How Does a Car's Stopping Distance Change on a Downhill Slope?

  • Thread starter positive infinity
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In summary, the conversation discusses the stopping distance of a car on a level road at 80km/hr and how it would change on a downhill incline with a grade of 1:10. The conversation also includes calculations for the angle of incline, converting units, and resolving forces. The final equation used is vxf^2=Vxi^2+2ax(xf-xi) with the coefficient of friction, resulting in a final answer of 36.8m.
  • #1
positive infinity
Hey hows everyone well I'm busting my brain over this problem,

On a level road the stopping distance for a certain car going 80km/hr is 32.0m. What would be the stopping distance for this car when going downhill on a 1:10 grade? A grade of 1:10 means the elevation drops 1.0m for a foward travel of 10.0m along the roadway. Take the coefficient of friction on both the level road and the hill to be the same.

Now here's what I did, I found out the angle of the incline by using Sin-1 of 1\10 which is .1 which came out to be 5.74degrees. I then convereted the 80km/hr to m/s by 80km/hr*1000m\1km*1hr\60min*1min\60s = 22.2m/s. Then I used the formula vxf^2=Vxi^2+2ax(xf-xi), the final velocity and initial distance are both zero so I get 0=Vxi^2+2ax(xf). I think this is where I went wrong I added Sin(5.74) so it looks like this Vix^2+Sin(5.74)\2(μkg). The book says to convert 2ax to 2(μkg). g being gravity (9.8m/s^2). I found the coefficient of friction which came out to 0.787, So my final work was 22.2^2+Sin(5.74)\2(0.787*9.8)=32.0m which is the same in a straight as in the problem but the answer he gave us is 36.8? Some one please help me It would be much appriciated!
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  • #2
First of all the angle of incline would be given by [itex]\tan^{-1}\frac{1}{10}[/itex]. A grade of 1:10 means that for every 10 meters traveled horizontally forward, the elevation drops one meter.

  • #3
the angle comes out to 5.71 which is almost the same, I tried that as well and if you add 1m to every 10m the answer is always the same .1 so I'm not sure how it would make a difference if used 1:10? so I'm still confused, also does anyone know if my formula is correct?
  • #4
You need to start by resolving forces. While traveling down the incline a component of gravity will by acting down the slope on the car accelerating it. So you need to resolve the gravitational force so that it is parallel to the incline.

Also note that the equation for friction is [itex]Fr = \mu R[/itex] and not [itex]Fr = \mu mg[/itex], becuase the car is on a inclined plane, [itex]R \not{=} mg [/itex].

  • #5
First find the friction coefficiant with the flat road. Then use this value to find the distance on the hill with the Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2*a*x.

FAQ: How Does a Car's Stopping Distance Change on a Downhill Slope?

1. What is a skid on an incline problem?

A skid on an incline problem refers to a physics problem in which an object is sliding or skidding on an inclined surface. This problem typically involves determining the forces acting on the object and calculating its motion.

2. How do you solve a skid on an incline problem?

To solve a skid on an incline problem, you need to first identify all the forces acting on the object, including gravity, normal force, and friction. Then, you can use Newton's Second Law of Motion to calculate the acceleration of the object. Finally, use equations of motion to determine the object's position and velocity at a given time.

3. What factors affect the skid on an incline problem?

The factors that affect the skid on an incline problem include the mass of the object, the angle of the incline, the coefficient of friction between the object and the surface, and any external forces acting on the object.

4. How does the angle of the incline affect the skid on an incline problem?

The angle of the incline affects the skid on an incline problem by changing the magnitude and direction of the forces acting on the object. A steeper incline will result in a larger component of the force of gravity acting along the incline, which can increase the object's acceleration and speed.

5. What is the coefficient of friction and how does it impact the skid on an incline problem?

The coefficient of friction is a measure of the amount of resistance between two surfaces in contact. It can impact the skid on an incline problem by determining the amount of friction acting on the object, which in turn affects its motion. A higher coefficient of friction will result in more resistance and slower motion, while a lower coefficient of friction will result in less resistance and faster motion.

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