Simple/Basic Example on Wedge Products

So##dx\wedge dy = dx\wedge dy##.Just a note: This conversation was discussing wedge products of differential forms, specifically in the context of O'Neill's text on Elementary Differential Geometry. The conversation was summarized by explaining the steps and justifications used in an example from the text and providing relevant definitions and theorems. The reader was also provided with additional information and context from the text itself.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Barrett O'Neil's book: Elementary Differential Geometry ...

I need help with fully understanding the example on wedge products of differential forms in O'Neill's text on page 31 in Section 1.6 ..The example reads as follows:
I do not follow the computations in this example ... can someone please explain (in very simple terms) how the example "works" ... essentially how do we justify each step in the reasoning ...Particularly puzzling for me is the following ... ...... in the first equation (equation *) we find

[itex]d(fg \ dx \ dy ) = \partial (fg) / \partial z \ dz \ dx \ dy [/itex]

How is this step justified?... then I find all the steps in the second and third equations puzzling as well ...

Can someone explain and justify the steps in the example in terms of O'Neill's Definitions, Theorems and Lemma's ... ...To give readers of this post the context, notation and necessary Definitions, Theorems and Lemma's, I am providing the text of Section 1.6: Differential Forms ... ... as follows ... ...





  • O'Neill - EXAMPLE on page 31 - Wedge Products of Differential Forms.png
    O'Neill - EXAMPLE on page 31 - Wedge Products of Differential Forms.png
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  • O'Neill - 1 - Section 1.6 - page 28 - Differential Forms - PART 1     .png
    O'Neill - 1 - Section 1.6 - page 28 - Differential Forms - PART 1 .png
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  • O'Neill - 2 - Section 1.6 - page 29 - Differential Forms - PART 2     .png
    O'Neill - 2 - Section 1.6 - page 29 - Differential Forms - PART 2 .png
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  • O'Neill - 3 - Section 1.6 - page 30 - Differential Forms - PART 3     .png
    O'Neill - 3 - Section 1.6 - page 30 - Differential Forms - PART 3 .png
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  • O'Neill - 4 - Section 1.6 - page 31 - Differential Forms - PART 4      .png
    O'Neill - 4 - Section 1.6 - page 31 - Differential Forms - PART 4 .png
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  • #2
Thanks for the interesting post. I have never worked with wedge products before, but I think I can help you tear this one apart.
Using the definition of the exterior derivative see 6.3 and definition 5.2 (not included):
##d(fg \partial x \partial y ) = d(fg) \wedge \partial x \partial y##
##d(fg) = \frac{\partial (fg)}{\partial x } \partial x + \frac{\partial (fg)}{\partial y } \partial y+ \frac{\partial (fg)}{\partial z} \partial z.##
Using the rule about repeats being zero, you can drop the ##\partial x## and ## \partial y## terms.
This gives you:
##d(fg \partial x \partial y ) = \frac{\partial (fg)}{\partial z} \partial z \wedge \partial x \partial y.##

For the second equation:
##d(f \partial x ) =df \wedge \partial x\\
\quad = \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial x } \partial x + \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial y } \partial y+ \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial z} \partial z \wedge \partial x \\
\quad =\frac{\partial (f)}{\partial y } \partial y \partial x+ \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial z} \partial z \partial x ##
Then looking at
##d(f \partial x )\wedge g\partial y ##
gives you:
##d(f \partial x )\wedge g\partial y = \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial y } \partial y \partial x+ \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial z} \partial z \partial x \wedge g\partial y\\
\quad = \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial y } g \partial y \partial x \partial y + \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial z} g \partial z \partial x \partial y ##
Eliminating the duplicate partial y, you get:
##d(f \partial x )\wedge g\partial y= \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial z} g \partial z \partial x \partial y\\
\quad = - \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial z} g \partial x \partial z \partial y\\
\quad = \frac{\partial (f)}{\partial z} g \partial x \partial y\partial z##

For the third equation, the process is about the same.
  • #3
Hi RUber ... thanks for the help ... appreciate it ...

Just a question about the justification for

[itex] d(fg \ \partial x \partial y ) = d(fg) \ \wedge \ \partial x \partial y [/itex]

or, in the notation of O'Neil ... ...

[itex] d(fg \ dx dy ) = d(fg) \ \wedge \ dx dy [/itex]

Now you quote Definition 6.3 ( I cannot see the relevance of Definition 5.2 ? maybe you can help ...)

Definition 6.3 says that if we have a 1-form [itex] \phi = \sum f_i \ dx_i [/itex] then [itex] d \phi = \sum df_i \ \wedge dx_i [/itex]

Now how do we get 6.3 about 1-forms to apply to a situation about 1-forms ... I'm not sure ...

It does not solve my problem ... but to get closer to apply 6.3 we can put [itex] fg = F [/itex] and then try to apply 6.3 ...but how do we deal with the fact that we are dealing with [itex] dx \ dy[/itex] and not just [itex] dx [/itex] ... I guess we could write [itex] dX = dx \ dy [/itex] ... but could we then legitimately use 6.3 ...

Can you help?

  • #4
The general definition of the exterior derivative of a wedge product of two differential forms is

##d(α∧β) = dα∧β =
+ (-1)^{p}α∧dβ## where ##α## is a ##p##-form.

For a zero form - i.e. a function - the wedge is omitted since it is just scalar multiplication for zero forms.

##dxdy## is really ##dx∧dy## so

##d(fdxdy) = d(f∧(dx∧dy)) = df∧(dx∧dy) + (-1)^{0}f∧d(dx∧dy) =df∧(dx∧dy) + f(d^{2}x∧dy - x∧d^{2}y)##
## = df∧(dx∧dy) = df∧dxdy##

since ##d^2## is zero always.
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  • #5
Thanks for you help, Lavinia ... most helpful ...

... BUT ... just a clarification ... (perhaps just a detail. but anyway ...)

How exactly do you get [itex] d(f \ dx \ dy ) = d ( f \ \wedge \ (dx \ \wedge \ dy ) [/itex] ... ... ?

I can see that if [itex] dx \ dy = dx \ \wedge \ dy [/itex] that we would have

[itex] d ( f \ dx \ dy ) = d ( f \ dx \ \wedge \ dy ) [/itex] ... ...
  • #6
Wedge product with a zero form is just scalar multiplication - by definition. The wedge is usually left out for zero forms but this is just a notational convenience.
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FAQ: Simple/Basic Example on Wedge Products

1. What are wedge products and how do they work?

Wedge products are a mathematical concept used in vector calculus and differential geometry. They are a way of multiplying two vectors to obtain a new vector, which is perpendicular to both input vectors. This operation is also known as the exterior product.

2. What is the geometric interpretation of wedge products?

The geometric interpretation of wedge products is the creation of a parallelogram, with the two input vectors as its sides, and the resulting vector as its area. This area is also known as the wedge product of the two vectors.

3. How are wedge products different from dot products?

Wedge products and dot products are two different operations used with vectors. While dot products result in a scalar value, wedge products result in a vector. Additionally, dot products are commutative (order does not matter), while wedge products are not.

4. Can wedge products be extended to higher dimensions?

Yes, wedge products can be extended to higher dimensions. In three-dimensional space, wedge products result in a vector, but in higher dimensions, they can result in a plane or even a higher-dimensional space.

5. What are some practical applications of wedge products?

Wedge products have many practical applications in physics, engineering, and computer science. They are used in areas such as mechanics, electromagnetism, and computer graphics to calculate forces, moments, and areas. They are also used in the study of manifolds and differential forms in mathematics.
