution

Equation of motion is:

Conceptually, it seems that the amount of power would not necessarily change of k is doubled as is the mass. It also seems that since k/m = ω^2, Δω shouldn't change. Not sure if this is correct.
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  • #2
There's a typographical error in the first term of your equation of motion. After fixing that, divide the equation through by the mass m. Examine the coefficients of each term and determine how the formula for average power would be modified if m and k are doubled.

FAQ: Short Change Resonance of a Damped, driven oscillator

1. What is the significance of the "short change resonance" phenomenon in a damped, driven oscillator?

The short change resonance refers to a phenomenon in which the amplitude of a damped, driven oscillator is maximized when the driving frequency is slightly higher than the natural frequency of the oscillator. This occurrence is significant because it allows for efficient energy transfer between the driving force and the oscillator, resulting in a large amplitude response.

2. How does damping affect the short change resonance of a driven oscillator?

The amount of damping in a driven oscillator affects the frequency at which the short change resonance occurs. Higher levels of damping will shift the peak of the resonance curve to a lower frequency, while lower levels of damping will result in a higher frequency for the peak. This is due to the fact that damping decreases the amplitude of the oscillator, making it less responsive to changes in driving frequency.

3. Can the short change resonance be observed in systems other than mechanical oscillators?

Yes, the short change resonance phenomenon can be observed in a variety of systems, including electrical circuits, acoustic systems, and even biological systems. Any system that exhibits oscillatory behavior and is subject to a driving force can potentially experience short change resonance.

4. Why is the short change resonance often referred to as an "energy pumping" effect?

The term "energy pumping" is used to describe the short change resonance phenomenon because it involves the transfer of energy from the driving force to the oscillator. As the driving frequency approaches the natural frequency of the oscillator, the amplitude of the oscillator increases, effectively "pumping" energy into the system.

5. Are there any practical applications for the short change resonance phenomenon?

Yes, the short change resonance effect has several practical applications, including in the design of mechanical and electrical systems. It can be used to optimize energy transfer and improve the efficiency of these systems. Additionally, short change resonance has been studied in biological systems, such as the respiratory system, to better understand the mechanisms underlying certain physiological processes.

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