Volume of Solids of Revolution: y=sqrt(6x+4) & y=2x

You need to simplify this a little. That constant "1/36" can be pulled out of the second integral and the first integral can be simplified using the power rule.
  • #1
Mr. Snookums
Find the volume formed by rotating the area contained by y=sqrt(6x+4), the y-axis and the line y=2x about the y-axis. Set up, but do not evaluate the integral.

First I graphed it, then did the "washer" method of finding the area of the circle formed, and found that the radius is (y/2-sqrt[(y^2-4)/6]. Is this right?

I then found the height, which would be sqrt(y/2-sqrt[(y^2-4)/6], wouldn't it?

Then the answer is: the integral from 0 to 4 of pi times the radius squared, times the height times dy.

I don't have an answer key, but could someone help me with this?
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  • #2
Do you have to use the washer method? I think it would be easier to use cylindrical shells.

Mr. Snookums said:
Find the volume formed by rotating the area contained by y=sqrt(6x+4), the y-axis and the line y=2x about the y-axis. Set up, but do not evaluate the integral.

First I graphed it, then did the "washer" method of finding the area of the circle formed, and found that the radius is (y/2-sqrt[(y^2-4)/6]. Is this right?
Wrong. First of all, if your solving [itex] y = \sqrt{6x + 4}[/itex] for x, the answer is not [itex] x = \sqrt{\frac{y^2 -4}{6}}[/itex], (where did the square root come from?)

Secondly, there is no one "radius." The volume for a washer is given by,
[tex]V = \pi[(\mbox{outer radius})^2 - (\mbox{inner radius})^2)] * (\mbox{thickness}) [/tex]
You want to find functions for the "outer radius" and the "inner radius." (Be careful, these might not be the same over your whole interval of integration)

I then found the height, which would be sqrt(y/2-sqrt[(y^2-4)/6], wouldn't it?
Where do you get "height" from. The formula for the volume of a washer is
[tex]V = \pi[(\mbox{outer radius})^2 - (\mbox{inner radius})^2)] * (\mbox{thickness}) [/tex]

I think it would help if you went over some examples from your textbook.
Here is an example of the washer method when rotated about the x-axis.
Go to example 5 under heading "washers" http://faculty.eicc.edu/bwood/math150supnotes/supplemental26.html
your book should have a better example (hopefully)
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  • #3
Mr. Snookums said:
Find the volume formed by rotating the area contained by y=sqrt(6x+4), the y-axis and the line y=2x about the y-axis. Set up, but do not evaluate the integral.

First I graphed it, then did the "washer" method of finding the area of the circle formed, and found that the radius is (y/2-sqrt[(y^2-4)/6]. Is this right?
No, it's not. The graph of y= sqrt(6x+4) does not cross the x-axis until y=sqrt(6(0)+ 4)= 2. From y= 0 to y= 2, the radius will be just x= y/2. From y=2 to y= 4, the [area] is given by [itex]\pi ((y/2)^2- (y^2-4)^2/6^2) (no squareroot as nocturnal said).

I then found the height, which would be sqrt(y/2-sqrt[(y^2-4)/6], wouldn't it?

Then the answer is: the integral from 0 to 4 of pi times the radius squared, times the height times dy.

I don't have an answer key, but could someone help me with this?
The height? Did you look at the units on your formula? "Radius squared" would have units of distance^2, "times the height time dy" since "height" (I'm not sure which height you mean here) and dy both have units of distance, you "area" would have units of distance^4 !

The volume you are looking for is
[tex]\pi\int_0^2\frac{y^2}{4}dy+ \pi\int_2^4(\frac{y^2}{4}-\frac{(y^2-4)^2}{36}dy[/tex]

FAQ: Volume of Solids of Revolution: y=sqrt(6x+4) & y=2x

1. What is the formula for finding the volume of a solid of revolution?

The formula for finding the volume of a solid of revolution is V = π∫(f(x))^2 dx, where f(x) is the function representing the shape of the solid and the integral is taken from the start to the end of the solid.

2. How do I know if a solid of revolution is formed by rotating around the x-axis or y-axis?

If the function representing the shape of the solid is in terms of x, then the solid is formed by rotating around the x-axis. If the function is in terms of y, then the solid is formed by rotating around the y-axis.

3. What is the shape of the solid of revolution formed by y=sqrt(6x+4) & y=2x?

The shape of the solid of revolution formed by y=sqrt(6x+4) & y=2x is a cone with a circular base.

4. How do I find the limits of integration for calculating the volume of this solid of revolution?

The limits of integration can be found by setting the two given equations equal to each other and solving for the x-values where they intersect. These x-values will be the limits of integration for the integral.

5. Can I use any method other than integration to find the volume of a solid of revolution?

No, integration is the only method for finding the volume of a solid of revolution. Other methods such as finding the area of cross-sections or using the disk or washer method can also be used, but they ultimately involve integration.
