Special Relativity: Finding Particle Speed

In summary, the particle travels 23 000 light years from the reference of a galaxy in 30 years. In order to find the speed of the particle, the author tried to use time dilation and length contraction formulas, but he ended up with three unknowns and two equations. After thinking more, he made up another equation which solved the problem.
  • #1
I am doing a special relativity question.
I got a particle traveling at some speed v. It travels 20000 light years from reference of galaxy in 30 years from the reference of the particle.
I need to find the speed of the particle.
Well, i tried to use time dilation and length contraction formulas but i end up with 3 unknown and 2 equations.
So after thinking a little more i made up another equation:
30 years=Dialated length/velocity.
Of course the units were correct years into seconds and so on.
Then i bassicle get 2 v's, one inside the gamme and the other one on the bottom of the fraction, but the answer i get is C. So i made a mistake somewhere...any ideas?
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  • #2
Can you show some details of your work?
If you can think trigonometrically (using rapidities), the answer and its method of solution should become obvious.
  • #3
Geoff said:
So after thinking a little more i made up another equation:
30 years=Dialated length/velocity.
Nothing wrong with this approach. Can't tell where your mistake was unless you show more details. (I assume by "dilated length" you actually mean contracted length: the galactic distance traveled as measured in the particle frame.)
  • #4
well here is what i got:
Let say that time taken to go the distance in the frame of reference of a particle is T. and it is in seconds.
The contracted distance is not known to us but we do know that proper distance is D in meters.
Then we have
so we square it all
we got
v^2*T^2=d^2 - d^2*c^2/v^2
we need to solve for v, but to do that i will need to use power of 4...and i think that that is a good indicator that i am wrong...if anyone seeas a mistake in above logic please tell me other i will solve it out...but that seems about right that i do have a mistake in there.
  • #5
scratch my last response i made a mistake in there, but i am stil getting c...
here is how
assume t being time, and d being proper distance.
now since t^2 is so much smaller then d^2/c^2 it is insignificant
then when u solve u get c for the speed.
I think i might have messed something up
note that t is the time from the perpective of the partice, d is the distance from the inertial reference,and i need to know velocity of the particle.
Any ideas where i made a mistake?
note that proper distance is 23 000 light years and relative time is 30 years, that is why it is insignificant and does nothing
  • #6
well, Tv = d/gamma would lead to T^2 v^2 = d^2 ( 1 - v^2 / c^2) ...

you're deleting the only epsilon that distinguishes its speed from c.
(yea, it is really fast, apparently, but not quite that fast!)
just keep a few more digits.
  • #7
well sig figs will not affect it at all, i mean the diffrence between the 2 values is something like 10 ^10...there is no way to keep sig figs there...u sure that that is correct?
Basicly here is the initial problem, maybe i interpreted it incorrecly?
a particle travels 23 000 light years proper distance in 30 years from the particles frame of reference.
i need to find it;s speed, when i did as i said above it gives me practically almost c, without any use for sig figs since they are at a 10 ^10 off the mark...
  • #8
closer to 10^6 . write v/c = d(1-e)
  • #9
how did u get that v/c equation? and what is e?
sry for my stupid question:(
  • #10
that was a suggestion for you to try ... e , epsilon? is 0 << e << 1 ,
so you can expand sqrt(1-e) = 1 - e/2 , that sort of thing . yours is tc/d .
  • #11
how did u get there exectly?, because i don;t see how u can isolate v/c by itself...
i mean the sqrt(1-e) = 1 - e/2 that is an estimate right?
and why do u say e=tc/d should it not be v^2/c^2?
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  • #12
Here's how I'd do it:
[tex]L_0 / \gamma = v t[/tex]

Rewrite in terms of [itex]\beta = v/c[/itex]:
[tex](L_0/c) \sqrt{(1 - \beta^2)} = \beta t[/tex]
[tex](L_0/(ct)) \sqrt{(1 - \beta^2)} = (\beta)[/tex]

[tex](L_0/(ct))^2 (1 - \beta^2) = \beta^2[/tex]

Now just solve for [itex]\beta[/itex], saving your approximations for the last step.
  • #13
Here's my trig/rapidity solution:
cT=c(proper time)="hypotenuse of a [Minkowski]-right triangle"
L=(distance between earth-at-rest and galaxy-at-rest in Earth frame)="opposite leg"=cT*sinh(rapidity)=[itex]cT*\sinh(\theta) [/itex]
[itex]\beta=\tanh(\theta) [/itex]
[tex]\beta=\tanh\left(\sinh^{-1}\left(\displaystyle\frac{L}{cT}\right)\right) [/tex]
Spacetime Trigonometry:
[itex]\beta=\tanh(\theta) [/itex]
[itex]\gamma=\cosh(\theta) [/itex]
[itex]\beta\gamma=\sinh(\theta) [/itex]
Quiz: what is the interpretation of [itex]\exp(\theta)[/itex]?
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FAQ: Special Relativity: Finding Particle Speed

1. What is special relativity?

Special relativity is a theory developed by Albert Einstein in 1905 that describes the relationship between space and time in the absence of gravity. It is based on two main principles: the principle of relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and the constancy of the speed of light, which states that the speed of light is the same for all observers regardless of their relative motion.

2. What is the difference between special relativity and general relativity?

Special relativity deals with the relationship between space and time in the absence of gravity, while general relativity extends this theory to include the effects of gravity. General relativity also includes the concept of curved spacetime, which explains how gravity affects the path of objects in space.

3. How does special relativity affect our daily lives?

Special relativity has many practical applications in our daily lives, such as GPS technology, which uses the principles of special relativity to accurately calculate the position of objects on Earth. Special relativity also explains phenomena such as time dilation and length contraction, which have been observed in particle accelerators and high-speed spacecraft.

4. Is special relativity proven?

Special relativity has been extensively tested and confirmed through various experiments and observations. It has consistently provided accurate predictions and is considered one of the most well-supported theories in physics. However, like all scientific theories, it is subject to further testing and refinement as new evidence and technology become available.

5. Can special relativity be understood by the average person?

While special relativity may seem complex and difficult to understand at first, its main principles can be grasped by the average person with some effort and study. Many popular science books and videos are available to help explain the theory in simpler terms. However, a deep understanding of the mathematics behind special relativity requires a strong background in physics and mathematics.

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