Solid Elasticity, Steel Rod shortening

In summary, we have a steel rod with density ρ = 7,90 kg/m^3 and length L = 6,00m. Its surface area A is a circle with radius r=0,04m and Young modulus E=2,1 \cdot 10^{11}. When lifted vertically, the rod shortens by 1,33 \cdot 10^-5 m under its own weight, which is half of the calculated value due to the non-constant stress and strain in the bar.
  • #1

Homework Statement

We have a steel rod with density [itex]ρ = 7,90 kg/m^3[/itex]. When it's horizontally on the floor, it's length is [itex]L = 6,00m[/itex]. The rods surface area [itex]A[/itex] is a circle with radius [itex] r=0,04m[/itex]. Steel has Young modulus [itex]E=2,1 \cdot 10^{11}[/itex]

Now the rod is lifted up so it's vertically straight. How much does the rod shorten [itex]\Delta L = ?[/itex] under it's own weight.

Homework Equations

Longitudinal deformation: [itex]\frac{F}{A} = E \frac{\Delta L}{L}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Problem is easy I assume. I'm not just sure is the force that causes the shortening [itex]F= Mg[/itex] where [itex]M=ρ\pi r^2 L[/itex]

I was thinking that we have infinitely small disc(s) with area [itex]A[/itex] and height [itex]dL[/itex]. Now each disc would feel a force due to it's weight [itex]dm \cdot g[/itex].
And now intergrating through the whole rod (From 0 to [itex]L[/itex]) we would get
[tex]∫dm \cdot g = ∫ (ρ \pi r^2 g) dL = ρ\pi r^2 g L = Mg[/tex]

Now we get [tex]\Delta L = \frac{FL}{AE} = \frac{ρgL^2}{E} = 1,33 \cdot 10^-5 m[/tex].
So the shortening would be independent of the area which I hugely doubt? Especially as we are given the radius. And our teacher has never put "too much info" in the description to trick us. If anyone could expain it with words or thru math I would really appericate it.

Sincerely yours,
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  • #2
Your answer is basically correct (the radius is not relevant), except for one thing. The strain in the bar is not constant from end to end. The stress and strain in the bar are zero at the top, and are maximum at the bottom (where the entire weight is supported). On average, the stress is only half the weight divided by the area. Therefore, the change in length is only half of what you calculated.
  • #3
Okey, that makes sense. I mean I can understand it through symmetry that F is not constant and the [itex]\Delta L [/itex] is half. But mathematically, is it right like this:

[tex]\Delta L = ∫\frac{L}{AE}dF = ∫\frac{L}{\pi r^2E}gρ\pi r^2 dL = ∫\frac{ρg}{E} L dL = \frac{ρgL^2}{2E} [/tex]

I'm really sorry, my understanding of intergrating could be better but I try to improve!
  • #4
Siune said:
Okey, that makes sense. I mean I can understand it through symmetry that F is not constant and the [itex]\Delta L [/itex] is half. But mathematically, is it right like this:

[tex]\Delta L = ∫\frac{L}{AE}dF = ∫\frac{L}{\pi r^2E}gρ\pi r^2 dL = ∫\frac{ρg}{E} L dL = \frac{ρgL^2}{2E} [/tex]

I'm really sorry, my understanding of intergrating could be better but I try to improve!

The local compressive stress is ρgL, where L is distance measured downward. The local compressive strain is ε =ρgL/E. The local differential of compressed length is (1 - e)dL. The local differential length shortening is εdL = (ρgL/E)dL. This agrees with the last part of your equation. So your overall final equation is correct.
  • #5
Thank you Chestermiller. That local stress were "new concept" for me, but makes sense.
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FAQ: Solid Elasticity, Steel Rod shortening

1. What is solid elasticity?

Solid elasticity is the property of a material to regain its original shape after being deformed by an external force. This is due to the material's ability to store and release energy in response to the applied force.

2. How does a steel rod shorten?

A steel rod shortens when it is subjected to a compressive force along its length. This force causes the atoms in the steel to move closer together, resulting in a decrease in the length of the rod.

3. What factors affect the shortening of a steel rod?

The shortening of a steel rod can be affected by the material properties of the steel, such as its elasticity and strength, as well as the magnitude and direction of the applied force. The temperature and environment in which the rod is placed can also play a role.

4. How can we measure the amount of shortening in a steel rod?

The amount of shortening in a steel rod can be measured by using a device called a strain gauge, which measures the change in length of the rod. Other techniques such as optical or acoustic methods can also be used.

5. What are some practical applications of studying solid elasticity and steel rod shortening?

Understanding solid elasticity and steel rod shortening is important in various engineering fields, such as construction, automotive, and aerospace. It allows for the design and analysis of structures and machines that can withstand compressive forces without failure. Additionally, it is also relevant in the study of earthquakes and materials used in seismic-resistant structures.
