Calculating Jet Drag and Maximum Speed in Level Flight

In summary, the conversation discusses a question about the relationship between altitude and speed in a plane. The conversation provides a formula for calculating the drag and lift at different altitudes, and suggests using a linear graph to determine the change in air density at a decrease of 500m. The conversation also mentions the possibility of using a constant multiplier to slow the maximum speed of the plane at lower altitudes with denser air.
  • #1
Hey, first post. I've been searching around everywhere but I am yet to come up with an an equation or theorem that relateds altitude to speed and the forces that act on a plane (thrust, weight etc). I am perhaps assuming that, in at least this question, the altitude of the plane doesn't affect it's speed if the forces stay the same? Anyway here it is

A business jet is traveling at a constant speed of 150 m/s while its engines provide a total thrust of 25 kN

a) If it is in level flight, what is the magnitude of the total drag on the jet? (I answered with 25 kN because since it was traveling at a constant speed and in level flight, drag = thrust)

b) If the jet reduces its altitude by 500m, what would be the new maximum possible speed of the jet? (This is the one I'm stuck on. The question doesn't specify the actual altitude of the plane so I've come to think that it is a bit of a trick question and the max speed is still 150 m/s because the altitude is irrelevant if the forces stay the same?)

Hopefully someone can help me out with question b)...and question a) if I buggered that one up too.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF, Dave. I'm no aero expert (by any means), but I'd start by calculating the difference in air density for each 500m change in altitude. If it's a constant multiplier (I don't know if it is, but it's a possibility), then use that multiplier to slow the max speed by the same ratio. Air resistance has several non-linear terms, I believe (again, I don't know the details), but presumably at least the first linear term would be a simplified answer to this question. Do you have a way to check this answer?
  • #3

a is correct because if there was either more or less drag than thrust the plane would be accelerating (slowing or speeding up).

b however is not correct. True the forces stay the same, but the air is thicker at lower altitude so the plane will move slower since with denser air the same amount of drag can be generated at lower speeds. The author or your instructor is probably assuming a constant change in air density. Look for a formula relating air density with altitude and air density with drag.
  • #4
Thanks for the help guys. Okay I've done what you said berkeman by calculating the air density and lift value for 500 m increments using a handy tool on the NASA website

I plotted the values into Excel and the graphs of altitude vs density AND altitude vs lift were both linear. I'm not sure how to deal with it now though. I somehow need to get some values for drag here which in this case equal the thrust values and then i need to work out the new max speed.

On the NASA site (link above) it said that if you halve the density you halve the drag. The problem here is I'm not given a starting altitude, I'm simply told to reduce it by 500m. The equation given for density vs drag on the NASA site is Drag = Constant * Density.

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction here.
  • #5
Oh and here is the attached excel spreadsheet with the graphs I made about intervals of 500 m as suggested by berkeman. Hopefully it is of some use.


  • altitude vs lift vs
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  • #6

Anyone got any help for this? I still haven't been able to find an answer yet I don't think it'd actually be that hard. I was assuming a simple formula would do the trick as the rest of the questions on the sheet were relatively easy.
  • #7
Here's what I would do as a first shot since this question statement seems to be missing a lot of info:

Calculate the percentage change in density after decreasing 500m. You have this as the slope of the density-altitude plot (it helps a lot that it is linear). Then simply multiply the top speed by the inverse of that percentage. The density should increase, say by 10%. That would mean multiply the top speed by (110%)^-1.

It's silly, but since the actual problem is much more complicated than that, this seems like what they may want you to do.

FAQ: Calculating Jet Drag and Maximum Speed in Level Flight

1. How does airfoil shape affect aerodynamics?

The shape of an airfoil greatly affects its aerodynamic performance. A curved or cambered airfoil creates lift by having a longer path for air to travel on the top surface, causing it to move faster and creating a pressure difference that produces lift. A flat or symmetrical airfoil does not create as much lift, but is more stable at high speeds.

2. What is the difference between lift and drag?

Lift is the upward force generated by the airfoil and is perpendicular to the direction of motion, while drag is the force that opposes motion and acts in the same direction as the airflow. Lift is necessary for flight, while drag can slow down an aircraft.

3. How do factors like speed and angle of attack affect aerodynamics?

Speed and angle of attack (the angle between the airfoil and the direction of motion) greatly affect aerodynamics. As speed increases, so does lift, but drag also increases. A higher angle of attack can increase lift, but too high of an angle can cause stalling, where lift decreases and drag increases dramatically.

4. How do different air densities affect aerodynamics?

Air density can affect aerodynamics in a few ways. In denser air, there is more molecules for the airfoil to interact with, creating more drag. However, denser air also creates more lift, as there is more air to be deflected by the airfoil.

5. What is the role of the center of pressure in aerodynamics?

The center of pressure is the point along the chord of an airfoil where the resultant aerodynamic force acts. It is important for stability and control of an aircraft, as it determines how the aircraft will respond to control inputs. A properly placed center of pressure is crucial for safe and efficient flight.
