Solid State Physics | electrons | thermal conduction

In summary, thermal conduction refers to the transfer of thermal heat through the movement of electrons. Electrons carry a net energy in this process, but not a net current. This is because current involves the rate of change of net current, which is not applicable in the case of thermal conduction. The term "net" is used to indicate the overall energy being carried by the electrons.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Explain why electrons carry a net energy but not a net current in the case of thermal conduction.

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The Attempt at a Solution


Please help me understand this!
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  • #2
Focus on the basics to start with:
What does "thermal conduction" mean in this case?
What would a "net current" involve?
  • #3
I believe thermal conduction means the transition of thermal heat via the electron gas, and net current would be the obvious: dI/dt
  • #4
##dI/dt## would be the rate of change of net current. A net current would be ##I=dQ/dt## But what does that mean in terms of the motion of electrons? Why "net" current - why not just "current"?

What does "thermal conduction" mean in terms of the motion of electrons?
Why "net" energy? Why not just say they "carry energy"?
  • #5

In solid state physics, thermal conduction refers to the transfer of heat energy through a material due to the movement of particles. In this case, the particles responsible for carrying heat energy are the electrons. However, unlike in electrical conduction, where electrons also carry a net electric current, in thermal conduction, electrons only carry a net energy.

This can be explained by the fact that in thermal conduction, electrons are not moving in a particular direction as they do in electrical conduction. Instead, they are moving randomly and colliding with other particles in the material. These collisions result in the transfer of energy from one electron to another, causing a net flow of heat energy through the material.

Furthermore, in thermal conduction, the electrons do not have a preferred direction of movement, as they do in electrical conduction where they are guided by an electric field. Therefore, there is no net movement of electrons in a particular direction, and hence no net current.

In summary, in the case of thermal conduction, electrons carry a net energy due to their random movement and collisions with other particles, but they do not carry a net current as there is no preferred direction of movement.

FAQ: Solid State Physics | electrons | thermal conduction

What is Solid State Physics?

Solid State Physics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of the physical properties of solid materials, such as crystals, semiconductors, and metals. It focuses on understanding the behavior of atoms and electrons within these materials and how they contribute to their macroscopic properties.

How do electrons contribute to the properties of solid materials?

Electrons are the fundamental particles responsible for the electrical and thermal properties of solid materials. They determine the material's ability to conduct electricity and heat, as well as its magnetic and optical properties. The arrangement and behavior of electrons in a solid material determine its overall properties.

What is thermal conduction in solid materials?

Thermal conduction is the transfer of heat through a material by the movement of its particles. In solid materials, thermal conduction occurs through the transfer of kinetic energy from one atom to another through collisions. The rate of thermal conduction is influenced by factors such as the material's atomic structure, temperature, and electron behavior.

What is the relationship between electrons and thermal conduction in solid materials?

The movement of electrons in a solid material plays a crucial role in thermal conduction. As electrons move through the material, they collide with atoms, transferring kinetic energy and causing them to vibrate. These vibrations then propagate through the material, contributing to its overall thermal conductivity.

How does temperature affect the behavior of electrons in solid materials?

Temperature has a significant impact on the behavior of electrons in solid materials. As temperature increases, electrons gain more energy, allowing them to move more freely and contribute to thermal conduction. However, at very low temperatures, the behavior of electrons can become more ordered, leading to phenomena such as superconductivity.
