Solving simultaneous trigonometric equation

In summary, the conversation is about a person seeking help in solving two transcendental equations with multiple roots. They provide the equations and mention that the solutions involve using the sum difference formula for trigonometric functions. They also ask for the original problem for further assistance.
  • #1
how to solve
eqn1 = sin((alpha)*a)*cosh((alpha)*b)=sin(alpha)*a
eqn2 = sinh((alpha)*b)*cos((alpha)*a) = b*sin(alpha)
alpha = 0 to 2pi...

Find a & b...

Plz help me with any method that would help solving this...
Physics news on
  • #2
I can get it reduced to:[tex]\sin(\alpha x) = x \sin(\alpha)[/tex]

[tex]\sin(\alpha y) = y \sin(\alpha)[/tex]

[tex]x = a + (b/i) \quad \& \quad y= a - (b/i)[/tex]beyond that, I am a bit stuck. Anyone else?
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  • #3
What is that "h" in front of cos in the first equation and sin in the second equation?

Anyway, the solution is:

eq1 - eq2

Now use the sum difference formula

[tex]sin(u \pm v)=sinucosv \pm cosusinv[/tex]

and you got

[tex]sin(\alpha*a - \alpha*b) = (a-b)sin\alpha[/tex]




  • #4

Thank for ur reply,

Reply 1:
I will look into it... thanx...

Reply 2:
'h' means hyperbolic function... and the result u have showed is from where i started to get these equations... these are transcedental equations having many roots so that eqn formed at the end that you got is not solvable(that is i don't know to solve)... if you know any method please reply...

Thank you.
  • #5
Aaah... I see now...
Could you possibly provide me the original problem?

  • #6
Дьявол said:
Aaah... I see now...
Could you possibly provide me the original problem?


sinZ = C1*Z
Z = (\alpha)*(\lambda)
C1 =(+/-)[Sin(\alpha)] / (\alpha)

hence we get,

Sin((\alpha)*(\lambda)) = \lambda *sin(\alpha)

\lambda = a+ib

hence eqn1 and eqn2...

FAQ: Solving simultaneous trigonometric equation

1. How do I solve simultaneous trigonometric equations?

To solve simultaneous trigonometric equations, you will need to use a combination of algebraic manipulation and trigonometric identities. Start by isolating one of the variables in one of the equations, and then substitute it into the other equation. From there, use trigonometric identities to simplify the equation and solve for the remaining variable. Repeat this process with the other equations until you have values for all variables.

2. What are some common trigonometric identities used in solving simultaneous equations?

Some common trigonometric identities used in solving simultaneous equations include the Pythagorean identities, the double and half angle identities, and the sum and difference identities. It is important to be familiar with these identities and know when to apply them in order to simplify the equations.

3. Can simultaneous trigonometric equations have more than one solution?

Yes, simultaneous trigonometric equations can have more than one solution. This is because trigonometric functions are periodic, meaning they repeat their values after a certain interval. Therefore, it is possible for an equation to have multiple solutions that satisfy the given conditions.

4. What are some strategies for solving complex simultaneous trigonometric equations?

When dealing with complex simultaneous trigonometric equations, it can be helpful to use substitution, elimination, and the addition or subtraction of equations to simplify the equations. It is also important to pay attention to the given conditions and use them to your advantage when solving the equations.

5. Are there any online resources or tools that can help with solving simultaneous trigonometric equations?

Yes, there are several online resources and tools available for solving simultaneous trigonometric equations. These include step-by-step equation solvers, trigonometric identity calculators, and video tutorials. It is important to use these resources carefully and make sure you understand the steps and concepts behind the solutions provided.
